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Turkish Violations

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Looks like the Turkish Navy entered the Andros sea area illegally and used the area as a firing range. 


Nothing like booking a holiday in greece to see muslim military vessels firing guns right in front of your beach.  :la:


Anyone who buys a holiday home anywhere in the Aegean needs balls of steel.. no wonder everyone buys in Spain and France.





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  • 1 month later...

I wouldn't know which side I'd rather Greece take in that Israel vs Turkey rivalry, both evil nations.


Since Turkey has now started bombing ISIS in Syria and letting USA land its planes there too, that may improve Turkey's relations with the USA and NATO.

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All this talk about Turkey and their disputed love/hate from the world reminded me of a an apocryphal quote attributed to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov where to a question from a reporter asking when Ukraine will join the EU he responded "Immediately after Turkey joins the EU." "So when is Turkey joining?" Was the logical followup question. "Never" replied Lavrov, firmly.

Turkey is a Islamo-facist state that doesn't even pretend to being the Wests friend any more.

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Turkey's main enemies in the Middle East are the Shia's and the Kurds. Turkey also bombed Kurdish military yesterday as well as ISIS, so they're basically bombing the guys who are fighting against ISIS too. Turkey may have just been using all this as a smokescreen to hit the Kurds in Syria, they have also been arresting a lot of PKK member in Turkey since ISIS set of that bomb in Turkey.


But Turkey will still be friends with the other Sunni states like Saudi Arabia (who is also allied to USA) and they would need a powerful ally like Turkey to back them up if they ever went to war with Iran. Then you have the other Turkic states like Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, who supposedly have some sort of ethnic connection to the Turks, but ironically most Turks aren't actually as ethnically Turkic as they'd like to think. Pakistan, along with Turkey and Saudi Arabia is another powerful Sunni country, but they are probably too worried about India to ever help Turkey.


You're right jvc there are a lot of Islamic extremists in Turkey, the right-wing parties there sympathise with ISIS and that includes Erdogan's AK party. So I can't see Turkey going all out vs ISIS (unless ISIS makes a mistake and provokes Turkey again) and I definitely can't see the Turks helping the Kurds. Hopefully the Kurds will be able to push back ISIS in Syria and Iraq (with the help of the Shia's there) and also grow stronger inside Turkey too.

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The Kurds have a big big territory in Syria at the moment. Erdogan doesnt want that. It can set off all kind of things that could be dangerous since there are 20-25 mil kurds living in Turkey. Now they are not going after them yet, but nobody prevents them from bombing PKK because they are still seen as a terrorist organisation. I can't understand why Europe, and certainly USA let's him do this. They know he is not bombing ISIS and only the kurds, who are America's boots in the ground. It's a big dirty political game.


Also this is the way he can win the elections without that Kurdish party getting 13% of the votes like last time. Erdogan is a very dirty boy. He tries to hide the failing economy of the last 2 years by attacking arch enemies. It's also smart in a way. I can't see why all the turks are so happy with him. He is a dictator cutting off every internet site when ever he wants.

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Turkey is a Islamo-facist state that doesn't even pretend to being the Wests friend any more.


But after they gave an airport to the Americans they are best friends again since a week or so. America is betraying their allies (Kurds) faster then we change our underwear.

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Also this is the way he can win the elections without that Kurdish party getting 13% of the votes like last time. Erdogan is a very dirty boy. He tries to hide the failing economy of the last 2 years by attacking arch enemies. It's also smart in a way. I can't see why all the turks are so happy with him. He is a dictator cutting off every internet site when ever he wants.


Yeah I often wonder how that Erdogan muppet gets elected. I think its because so many Turks are conservative/extremist muslims who live in their little village and are deluded by Turkish nationalism.


There worried about Kurds because they are the only large minority group that the Turks weren't able to get rid of or assimilate. The Kurds are probably the biggest threat to Turkey's fabricated nation.

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The Kurds conqured so much land in north Syria that turkey is afraid. It could set off many things in Turkey with 20 mil kurds living there. Now they attack the PKK because they cant attack the US backed YPG in Syria. I still dont understand how you can take so much s%$#! from Turkish government if you are with 20 milion in that country. Only a few thousand fight for the PKK. They should be much stronger.


