Emperor Posted May 15, 2019 Share Posted May 15, 2019 Οκ, σύμφωνοι, αλλά όπως βλέπεις το παιδί απλά δεν μπορεί. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pepito Posted May 15, 2019 Share Posted May 15, 2019 Hey hey! Habla un poco de inglés por favor. It looks like some people fell for Russia's manipulations. Those that are uneducated or lento en la cabeza. North of the border from where I am, dumb Americans fell for Trump. The Russians are really screwing up the West. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Athens4 Posted May 16, 2019 Share Posted May 16, 2019 Έχουμε και δουλειές να 'ούμε. Δεν έχω κάποιο σκοπό να σε διαλύσω. Έχεις μια άποψη, άσχετα που δεν συμωνώ μαζί σου. Για να έχεις όμως αυτή την άποψη θα πρέπει να έχεις και τους λόγους σου. Όμως φίλε ukworm, μονο το Λονδίνο ψήφισε να παραμείνει στην ΕΕ. Όλοι οι άλλοι που ψήφισαν για έξοδο είναι άσχετοι δηλαδή; Μόνο το Λοδίνο έχει μορφωμένους και ωραίους; Φίλε @ukworm βρισκόμαστε σε διαφορετικά στάδια της ζωής. Εσυ φαντάζομαι έχεις οικογένεια, παιδί(α), σπίτι με δάνειο και άλλες τέτοιες υποχρεώσεις. Λογικό να σε φοβίζει μια τέτοια αλλαγή που είναι για όλους κάπως περίπλοκη/δύσκολη. Εγω απ'την άλλη δεν έχω παιδιά, δεν είμαι (ακόμα) παντρεμένος και υποσχέθηκα στον εαυτό μου οτι δεν πρόκειται ποτέ να υποκύψω στις τράπεζες και να πάρω δάνειο για σπίτι. Εαν ήμουνα εγώ στη θέση σου ίσως να πίστευα κι'εγω αυτα που πιστεύεις εσυ. Ίσως και οχι. Εγώ τα βλέπω αλλιώς. Εγώ βλέπω μια συμμορία (ΕΕ) που προσπαθεί να κατακτήσει την Ευρώπη με κάθε κόστος. Τώρα το τι κρύβεται πίσω απ'ολη αυτη την ιστορία είναι άλλη συζήτηση. Μια συζήτηση που ξέρω εαν θα μπορέσουμε κάνουμε γιατι έχει να κάνει με το τι πιστεύουμε οτι συμβαίνει στον κόσμο. (Masons. I'll leave it there). Σου'χω πεί ήδη για το City. Ετσι και φύγουν το 70% των τραπεζών (το οτι έχουνε μεταφερθεί άτομα απο Λονδίνο στη Φρανκφούρτη το ξέρω, δεν πρόκειται να εγκαταλείψουν ποτέ ομως το Λονδίνο, ολο και ενα γραφείο θα παραμείνει ανοιχτό) θα πρέπει να στήσουμε ενα πάρτι στο Monument. Για tariffs που λες, κι'αυτό πολύ δύσκολο. Πχ. τα κρασιά, τις σαμπάνιες και τα τυριά που παίρνουμε απο την Γαλλία θα ανεβούνε στη τιμή λες; Ξέρεις τι χρήμα θα χάσει η Γαλλία εαν γίνει αυτο; Δεν θα το επιτρέψει. Όσο για την Βόρεια Ιρλανδία, πολλοί λένε εδω και χρόνια να ενωθεί πάλι με την Ιρλανδία. Κι'γω θα υποστήριζα την ένωση. Ίσως τώρα να είναι μια καλή ευκαιρία να γίνει (που δεν θα γίνει αλλα τέλος πάντων). Κάθε καταστροφή (που δεν θα είναι, αλλα λέμε τώρα) είναι μια ευκαιρία να ξανακτήσεις κατι απο την αρχή (και να το κάνεις ακόμα καλύτερα). Δεν καταλαβαίνω γιατι ανησυχείς όμως. Το ξέρουμε και οι δυο οτι δεν πρόκειται να γίνει κανένα Brexit. Μας έχουνε ζαλίσει κάθε μέρα επίτεδες μέχρι να σιχαθούμε και να πόυμε "ασ'το ρε παιδιά, φτάνει πια, εντάξει δεν βγαίνουμε, επιτέλους λίγη ησυχία". Οι άλλοι στη Βουλή κοντράρονται για τις θέσεις τους ενώ φτιάχνουν κρυφές συμφωνίες μεταξύ τους ώστε το deal της Μεϊ να μη φίνει δεκτό. Γνωστό το παραμύθι. Γι'αυτό μην αγχώνεσαι αδερφέ. Όλα καλά θα πάνε. Θα παραμείνουμε στην ΕΕ. Υγ. Ποιά στερεοτυπικά συνθήματα βρε @Emperor ; Εσυ δηλαδή είσαι ευχαριστημένος μ'ολα αυτά που γίνονται στην Ελλάδα; Γουστάρεις που τα παιδιά και τα εγγόνια σου θα πρέπει να φύγουνε για το εξωτερικό ωστε να σωθούν; Γουστάρεις που η χώρα θα ανήκει σε Γερμανούς και τα νησιά μας θα πωλούνται σε ρώσους; Σου αρέσει να βλέπεις φίλους να αφήνουν την οικογένεια και τους φίλους και να φεύγουν για άλλες πολιτείες; Είναι ωραία να βλέπεις φοιτήτριες να πουλάνε τα κορμία τους για ενα γεύμα; Τότε ζήτω η Ευρώπη! Ζήτω η ΕΕ! Success story! Εϊμαστε πρόβατα για σφάξιμο. No wonder society is the way it is. We are all too bothered about staying safe, afraid of change, not offending anyone, not taking any risks and being the good little slaves that we all are. Too busy posting pictures on Instagram about a life that we don't really have and that we don't even like, sharing everything we do on Facebook, craving the attention we so desperately need to validate ourselves while the powers that be are laughing while taking control. So let's all just stay the same and never challenge anything. Let's just succumb without a fight because we're just too busy and scared to lose the few things that we have, which in the near future will not be worth anything anyway. