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PAOK History in Europe


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  • 6 months later...
On 1-7-2016 at 10:04 PM, Dutch Eagle said:

PAOK started this season on spot 60.

And after the sure points we get for at least reaching Q4 of EL we have already collected 1.500 points this season.

Leaving us on spot 61 as Besiktas got 4 bonuspoints for reaching the GS of CL just because of being Turkish champions and Turkey being in the top 12 country ranking.

And we finished 61st with 35,080 points. So we lost one place.

The 2017/2018 season we will start on the 51st spot 32,700 points.

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  • 4 weeks later...

There will be a new method of ranking. PAOK is in spot #44. The difference is that a club that missed one season (for not qualifying or excluded for one year) or after a bad season will not get automatically that years points of the country. It is to prevent that the clubs that only collected points one year or two years benefit of the points collected in the other 4 years by the other clubs of their country.

An example. The coefficient of Spain is 17.799. If a club like Real Sociedad collected in one of the past 5 years 18.500 they will have 18.500 for the ranking. In the old system the would had about 32.700 (18.500 points the collected themselves and 4 x 3.200 as the avarage of the years the didn't complete). Earning them a pot 2 draw in GS, while now they will be pot 3 or 4.


There will be also a 10 year ranking for the distribution of the revenue. We are in spot #60. Sounds fair as we are/were always around that spot:


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

After yesterday's game these are our alltime scorers in Europe:

Αναλυτικά η λίστα των «ευρωπαίων» σκόρερ του Δικεφάλου:

20 γκολ: Αθανασιάδης

14 γκολ: Σαλπιγγίδης

11 γκολ: Μακ

10 γκολ: Γιασεμάκης

8 γκολ: Βιεϊρίνια

6 γκολ: Φραντζέσκος, Σαράφης

5 γκολ: Κωνσταντινίδης, Μαραγκός, Δημόπουλος

4 γκολ: Οκκάς, Λουτσιάνο, Κωστίκος, Σκαρτάδος, Ίβιτς, Ροντρίγκεζ

3 γκολ: Ασλανίδης, Τερζανίδης, Παρίδης, Κερμανίδης, Ζαγοράκης, Γεωργιάδης, Φρούσος, Καμπς, Μουσλίμοβιτς, Φωτάκης, Λούκας, Πέλκας

2 γκολ: Κούδας, Αναστασιάδης, Βόκολος, Ολιβάρεζ, Σάμπρι, Ναλιτζής Λίνο, Μάρτενς, Περέιρα, Κάμπος, Κίτσιου

1 γκολ: Πέλλιος, Ορφανός Δαμανάκης, Γεωργόπουλος, Βασιλάκος. Μπορμπόκης, Βρύζας, Ζουμπούλης, Βαλέντσια, Κατσαμπής. Καφές, Ουντέζε, Κουκιέλκα, Κουτσόπουλος, Χασιώτης, Μάρκος, Κούτσης, Καραδήμος, Καρυπίδης, Χριστοδουλόπουλος, Μαλεζάς, Γκαρσία, Μπαλάφας, Λάζαρ, Γεωργιάδης, Κατσικάς, Ρομπέρ, Νέτσιντ, Στοχ, Κατσουράνης, Βούκιτς, Βίτορ, Νίνης, Πόζογλου, Παπαδόπουλος, Τζανδάρης, Σάκχοφ, Κρέσπο, Τζαβέλλας, Μάτος, Τσίμιροτ, Ενρίκε

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  • 3 weeks later...

With today's elimination, PAOK just shot themselves in the foot. Next season we would have dropped the bad season when we were eliminated from Rapid Vienna from the coefficient standings and if we would have made the group stage we would have moved up in the UEFA standings.

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Η ιστορία επαναλαμβάνεται δυστυχώς. Αλλαγές προπονητών, αλλαγές παικτών, μερικά ξεσπάσματα και πάλι πίσω στα σκατά. Κρίμα, πολύ κρίμα. Η Ευρώπη ήταν η μόνη μου διέξοδος. Η ομάδα είναι ΣΚΑΤΑ. Από πλευράς φυσικής κατάστασης κυρίως. Τεράστιο πισωγύρισμα μετά την καλή περσινή χρονιά. Για να δούμε πώς θα ξεπεράσουμε τέτοιο σοκ και που θα μας βγάλει η φετινή χρονιά. Είμαι πολύ περίεργος να δω την αντίδραση του θαθατζή (αν υπάρξει κάποια).

