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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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Almost 2 years now this coach has been at the helm, and it's like he's seeing this team and our talent for the first time... It's just stunning the absolute lack of sense this coach has for our team. Unfortunately we're all wasting our typing ability cause he's not gonna do anything logical. He'll continue to give us all more grey hairs throughout this next campaign. He might get lucky with some good picks or decisions here and there, but that's prob gonna be rare. 

I read through here, and there are so many logical choices and picks that are talked about, and alot of them are pretty simple and obvious, yet this tool box coach can't see it. 

We don't always agree with what coaches in general decided, but we can usually understand what they were trying to do... Skibbe is like a Rubik's cube with some of the colors missing. 

Edited by gsots
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An Ultimatum to the EPO

1. Enough of this. Skibbe must go at once.

2. Some of the current players - Bakasetas, Samaris, Koulouris, Kourbelis, Tziolis, Donis, Vellios, Siopis, Gianniotas - should be banned for a life by EPO.

3. Barkas, Gianniotis, Kyriakos Papadopoulos, Tachtsidis, Karelis, Tzavellas should be replaced before Monday by more trustworthy and more promising guys: Chalkias, Konstantopoulos, Siovas, Marinos, Vyntra, Moras, Avraam, Zaradoukas, Patsatzoglou, Fotakis, Pliatsikas, Maniatis, Katidis (his ban should be lifted), Mantzios.

4. Otto Rehhagel must be rehired at once (Santos is not available). The terms of his contract will be drafted by the community of Phantis Forums.

5. Giannis Topalidis and Leonidas Vokolos will be his assistants.

6. Takis Fyssas should return to the position of technical director of the EPO.

#feebleattemptatjoking #swag #yolo #stillreelingfromrecentgamesofethniki


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How did Koulouris get called up over Manias and Giakoumakis (Levadiakos )?

Koulouris only has 2 goals in the league this season and they were both from the penalty spot!

Meanwhile, Manias has 8 goals and Giakoumakis has 7. Furthermore, they were both good last season too, especially Manias. Last season, Manias had 10 goals in a half a season.

Edited by maggica
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i think bakasetas has played better this season than kone. he's been great at aek but baka shouldn't be starting over laz. laz has been possibly mvp of superleague 

here's elephants view on the friendly 


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Simply put Bakasetas should not be starting over Lazaros on the wing. Baka is not a wing player, never was, why Skibbe plays his over and over on the wing where he never really does well is just beyond science. Bakasetas is a central type player, very good behind the striker, he would have been more potent there than Fortounis but seems form, no matter how many times certain people can fail is foreign to Skibbe.

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So I just watched some of that video with Alefantos, and he brings up some good points. Especially at the end when discussing the players on Atromitos who should be given a call up. Is it just that we're overrating these guys or could they actually make a difference? Seems like there's a decent amount of players who tend to be overlooked given that they don't play for the "big 4"

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after egypt and swiss friendly i'm hoping we see maybe something like this


Laz   fortounis Donis/pelkas

         kourbelis zeca

staf sok man bakakis


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No more Fortounis, I know this will not happen, but after watching today's game and seen @georgelaz line up with Fortounis in it, I felt sick, like the "same old" sick. Pelkas is better and when Mantalos is back another better option. 

Kourbelis needs a whole game to prove some worth, why not try him out instead of the same old Tziolis and Tachtsidis, way to slow for this level of football - come on Skibbe! 101 Stuff, Tachtsi couldn't even dominate a game against a poor Egypt team. 

Lykogiannis should also get a good shot, being so impressed with his stints every time. 

Call me crazy guys but I would love to see Manos and Manias out there, Karelis is ok but I don't think he's anything special.

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6 hours ago, georgelaz said:

after egypt and swiss friendly i'm hoping we see maybe something like this


Laz   fortounis Donis/pelkas

         kourbelis zeca

staf sok man bakakis


That's what we should aim for. We need to pick this team based on club form. There isn't a big difference between our players. Fortounis vs Pelkas or Stafylidis Vs Bakakis or Lazaros Vs Donis. We should pick a team of players based on their club performances.

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47 minutes ago, Dean97 said:

Manos for sure I don't think Manias is good enough. I believe he is like Klaus.

He may well be, I have not seen too much of him but in the Super League he has been the most consistent scorer outside of Fortounis the last two seasons

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I agree that Fortounis should be benched. Same goes for Bakasetas. I think Donis and Lazaros have earned themselves starts. I think if Mantalos is playing well after coming back from injury, he should get a run as the "10". Pelkas has promise but needs work. I haven't seen enough of Kourbelis to really form an opinion. As I stated in the Egypt thread, besides Zeca, the other deep-lying midfielders have not been cutting it. On the defensive line, Manolas/Socrates are automatic starters. I think Skibbe will use Retsos as RB to replace Torosidis (who is frankly past it), with Bakakis as back-up. LB is a bit of a question-mark; I like Stafylidis but he makes a lot of mistakes and was exposed against Croatia. Lykogiannis should also get more time. As for Tziolis and Tzavellas, no question they should be dropped but Skibbe trusts them so expect to see them in future squads..