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ukworm Posted May 17, 2019 Share Posted May 17, 2019 Έλα φίλε.... ΄΄Οντως η Αγγλία έβγαλε Leave. Αλλά για λάθος λόγους, επειδή η κυβέρνηση έχει ρημάξει το Βορρά και τα Midlands επί 30 χρόνια. Δεν έχει να κάνει όμως με την ΕΕ. Δες τη Γερμανία πόσο είναι de-centralised σα χώρα.... Ήταν επιλογή της Αγγλίας να το γυρίσει σε services να σκοτώσει τη βιομηχανία της και τελικά το χρήμα πήγε Λονδίνο. Και ο κόσμος αποφάσισε να εκδικηθεί για το inequality και ψήφισε Leave. Αλλά όπως είπα barking at the wrong tree. Apples and oranges. Kαι ΟΚ, δέχομαι την αντίδραση του κόσμου. Αλλά το θέμα έτσι όπως είναι ΄σήμερα τα πράγματα, όταν το 50% του GDP είναι banking, αν το διώξεις, η χώρα θα γίνει Σομαλία. Γιατί η χώρα ΔΕΝ παράγει πλέον τίποτα άλλο. Eίναι σα να πει η Ελλάδα, Τουρισμός τέλος. ΥΓ1 - Ακόμα και αν δεν αγοράσεις με mortgage, το rent θα πηγαίνει στην πληρωμή του mortgage του ιδιοκτήτη. Άρα....; Kαι εντάξει γιατί έχεις θέμα με τις τράπεζες; Τι σου έκαναν; Aν είσαι sensible και δε κάνεις βλακείες, βρίσκεις πολύ φθηνά interest rates πλέον. 2-3% δεν το λες και τοκογλυφία ρε φίλε.... YΓ2 - Τα tariffs θα μπουν φίλε if there is no deal. To VW θα είναι ακριβότερο στην Αγγλία, η Jaguar ακριβότερη στη Γαλλία. If these Co's decide not to pass on the extra cost to the customer in order to boost sales, that will hurt their bottom line, so they will have to cut costs elsewhere (=job losses). If they pass on extra cost to customers cars become more expensive, they sell less, less profit, job losses again. Either way, as I say, lose - lose..... ΥΓ3 - Σκωτία έβγαλε Remain γιατί σιχαίνεται την Αγγλία. Β. Ιρλανδία έβγαλε Remain γιατί οι protestants είναι περισσότεροι και σιχαίνονται τους Άγγλους. Η Ουαλία έβγαλε Leave και μετά κλαιγόταν όταν κατάλαβε ότι τα EU funds θα κοπούν (παίρνουν πολλά αυτοί). Υπάρχουν jokes για τους Ουαλούς. Αρχίζω να πιστεύω ότι ευσταθούν! @Athens4 φίλε αυτό που περιγράφεις για την Ελλάδα στο @Emperor υπάρχει σοβαρή περίπτωση να συμβεί στην Αγγλία αν πάμε σε Νο Deal... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ukworm Posted May 17, 2019 Share Posted May 17, 2019 (edited) Catholics sorry Edited May 17, 2019 by ukworm Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Athens4 Posted May 19, 2019 Share Posted May 19, 2019 What you’re saying is that the happiness and prosperity of our lives depend entirely on the EU. I refuse to even entertain this idea as I completely disagree with it. You are also accepting just what the gang wants you to think - that you are nothing without it. As I said, it’s a great idea on paper but a disaster in reality. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emperor Posted May 19, 2019 Share Posted May 19, 2019 Ποιο disaster ρε φίλε! Παρά τα προβλήματα της, η Ευρώπη παραμένει παγκοσμίως ιδανικός τόπος, στους περισσότερους τομείς, πχ κοινωνική πρόνοια, δημοκρατία, προστασία περιβάλλοντος, ευνομία, ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, κλπ. 3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Athens4 Posted May 19, 2019 Share Posted May 19, 2019 Δεν ξέρω για ποιά Ευρώπη μιλάς (ίσως σε ενα παράλληλο σύμπαν). Σίγουρα η Ευρώπη στην οποία ζούμε δεν έχει αυτα τα χαρακτηριστικά όμως. Εκτός κι'αν συγκρίνεις με Αραβίες και Ασίες, τότε εδω είναι σίγουρα καλύτερα. Βέβαια να προσφέρεις καλύτερο επίπεδο ζωής απο κατι Κίνες, Ιράν κλπ δεν είναι και τίποτα σπουδαίο. Δεν μου απάντησες για το μέλλον των παιδιών σου και την τωρινή κατάσταση στην Ελλάδα. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emperor Posted May 22, 2019 Share Posted May 22, 2019 Με τι να συγκρίνω ρε φίλε; Σε όλα αυτά που έγραψα παραπάνω (κοινωνική πρόνοια, δημοκρατία, προστασία περιβάλλοντος, ευνομία, ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, ασφάλεια, κλπ.) ποια περιοχή του κόσμου είναι καλύτερη από την Ευρώπη; Η Αφρική; Η Ρωσία; Η Ασία; Η Λατινική Αμερική; Οι ΗΠΑ; Η Μέση Ανατολή; Μην το ψάχνεις, ακριβώς όπως σου το έγραψα είναι: παρά τα προβλήματα, η Ευρώπη παραμένει η περιοχή με το καλύτερο βιοτικό επίπεδο. