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FIFA corruption scandal

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Lowy is no saint either, he's not what he's made out to be. The time differences would also count against us. Could you picture anyone else in the world getting up at the hours we do!



Someone needs to ask Lowy the question how are we still a member of AFC with no domestic promotion/relegation?  it's a prerequisite?

we are the only AFC member with 'this special condition"???   How much did this cost???$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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England 2022!!! :)




But I think England actually bided for 2018. Hopefully they run a second vote for Russia and Qatar's WCs it anyway, I think England would be good hosts considering they don't need to build any new stadiums, but I'm a bit biased here.


Also some Prince from Jordan isn't exactly the kind of guy I'd want to see replacing Blatter to be honest.

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The reality is that this corruption has been going on even before batters reign. It was only noticed or highlighted because of the choice of Qatar, which made no sense on any level.

Also what is wrong with Russia hosting it they are more into football then the USA or Australia.

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In addition the corruption would have been brushed over if England had been awarded the World Cup instead of Russia. England's got all the infrastructure required to host the World Cup but it's about letting other countries an opportunity all around the world.

The OIC was always regarded as corrupt and yet London was awarded the 2012 games. So who was corrupted there?

How did Atlanta get the games. The worse games in living memory incidentally.

Australia have had the Melbourne Olympics and the Sidney Olympics hardly fair on countries who have never had the opportunity to host them.

South Africa hosting the World Cup was a symbolic gesture. The fact that they were not as glitzy as other world cups should not detract from that.

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  • 8 months later...

Great article on what we can expect the new FIFA leadership to do about corruption in the game, or rather what they won't do. Points out how UEFA's new general secretary Theodore Theodoridis just so happens to be the son of Olympiakos' vice president. Just when you thought FIFA/UEFA couldn't get any dodgier.



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  • 2 weeks later...

FIFA is currently trying to get some funds back from the US, which seized the assets as part of the corruption investigation. I'm not sure how (finally) admitting that your people took bribes leads to the organization having a claim on these funds, but I truly hope that Uncle Sam slaps these guys down. I would love to see some humiliation visited upon them.


And - yes, I'm sure FIFA's argument is that the bribe was actually a "donation" to CONCACAF, but...nobody's really buying that.

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