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2 hours ago, Blackhawk said:

With today's elimination, PAOK just shot themselves in the foot. Next season we would have dropped the bad season when we were eliminated from Rapid Vienna from the coefficient standings and if we would have made the group stage we would have moved up in the UEFA standings.

The result is much much worse than the result against Vienna as back then we were financially in disarray (I think Frings was the coach).  Now what excuse do we have ?

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Losing Ivic was indeed a massive loss, and no one really understands why.

But regardless, this squad could have gone out with no manager at all and should still have easily one.  Goes to show the current disarray.

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4 hours ago, RED SHERIFF said:

yes....probably the worst elimination from a Greek club that I can remember..Given the strength and pedigree of the swedes..

Lets not forget Atromitos won 1-3 in Sweden 2 years ago against a far more credentialed team AIK Solna...

What can I say ... PAOK is a team that gives ... χαρά ... not just to PAOK fans, but to Olympiakos, PAO and AEK fans also.

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10 hours ago, RED SHERIFF said:

yes....probably the worst elimination from a Greek club that I can remember..Given the strength and pedigree of the swedes..

There are a lot worse eliminations ...

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Who care if there are Christo? We were eliminated by the team who is in the last position out of all who made it to the stages. I believe 3.000 points or something...

Even the Chinese guy I saw the first game with wouldn't understand how this happened. Hahaha.

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  • 5 months later...

PAOK will end up at number 48 in the UEFA rankings ahead of next season. It's a drop from number 44, which can be directly blamed on our early exit from the Europa League this season. 

                                                                             13/14 - 14/15 - 15/16 - 16/17 - 17/18
48. PAOK THESSALONIKI      29.500 points  (9.00   -  5.00  -   6.00   -  8.00  - 1.50)  

It very important we do well in the next season as we will lose the good 13/14 season points (9.00).

The top 60:


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Here is the situation for Greek teams in the upcoming 2018-2019 European competitions.

SL-Champion:  CHAMPIONS LEAGUE - Qualifying Round 3 and Playoff Round via the Champions Route in order to reach the Group Stage (continues in Europa League if eliminted in any round)
SL-2nd Place:  CHAMPIONS LEAGUE - Qualifying Round 2, Qualifying Round 3 and Playoff Round via the non-Champion route to reach the Group Stage (continues in Europa League if eliminted in any round)
Cup Winner/SL-3rd Place - EUROPA LEAGUE - Qualifying Round 3 and Playoff Round in order to reach the Group Stage
SL- 4th Place/SL- 5th Place - EUROPA LEAGUE - Qualifying Round 2, Qualifying Round 3 and Playoff Round in order to reach the Group Stage

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Prijo jumped in the top 10 of alltime topscorers in European competition (and is at the first place of topscorers in the CL and its predecessor with 3 goals).

The top 10 is now:

1. Stefanos Athanasiadis (20 goals)

2. Dimitris Salpingidis (14 goals)

3. Robert Mak (11 goals)

4. Yiasoumis Yiasoumi (9 goals)

5. Stavros Sarafis and Vieirinha (8 goals)

7. Kostas Frantzeskos 6 (goals)

8. Christos Dimopoulos, Spiros Marangos, Pantelis Konstantinidis and Aleksander Prijovic (5 goals)

Pelkas needs only one goal to join this list too.

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6 hours ago, Yiankos said:

According to wikipedia Pelkas has already 5 goals.

Correct. I used the information of inpaok I posted last year on August 4. That one was not correct as I looked at my archives and other sources to doublecheck.

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Our top 10 alltime topscorers in European competition updated after yesterdays win against Spartak and Yiankos sharp eye: 

1. Stefanos Athanasiadis (20 goals)

2. Dimitris Salpingidis (14 goals)

3. Robert Mak (11 goals)

4. Yiasoumis Yiasoumi (9 goals)

5. Stavros Sarafis and Vieirinha (8 goals)

7. Kostas Frantzeskos 6 (goals)

8. Christos Dimopoulos, Spiros Marangos, Pantelis Konstantinidis, Aleksander Prijovic and Dimitris Pelkas (5 goals)

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