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ukworm Posted May 23, 2019 Share Posted May 23, 2019 On 5/20/2019 at 12:08 AM, Athens4 said: Δεν ξέρω για ποιά Ευρώπη μιλάς (ίσως σε ενα παράλληλο σύμπαν). Σίγουρα η Ευρώπη στην οποία ζούμε δεν έχει αυτα τα χαρακτηριστικά όμως. Εκτός κι'αν συγκρίνεις με Αραβίες και Ασίες, τότε εδω είναι σίγουρα καλύτερα. Βέβαια να προσφέρεις καλύτερο επίπεδο ζωής απο κατι Κίνες, Ιράν κλπ δεν είναι και τίποτα σπουδαίο. Δεν μου απάντησες για το μέλλον των παιδιών σου και την τωρινή κατάσταση στην Ελλάδα. Τι να σου απαντήσει;;; Όταν παίρναμε τα δανεικά και τα χαρισμένα από την Ευρώπη ήταν ωραία... Πιο πολλά Cayenne από το Λονδίνο είχε η Θεσσαλονίκη το 2007!!!! Ε τώρα ήρθε η ώρα του λογαριασμού. Το gang της Ευρώπης φταίει για την κάκιστη διαχείριση; Το gang της Ευρώπης φταιει που φαγώθηκαν δις; Το gang της Ευρώπης φταιει που έστελνε χρήμα και γίνονταν σκάφη και βίλες ή διορίζονταν χιλιάδες στο Δημόσιο για ψήφους; 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Athens4 Posted May 23, 2019 Share Posted May 23, 2019 1 hour ago, ukworm said: Τι να σου απαντήσει;;; Όταν παίρναμε τα δανεικά και τα χαρισμένα από την Ευρώπη ήταν ωραία... Πιο πολλά Cayenne από το Λονδίνο είχε η Θεσσαλονίκη το 2007!!!! Ε τώρα ήρθε η ώρα του λογαριασμού. Το gang της Ευρώπης φταίει για την κάκιστη διαχείριση; Το gang της Ευρώπης φταιει που φαγώθηκαν δις; Το gang της Ευρώπης φταιει που έστελνε χρήμα και γίνονταν σκάφη και βίλες ή διορίζονταν χιλιάδες στο Δημόσιο για ψήφους; Δεν διαβάζεις αυτα που γράφω; Είπα πως οι πρώτοι που φταίνε για την κατάσταση στην Ελλάδα είναι οι ίδιοι οι Έλληνες! Μετά εκτεθήκαμε και μας παγίδεψανε οι φίλοι μας οι Ευρωπαίοι. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ukworm Posted May 24, 2019 Share Posted May 24, 2019 Μου ξέφυγε. E τι μας παγίδεψαν; Τα λεφτά τους πίσω ζήτησαν... 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epicurus Posted May 25, 2019 Share Posted May 25, 2019 British PM Teresa May announced that she's resigning after suggesting a parliament vote that may include a second national referendum on Brexit. It was here party and the former PM, Cameron, that started this whole mess.... obviously without a plan how to get it done. It was a risk only an idiot (Cameron) would take. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Epicurus Posted May 25, 2019 Share Posted May 25, 2019 13 hours ago, ukworm said: Μου ξέφυγε. E τι μας παγίδεψαν; Τα λεφτά τους πίσω ζήτησαν... Yeah, because the Greek μαγκες thought they should have to pay those loans back.... Unfortunately for them they kept asking for more money (loans) because Greece was bankrupt! When the world markets would not lend Greece a single dollar, given how risky this was, the EU still gave Greece loans with low interest rate but with the stipulation Greece would repay most (not all) of what it owed. Where's the trap? or the exploitation? That's why several EU countries were 100% against giving Greece any new loans.... Oh, we cried laughing when some "geniuses" said that Greece should go back to the drachma.....? a worthless currency that nobody would accept at a time when Greece imports almost everything.... tsk. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Athens4 Posted May 27, 2019 Share Posted May 27, 2019 They lent money knowing very well that Greece would never be able to pay it back. The aim was never to be paid back in cash. The aim was always to be repaid in assets, which is exactly what is being done. I cannot believe people still cannot see this. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hudson Posted May 28, 2019 Share Posted May 28, 2019 (edited) ^^^^ One of the most incredulous arguments I've seen here (and heard in many gatherings of Greeks)... What kind of an excuse is this? Don't give me money because I don't know how to handle it and be responsible! If you do, then don't blame me for irresponsibility.... it is you who's at fault! But, when Greeks are told they're not mature to be in charge of their own affairs, they take offense! Sadly, it's been always the case, since the failed revolution of 1821. Greeks themselves echoed the argument above and called foreigners to be in charge, from King Otto to the foreign refs in domestic sports leagues today! Funny, they also think they're superior to everyone else. [referring to recent Pew Research survey of Europeans about people's cultures that showed 90% of Greeks believe "we may not be perfect" but we're better than anyone else] I'm of Greek dissent and I'm embarrassed by such attitudes. Edited May 28, 2019 by Hudson 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
