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FIFA corruption scandal

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Big news this morning as several FIFA executives have been indicted on corruption charges (to nobody's surprise). Blatter, unsurprisingly, was not charged.




To quote a comment from the above link "Blatter thinks that Fifa is above national laws and governments." Hopefully he's about to learn the limits of his power.

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Absolutely. Russia is already complaining that the US doesn't have the authority to go after these guys. And here I thought laundering money through US banks was just that.


Maradona saying he's going to kick people's asses (because Maradona is Maradona).

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It's disgusting with these "international organizations" who have been corrupt to the bone. Same with the Olympic Committee, etc. I'm happy that the US feds are doing something about it. Blatter, seems really sleazy to me, but the corruption is so deep that he'll be re-elected this Friday.


I hope that UEFA takes a stand. The next World Cup was bought with bribes by a oil-rich country that has no history of football nor an infrastructure. UEFA members don't like that they have to make major changes in their leagues to field national teams to participate.

I'm old enough to remember the talk about corruption and the bribes needed to secure the 1996 Olympic games, which Greece lost to Atlanta.

All these big organizations are not really accountable to anyone. They're international mafia organizations.


I hope they clean FIFA, who, by the way, made $1 billion while Brazil lost money after hosting the world cup last year.

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Absolutely. I guess when you live with total impunity, you begin to lose track of reality. Did they really think people wouldn't flip out over that vote?


This story keeps getting more and more interesting. UEFA apparently won't be boycotting the vote tomorrow, but may call for a vote of no confidence if he wins by a narrow margin? I don't know much about this Jordanian prince who is opposing Blatter; do we have any reason to think he would be an improvement?

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That will be the day when EPO speaks out against corruption!


Btw, am I missing something? Why won't Blatter resign? I see only two scenarios:

1. Blatter is also corrupt - or -

2. Blatter is not corrupt but he has totally lost control and is totally clueless about what goes on in FIFA.


Either way, he should resign!

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Can I be astounded and unsurprised at the same time? Well said by Figo.


Blatter is completely unrepentant. He could care less how obvious this racket is.

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Too bad all the developing (and corrupt) countries in places such as Africa love Blatter.


Europe/UEFA may have to start to be more independent if they want to break free of this lunatic. But I don't place that much trust in guys like Platini either (even though he's spoked out against Blatter recently).

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