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Guys I don't want to see on the team or starting for the NT.

1) Tziolis - form obvious reasons


3)Taxi - Is s%$#! and slow as hell

4)Samaris - Only as a bench option but not a starter

5)Fortounis - Bench option not a starter anymore

6)Bakasetas - No where near good enough to play for us as we have much better options.

7)Staf - He's okay but not good enough as a starter good bench option to have


I still don't know what our best midfield option is. Maybe Zeca and Kourb. I think Pelka should start over Fourtounis for now as he brings much more energy and pace. Maybe also mantalos when he returns. Donis and Laz on the wings and Mitro in the middle.  I also like Bakakis.


Also we looked better in the Egypt game 1 because it was Egypt and 2 because more guys played in there natural position and we had much better flow. Skibbe has the habit of asking guys to play where they are not comfortable and that even should with Retsos.. I was always a guy to say Greece can only win by playing defence and we should focus on defence first but as i see these new generation of players we need to start thinking of having a good balance of offence and defence and not be afraid to press and F*** just sitting back. God knows we need all the chances we can get to score and we aren't going to do that by just sitting back anymore..

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I just translated it on twitter.. seems like he's saying that Bakakis' play, specifically the well placed crossed on the goal to Karelis, makes Skibbe's decision of starting Maniatis at RB in the first leg vs Croatia unacceptable and the Greek team paid the price for such a bad decision.

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9 minutes ago, Soprano76 said:

I just translated it on twitter.. seems like he's saying that Bakakis' play, specifically the well placed crossed on the goal to Karelis, makes Skibbe's decision of starting Maniatis at RB in the first leg vs Croatia unacceptable and the Greek team paid the price for such a bad decision.

Thanks man!

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4 hours ago, AchillesHeel said:

Personally I don't think Retsos is very comfortable at RB or LB and if we're playing with 2 DMs who lack attacking skills then Skibbe will be looking for more offensive play than what Retsos has shown at the NT level (not his fault as he's still learning). In the switzerland game it was Skibbe who kept prompting Retsos to move up higher but he really couldn't do much where as Bakakis or even a Kivrakides are much more at ease moving up and down the flank.
Everyone was exposed against Croatia (Zeca excluded) so I don't think Staf should shoulder the blame...he looked good against Egypt so did Lykogiannis and thats good news....again I don't think Retsos should be used over these 2 at LB. I actually would have preferred Retsos playing with the U21 and seeing if he can improve as a fullback at Leverkusen.....imagine Mavropanos, Xatzidiakos and Retsos at CB for the U21....they would go far in any competition.

Spot on

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2 hours ago, J1078 said:

Guys I don't want to see on the team or starting for the NT.

1) Tziolis - form obvious reasons


3)Taxi - Is s%$#! and slow as hell

4)Samaris - Only as a bench option but not a starter

5)Fortounis - Bench option not a starter anymore

6)Bakasetas - No where near good enough to play for us as we have much better options.

7)Staf - He's okay but not good enough as a starter good bench option to have


I still don't know what our best midfield option is. Maybe Zeca and Kourb. I think Pelka should start over Fourtounis for now as he brings much more energy and pace. Maybe also mantalos when he returns. Donis and Laz on the wings and Mitro in the middle.  I also like Bakakis.


Also we looked better in the Egypt game 1 because it was Egypt and 2 because more guys played in there natural position and we had much better flow. Skibbe has the habit of asking guys to play where they are not comfortable and that even should with Retsos.. I was always a guy to say Greece can only win by playing defence and we should focus on defence first but as i see these new generation of players we need to start thinking of having a good balance of offence and defence and not be afraid to press and F*** just sitting back. God knows we need all the chances we can get to score and we aren't going to do that by just sitting back anymore..

 Correct and you touch on something I’ve seen for about 2 years now.

We had the luxury of some amazing defensive mids for years, because the football IQ in Greece is so low the thought has been that we MUST play defensive bullshit. We saw Kats and many other players, and still do like the guys mentioned constantly get call up no matter what, the truth is we have been playing crap, slow and out of form def mids for far too long and we have really suffered for it. How Tziolis, Samaris & Tachtsidis are getting regular call ups is nothing but a joke. Rewarding mediocrity is what’s happening and we see that in our results since the 2014 WC.

To your point, we have better attacking players now, guys that can run into space and create issues for the opposition, there is a Hungary game, last game of Euro 16 qualifiers where we played a fair few of these players and scored 5 for example.

With Skibbe at the helm though I feel it’s like we have a child in charge and we are hoping for the day he learns what is the right thing to do...

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ya and people were saying that bakakis is already too old at 26 and shouldn't start when i was saying we should play him LOL

he brings much needed energy on the flank and staf is most definitely our starting lb since holebas is out

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