js1000 Posted May 29, 2019 Share Posted May 29, 2019 Quote 1. "The EU is a gang". Oh yeah? Really? Because you say so? Because Farage says so? They have a history of ignoring referenda that doesn't go their way just ask the Danes Dutch French and Irish voters. They sent the boys round to bash up Catalan voters that wanted to secede. Quote "The first crime is the currency". Really? This is just BS. Greece WANTED to join. They weren't forced. Britain wanted to stay out, they were allowed to stay out. What are you on about? Criteria for all new members is they adopt the Euro Quote . Yes people were lied by politicians! Which makes this referendum a total farce! By your logic then every election is also a farce, lets just ignore those too because we didn't like the result. Quote 4. What Brexit did you vote for do you know? Are you ready for no deal? Are you ready to possibly become poorer? You don't have answers for that, do you? What the hell do you think this is? The Darkest Hour movie? This is real life and stupid choices matter! Lets not try and rewrite history, the UK government sent leaflets to every house in the UK urging people to vote remain but making assurances that the result would be respected, also Cameron Osborne Clegg Johnson and many others on both sides all made it pretty clear on the Andrew Marr show that leaving meant exiting the single market and customs union lets not pretend we didn't know what Brexit meant. Quote At least I voted remain, knowing that remain is clear, we carry on as is. I am happy with my life in Britain, extremely happy with quality of life and my income, so we remain and we fight from WITHIN the EU TO MAKE THINGS BETTER for the UK (clearly things can be improved but UK has the GRAVITAS to push for changes). My goodness aren't you virtuous because you voted remain, I'm pleased for you that you have a wonderful living standard in the UK so we should ignore the referendum because you're thrilled how things are, but many aren't as fortunate as you, guess they don't matter. Funny how it's ok for you to call them Chavs whilst at the same time accusing them of being racists and too stupid to vote. Lets stay and make changes from within, good idea mate it's worked the last 40 years hasn't it? Just ask our fishermen if you can find any. Quote When you voted leave, which leave did you vote for? . Did you vote for Leave with a deal or no deal? WTO terms? Customs union? Border in IE? Admit that you had NO clue my friend. And don't just say "LEAVE is LEAVE" like those chavs or QT, because clearly we have seen that there are at least 10 versions of LEAVE, and if you go for NO DEAL LEAVE, be prepared for the worst. I am not saying it will happen, but I have NO proof that it won't happen either. Ah those brainless Chavs spoiled thing for everyone didn't they, but you can relax with your feet up and big income because we ain't going anywhere, like I pointed out 3 years ago straight after the referendum. And there aren't 10 versions of leave, it was made pretty clear what leave was with the government leaflets and the politicians trying to scare the voters by saying clearly leaving means out of the single market and customs union and the European court not being able the supersede the UK courts. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
js1000 Posted May 29, 2019 Share Posted May 29, 2019 Quote All Brexit is, is the rich manipulating ignorant and racist people to vote to make themselves poorer. The Brexit charge was led by Boris Johnson (born Ironically from a Turkish immigrant father) and obviously an opportunist who will say and do anything (even contradict himself) to get into Number 10, Nigel Farrage (a vile Racist) and Jacob Rees Mogg a disaster Capitalist who is just looking to enrich himself out of Brexit and has already moved his fortune to Rep of Ireland in order to avoid the effects a Hard Brexit will have on it and to avoid the EU's Anti Tax Avoidance Directive which came into effect at the beginning of 2019. Not to mention the Leave campaign blatantly lied and manipulated the stupid on Facebook by printing misstruths perpetuated by Cambridge Analytica. I seem to remember Cameron trying to scare us into