Anyway we symphatize with the kurds because they are the enemy of our enemy, but let's not forget one time they were the best friends of the turks and were helping them against us Greeks.

Edited by Doxa
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^^That's what I posted many times before Doxa....The Turkey fascist pigs, are one of the most hated countries in the world...For me it's better to sit back, take some s%$#!, and let the stupidest people in the world dig their own grave. If they invaded Greece....They would get their ass handed to them...Just the 20 million Kurds would be to much for them to handle....They have a strong military don't get me wrong, but not strong enough to defeat all its enemies....Plus the Greek military has remained in top shape over the crisis.


I love how you keep saying the opposite of the truth.

The Greek military is s%$#!. No money for maintance of planes and tanks. No money for Gas. No money for new weapons.

I wish we was more like Russia. They re-organized their budget but became stronger.


Turkey has not that many enemies. Their biggest friend is YOU (America). America does everything for them for years now just to get their airspace and airfields. They will always pick Turkey's side over Greece and over Kurds and many other countries.

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Youre such an annoying american red neck. I never said we need Russia. Your dick gets so hard when you read the word Russia and you head starts spinning around with all these communist/kapitalist thougts. Do you still live in 1970?


That site is such bullshit. If you stil have Greek family or relatives in Greece that didnt cut you off go and ask them how the army is at the moment?

Planes dont get in the air, they are outdated big time. No money for repairs or updates. No money for petrol. Tanks are not up to date. We can have a 1000 tanks but they are not ready for use.  Wages went in half. Another budgetcut of 400 mil because of Europe in the next years.


The problem with you is, ive said it many times. You are an American. You don't know whats going on in Greece. You base everything on website's that lie and write what they want.

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If information about the Greek army that's based on my own experience and that of my friends and family who LIVE in Greece is considered kafenio talk, then what do you consider an American who doesnt live in Greece who doesnt even come for holidays who has no sense of reality but gets his opinion from website's that write what ever they want??


hahahaha youre a disgrace and stop calling yourself greek? And please answer my question above directly and dont duck it. we know youre good at it.

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If ISIS is defeated Kurds could get their own state in Northern Iraq. They were due to have a referendum on independence, but that got put back because of the war. Kurds also now control large amounts of the Syria-Turkey boarder, Turkey is already worried about that.


But no-one ever suggested the Kurds could take on Turkey. Kurds forming their own state is not impossible however, those sort of independence movements work occasionally. We should not be foolish to think that an independent Kurdish state (including a part of Turkey) would benefit Greece, they have never helped us in the past and they are still Muslims, like the Turks. But I'd still like to see that happen because its ridiculous that an ethnic group of 30m does not have their own state and it would be great to see Turkey get a bit smaller.


For me Turkey's only enemy capable of taking them on is Iran, who are supporting the opposite sides in the Syrian and Yemen wars now. That depends on if Iran ever goes to war with the Saudi's. And Iran is aligned with Russia so...

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It's true we as Greeks shouldnt give a F*** about whats happening over there. They were all best friends a long time ago and a mutual enemy to Greece. The Kurds did horrible things to us togehter with the Turks.


Anyway like I said we cheer for the Kurds because they are the enemy of our biggest enemy. It's sad to see they got betrayed by the USA for an airfield. But that's what we know, they betray anybody when it's in their own interest. They are Turkey's best friend for over more then 20 years.


It is true that if you look at the map, Turkey should be worried about the Kurds. If someday the war is over in Syria and Irak and the Kurds still have those big pieces of land in Syria that are connected to the land they have in Irak, you can figure out yourself what they can make of that if they put it togheter someday.


Russia won't lift a finger for any (muslim) country. They are not like the US. But Putin is more loyal. Untill now he doesnt give a F*** omws about these wars and neither should we.

Iran wont go to war by the way. They had a worse ecnomy then Greece. Now that the sanctions are lifted they can get better, but they have  no money for a war, certainly not with rich countries like Saudi Arabia,who have the USA as their biggest friend.