voting remain, in fact he was caught giving government contracts to 4 companies in exchange for them announcing leave would be disastrous for Britain, so there were rich people campaigning for remain, but it's quite telling that you call those who voted out - who had the audacity to not agree with you - 'ignorant and racist people' not sure by the way how some can make themselves poorer when they're completely broke, besides how do you know we'll all be poorer? Quote Quote The poor saps who voted for it are just like turkeys wishing for Christmas and the country is already starting to see the effect this is happening with the Nissan not building the X-Trail in Sunderland, the Honda plant closing in Sheffield etc. Yeah they've came out and said its not because of Brexit but any idiot can read between the lines and see it is. The Nissan X-Trail and Honda's will now be built in Japan, who incidentally recently signed a Trade Agreement with the EU so no import tariffs will be imposed! Why would Nissan build Diesel cars in the UK when they can't sell them in the UK? and the reason they can't sell them in the UK is because of the low emission zones and taxes being implemented on Diesel cars as part of green legislation which makes Diesels not viable economically for people, green legislation which incidentally came from Brussels, which is why they are being built in Japan and not another EU country. Your language is very telling and typical of a lot remain folk that our media are full of, poor saps eh? Any idiot can read between the lines? Nissan made their reasons clear which make complete business sense, what lines am I missing that I should read between. The arrogance and complete contempt for democracy and feeling of knowing what's best is breathtaking. We'll ignore what the majority voted for because they're just stupid ignorant racist chavs that don't know what's best for them. But like I said you can all relax because we ain't going nowhere. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hudson Posted May 30, 2019 Share Posted May 30, 2019 13 hours ago, AchillesHeel said: When you say "you", who exactly do you mean? I suppose you agree with Pangalos when he said "Ta fagame mazi". The fact is that the ones responsible for all that happened are a very small group of corrupt individuals. What's incredulous is that many of them (or their offspring) are still around active in politics and business. Laying responsibilities on the vast majority of the people who have had a corrupt system imposed on them and having to find a way to survive within that system for years, is like blaming the casual football fan that watches the matches on tv on the weekend and occasionally attends a game for corruption and game fixing in the GSL. It's the common people who had "austerity" imposed on them to bail out the small minority in charge of the financial workings of the country and allow them to continue to operate. ΟΚ, fair points... about the few Greeks that had/have no way to react to a bad system. Yet, I do believe most Greeks are responsible if they support parties and leaders that tell them what they want to hear. Not unlike in this forum, when we discuss historical facts versus the fiction most Greeks want to believe. (national propaganda, like national poet Solomos and others had argued, truth is whatever serves the national interest) You argue, what can I do? the system is what it is... Pangalos is right and wrong.... Yeah, the EU money was mostly wasted in bribes, corruption, and hiring unnecessary bureaucrats. There are lots of things individuals can do, themselves and collectively. Good example you use about football fans.... How many do you honestly believe are the sensible ones? This is a sports league100% made and run by Greeks. [well, except the disgrace to call in foreign refs lately... which shows that Greeks can't be in charge of their own affairs?].... If I were in Greece, I would not participate in this charade and wouldn't spend a penny until there was serious improvement. I'd also demand from the political leaders to fix this... and go after my favorite team's leaders if they broke the law. Democracy may be the best regime of all we've tried but it requires sensible people. For example, Trump wouldn't be empowered if it weren't for 40% of Americans who still support him. A con man wouldn't be able to sell you b.s. if people weren't buying. Yet, I'm afraid the corruption is not only at the top--saying so it's only a convenient excuse. It's a culture of corruption and a long tradition of the worst politics..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Athens4 Posted May 31, 2019 Share Posted May 31, 2019 Hudson, you clearly have not read my posts properly as I stated that the first to blame were the Greeks themselves. With regards to accepting bailouts, allow me to compare to situation to a heroin addict. An addict (Greece) is in terrible shape and can barely look after itself (corruption, economy). However, when give a fix (bailout), the addict is able function just a little until it wears off (bailout money running out). Instead of getting clean the addict thinks just one more hit will do the trick (one more bailout package). The dealer (EU) knows that it won't be the last and knows that the addict has no money to pay him back though has certain assets. The dealer keeps feeding the addiction until one day he demands he money back. This is (no doubt) a common story of dealers and gangs getting back what is owed to them. In order for an addict to get clean, they need to go cold turkey. That involves a lot of suffering, vomiting and sleepless nights. In order for Greece to get clean there would be long term suffering by finally turning our backs on the EU. Unfortunately we are all selfish and choose only the short term quick fixes. I see the Brexit party got a majority in the EU parliament. I also see Boris gunning for the top job and claiming he will push Brexit through with or without a deal. Not sure I would vote for any of these under normal circumstances but at least they will finally cut immediate ties with this immoral gang. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ukworm Posted June 3, 2019 Share Posted June 3, 2019 (edited) On 5/29/2019 at 7:39 PM, js1000 said: They have a history of ignoring referenda that doesn't go their way just ask the Danes Dutch French and Irish voters. They sent the boys round to bash up Catalan voters that wanted to secede. Criteria for all new members is they adopt the Euro By your logic then every election is also a farce, lets just ignore those too because we didn't like the result. Lets not try and rewrite history, the UK government sent leaflets to every house in the UK urging people to vote remain but making assurances that the result would be respected, also Cameron Osborne Clegg Johnson and many others on both sides all made it pretty clear on the Andrew Marr show that leaving meant exiting the single market and customs union lets not pretend we didn't know what Brexit meant. My goodness aren't you virtuous because you voted remain, I'm pleased for you that you have a wonderful living standard in the UK so we should ignore the referendum because you're thrilled how things are, but many aren't as fortunate as you, guess they don't matter. Funny how it's ok for you to call them Chavs whilst at the same time accusing them of being racists and too stupid to vote. Lets stay and make changes from within, good idea mate it's worked the last 40 years hasn't it? Just ask our fishermen if you can find any. Ah those brainless Chavs spoiled thing for everyone didn't they, but you can relax with your feet up and big income because we ain't going anywhere, like I pointed out 3 years ago straight after the referendum. And there aren't 10 versions of leave, it was made pretty clear what leave was with the government leaflets and the politicians trying to scare the voters by saying clearly leaving means out of the single market and customs union and the European court not being able the supersede the UK courts. Small detail, you have forgotten about the Good Friday agreement. Your great Brexit plan (yes, that single version of Brexit you are talking about!) has just gone down the toilet from the outset. That's how well thought out it was! "In need for a 2nd version urgently"! And the more people are talking about it the more holes are uncovered. "We need 10 versions now!". Ooooops...!!! What you DON'T understand is that Europeans know the laws of the EU inside out, while the UK is clueless and hence easy prey.... This