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Shortly before calling a NATO meeting under the pretense of concerns over its security, Turkey launched a bombing campaign across the border into Syria allegedly against the ISIS forces that it has supported, trained, and facilitated since the beginning of the Syrian crisis. 

Very soon after the bombing campaign was launched there came the announcement that Turkey and the United States had agreed to implement an ?ISIL Free Zone? otherwise known as a ?No Fly Zone? in northern Syria. 

Prior to the formal announcement of the ?ISIL-Free/No-Fly Zone,? it was known that Turkey had launched a simultaneous attack on Kurdish targets in Iraq. After the announcement, these attacks on Kurdish targets intensified to greatly overshadow anything purporting to be an attack on ISIS. 

Thus, as Turkey whines about the threat ISIS poses to its security, fresh on the heels of a dubious ISIS bombing of a political demonstration, Turkey has demonstrated that the real targets of its bombing campaign is not ISIS at all, it is the Kurds. 



Interesting read for anyone interested.

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  • 3 months later...

Looks like Erdogan's right-wing Islamic AKP party is to win a majority in today's Turkish elections. Obviously this means the Sultan can tighten his grip on the already autocratic Turkey.


We will have to wait and see how the situation with the Kurds (in both Turkey and Syria) and Islamic State plays out now. Things are getting a lot more complicated there anyway now that Russia got involved and it is not clear what Turkey or the US want to do.

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  • 1 month later...

RS, we'd still be in the EU in theory unless they got vindictive. And NATO also. The only difference would be Greece would control its own currency again and could inflate if necessary to devalue. Also, Greece would have control over its rate of interest from its Central Bank. I see no benefit whatsoever in staying within the current Euro structure. Greece got suckered in by the promise of handouts which they duly received and wasted. I don't think the EU cared what was done with the money. They say they do, but I don't really buy it. Now that we're in they have us by the balls.

For myself, the proof of how badly they want to control Greecr (or any nation for that matter) is the fact that they haven't booted Greecr out. If any nation deserves to be kicked out of the Euro club, it's Greece. And yet they didn't. This conversation goes around in circles as nauseum.

This is the simple truth. They lent money to Greece knowing it was a win win either way. If Greece paid it back, all well and good. If not, take it back through other means. They will get their money back. So the Greeks of yesterday partied and the Greeks of tomorrow will pay.

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  • 4 months later...

and what will be the benefit of not being in EU/NATO,,,,,


This is all predictable greek chest beating......


show me a country that Greece should be modelling to aspire to be outside the EU/NATO 'yoke'..


I have been hearing this stuff longer before most here were even born...


it is tiresome standard anti west greek discussion...



and if you are worried about Turkey....they will get more stronger and more influential with us out of the alliances..

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however there is zero benefit to be outside these organisations.....


all those greeks arguing we should leave come from a predictable corner....


they start with American bashing....Zionist plots.....and youtube videos of Putin rising above The Poli....


fantasy world stuff.....

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Australia and Canada are not in the geo-political position Greece is in.....


Had they been able to join organisations such as NATO/EU...They would....especially NATO in Australia's case...We Aussies scream for these Western type alliances...


its easy to package up the current debt crisis with it being an EU/NATO fueled or arranged issue..

that's being cute and simplistic...


greece had to decide whether we wanted to be a modern/progressive nation (even symbolically) ...If the answer was yes...then joining NATO/EU were no brainers.....


Our own systems and ideology independently of EU/NATO lead us to overwrought welfare system, and an ignorant socialist appetite  ....etc...

Fyrom,Albania, Serbia , Romania, Bulgaria etc have a similar way of thinking that we do.....and our only saving grace was that we had a 'western alliance' ...that to a degree raised us above these backward states...


If Britain completes a Brexit....it will be very different to ant grexit....


We have antiquated internal structural issues....that do  not allow a simple job to be created.....process that deliberately don't work..


We have a Prime Minister that would not be able to hold down a basic $80k job in Australia......we are being lead and breed nobodies....that are inept in every way...  

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