is the reason why there are 10 versions of Brexit: because people were driven by misinformation and populism, not knowledge, not facts.... Get it now? The no deal Brexit you are advocating is a fantasy, it doesn't exist.... As I say: Leavers should have hired trained monkeys to prepare a better plan than the one you voted for (funny enough prepared by Etonians/Oxfordians and/or city traders Boris and Farage).... The irony eh? Oxfordians on their private yachts holding a glass of champagne laughing, leading the herd of clueless chavs. Loving it.... Priceless. What percentage of the annual GDP is the fishing industry? How about Financial Services/Banking/Automotive? If the latter are screwed my friend, then make no mistake fishermen (and everyone else) will be F***ed too. Did that ever cross your mind? No. You aren't going anywhere, good luck..... Feel free to F*** up the country. But let me tell you - You are barking at the wrong tree. It's highly likely you won't be better off if UK leaves without a deal. Good luck working out a plan B for yourself whilst in free fall.... You and all the chavs you are referring to (especially them!). PS: I like your logic: "I have NO clue how leave without a deal is going to play out, I have no idea what's going to happen, but that's what people voted for, that's what I want, because we are British, because we are a proud nation". Yeah go on, let's leave everything to chance... Excellent strategy. Edited June 3, 2019 by ukworm 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ukworm Posted June 3, 2019 Share Posted June 3, 2019 On 5/31/2019 at 7:30 AM, Athens4 said: Hudson, you clearly have not read my posts properly as I stated that the first to blame were the Greeks themselves. With regards to accepting bailouts, allow me to compare to situation to a heroin addict. An addict (Greece) is in terrible shape and can barely look after itself (corruption, economy). However, when give a fix (bailout), the addict is able function just a little until it wears off (bailout money running out). Instead of getting clean the addict thinks just one more hit will do the trick (one more bailout package). The dealer (EU) knows that it won't be the last and knows that the addict has no money to pay him back though has certain assets. The dealer keeps feeding the addiction until one day he demands he money back. This is (no doubt) a common story of dealers and gangs getting back what is owed to them. In order for an addict to get clean, they need to go cold turkey. That involves a lot of suffering, vomiting and sleepless nights. In order for Greece to get clean there would be long term suffering by finally turning our backs on the EU. Unfortunately we are all selfish and choose only the short term quick fixes. I see the Brexit party got a majority in the EU parliament. I also see Boris gunning for the top job and claiming he will push Brexit through with or without a deal. Not sure I would vote for any of these under normal circumstances but at least they will finally cut immediate ties with this immoral gang. "Immoral gang".... hahaha OK. They are not immoral. Aπλά είναι ΔΙΑΒΑΣΜΕΝΟΙ ΑΓΟΡΙ ΜΟΥ..... Τhey simply know their stuff. You can only fight them with knowledge (which is clearly lacking in both GR & UK Gov's). And who is moral? Boris who's being investigated for his claims re: the £300m for the NHS? Or Farage the Muppet who jumped ship 3 days after the referendum? I will just sit back and enjoy the show from now on. One of all those lazy f****** becoming PM. It was so easy to sit back and backstub May over and over. Let's see what you are made of now.... PS Brexit party didn't get the majority FYI: Brexit + UKIP < LibDem + ChangeUK + Greens + SNP 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ukworm Posted June 3, 2019 Share Posted June 3, 2019 (edited) On 5/29/2019 at 8:11 PM, js1000 said: I seem to remember Cameron trying to scare us into voting remain, in fact he was caught giving government contracts to 4 companies in exchange for them announcing leave would be disastrous for Britain, so there were rich people campaigning for remain, but it's quite telling that you call those who voted out - who had the audacity to not agree with you - 'ignorant and racist people' not sure by the way how some can make themselves poorer when they're completely broke, besides how do you know we'll all be poorer? Why would Nissan build Diesel cars in the UK when they can't sell them in the UK? and the reason they can't sell them in the UK is because of the low emission zones and taxes being implemented on Diesel cars as part of green legislation which makes Diesels not viable economically for people, green legislation which incidentally came from Brussels, which is why they are being built in Japan and not another EU country. Your language is very telling and typical of a lot remain folk that our media are full of, poor saps eh? Any idiot can read between the lines? Nissan made their reasons clear which make complete business sense, what lines am I missing that I should read between. The arrogance and complete contempt for democracy and feeling of knowing what's best is breathtaking. We'll ignore what the majority voted for because they're just stupid ignorant racist chavs that don't know what's best for them. But like I said you can all relax because we ain't going nowhere. Get your facts right. Low emission zone doesn't apply to new Euro 6 diesels. Diesels are still cheaper than electrics (TCO). Also, the grid and general infrastructure of the country is NOT ready for electric cars. If we were to switch to electrics overnight, the grid would collapse. Diesels still make perfect business sense... So why is it that these manufacturers are pulling out then? Or, why is it that they aren't planning to build their electrics here then? ONE WORD for you: Uncertainty. And business HATES uncertainty. PS - try to read between the lines here mate. Even if Honda doesn't blame their departure on Brexit publicly, make no mistake that BREXIT IS BEING DISCUSSED IN EVERY SINGLE FRICKING BOARDROOM AND MEETING ROOM IN EVERY SINGLE CORPORATE. (But they aren't going to tell you). Edited June 3, 2019 by ukworm 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
athinaios Posted June 3, 2019 Share Posted June 3, 2019 Well, the Brexiteers are getting a boost from Trump today... when he expressed his support for Boris and Nigel. Earlier, he tweeted: @SadiqKhan, who by all accounts has done a terrible job as Mayor of London, has been foolishly “nasty” to the visiting President of the United States, by far the most important ally of the United Kingdom. He is a stone cold loser who should focus on crime in London, not me...... and, ....Kahn reminds me very much of our very dumb and incompetent Mayor of NYC, de Blasio, who has also done a terrible job - only half his height. In any event, I look forward to being a great friend to the United Kingdom, and am looking very much forward to my visit. Landing now! Very mature and appropriate for the President of the US, don't you think? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ukworm Posted June 3, 2019 Share Posted June 3, 2019 (edited) 45 minutes ago, athinaios said: Well, the Brexiteers are getting a boost from Trump today... when he expressed his support for Boris and Nigel. Earlier, he tweeted: @SadiqKhan, who by all accounts has done a terrible job as Mayor of London, has been foolishly “nasty” to the visiting President of the United States, by far the most important ally of the United Kingdom. He is a stone cold loser who should focus on crime in London, not me...... and, ....Kahn reminds me very much of our very dumb and incompetent Mayor of NYC, de Blasio, who has also done a terrible job - only half his height. In any event, I look forward to being a great friend to the United Kingdom, and am looking very much forward to my visit. Landing now! Very mature and appropriate for the President of the US, don't you think? What he "forgot" to say was: "I can support Boris and Farage all I want, and I can say whatever the F*** I want (as I do), but if no deal Brexit turns out to be a disaster, and the country goes down the toilet, well, don't blame me, nothing to do with me. Now sort your own shite out, bye bye and good luck"..... Like the old Greek joke that goes: να μωρέ, καθόμαστε εδώ, βαριόμαστε να πούμε, και λέμε και καμιά μαλακία για να περάσει η ώρα... Αυτός είναι ο Trump.... Edited June 3, 2019 by ukworm 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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