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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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As far as DM goes, long range goal-man Maniatis is without a club, the Skibbe doesn's like Tachtsidis, Samaris is alittle dumb although, should be box 2 box midfielder and Tziolara is slower than a wet week.

Options therefore should now have to be Petsos, Bouchalakis or maybe virus. Blooding players should not stop as the team isn't completely settled. Otherwise, we will continue to get the same shyte.

Wouldn't shock to see Stafy play there with the way Skibbe sees things. Also wouldn't mind Karelis starting ahead or Mykonos next match.


Edited by ausgreek
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18 hours ago, RED SHERIFF said:

Petsos and Bouchalakis don't play for their clubs..


Taxi and Samaris are our only options....then the virus...


I can't see Siopis worrying Belgium...

But Maniatis and Tziolis get to play even though they have not played for their clubs all season. Bouchalakis is like a Tziolis player shooting wise. Petsos is like Maniatis stamina wise.

They both have played more than the other two.  Siopis should get a chance alongside Samaris. It would make more sense. Tachtsidis is a top player and has been playing regularly for his club. 

Has Pelkas been playing for PAOK? He is a top player in my opinion and should be in the squad. 

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I'm not liking Samaris to be honest, and I know we don't have options in that position. He has looked very average to below average, his mistakes are glaring and he doesn't control the ball with any pace or rhythm. I'm not to sure why we've all given him a free pass... 

Edited by J1078
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I can't recall Samaris doing anything spectacular apart from the game against Ivory Coast. What do people expect him to do? He is a defensive midfielder. To me he has been a breath of fresh air to watch. Especially since Katsouranis retired and Tziolis not been playing very often. He gave the team a better look from midfield. He gives the midfield a faster pace with his passing. 

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Can someone tell me the next best players for our national team does anyone believe that we are going to have future star players. Fortounis I believe should leave the Greek League. Bouchalakis needs to improve and Charisis, Pelkas and Mystakidis need to step it up more.

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Im all in for Siopis joining the squad but honestly, we cant experiment against Belgium. Samaris Tachtsidis is the only option. I believe that with Maniatis not having a club at March( although i doubt he wont be added to a team in the January Transfers Period) Skibbe will try to set foot and take action. Hope the same thing happens with Tziolis.

Torosidis Manolas Sokratis Stafylidis show great composition, hell even Tzavellas shows he can play.

If we honestly try to take 1st spot against Belgium, we need solid defence and maybe get a draw or a miraculous , out of nowhere stolen win.

If we realisticly aim for 2nd spot, we need to concede few,so that we try to decrease the Goal Difference we ll have with Bosnia this way. Bosnia conceded 5. If we concede 0-2, Noone gives a f*ck if they even score 7-8 goals to Gibraltar. We are the last team Belgium plays, they ve already qualified  to be honest, maybe their key players are bored of tryharding for an already-over campaign. This and Cyprus gifting us the away match, while making it hard (like they always do) to the bosnians, will be key factors to us stealing the spot.

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3 hours ago, Rockafeller Skank said:

Im all in for Siopis joining the squad but honestly, we cant experiment against Belgium. Samaris Tachtsidis is the only option. I believe that with Maniatis not having a club at March( although i doubt he wont be added to a team in the January Transfers Period) Skibbe will try to set foot and take action. Hope the same thing happens with Tziolis.

Torosidis Manolas Sokratis Stafylidis show great composition, hell even Tzavellas shows he can play.

If we honestly try to take 1st spot against Belgium, we need solid defence and maybe get a draw or a miraculous , out of nowhere stolen win.

If we realisticly aim for 2nd spot, we need to concede few,so that we try to decrease the Goal Difference we ll have with Bosnia this way. Bosnia conceded 5. If we concede 0-2, Noone gives a f*ck if they even score 7-8 goals to Gibraltar. We are the last team Belgium plays, they ve already qualified  to be honest, maybe their key players are bored of tryharding for an already-over campaign. This and Cyprus gifting us the away match, while making it hard (like they always do) to the bosnians, will be key factors to us stealing the spot.

Bro you need to stop assuming that Cyprus is going to gift us the final match we play them.. Be realistic they will be playing for pride as I'm sure they want to finish ahead of Estonia and have some kind of success as well in this campaign. Greece will need to earn every result the get bottom line. As far as the Belgium game is concerned the question isn't wether we will lose but rather by how much. I know you said it's not time for Skibbe to experiment in the Belgium game but my question is why not? We know the final match we play them.. Be realistic they will be playing for pride as I'm sure they want to finish ahead of Estonia and have some kind of success as well in this campaign. Greece will need to earn every result the get bottom line. As far as the Belgium game is concerned the question isn't wether we will lose but rather by how much. I know you said it's not time for Skibbe to experiment in the Belgium game but my question is why not? We knowwho are main starters are so I don't think it will be a downgrade if he experiments by adding Siopis in or removing a couple of our useless players. To be honest I think a line up change is required because if we go into Belgium with this line we are going to get absoloutley spanked.

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Its probably the injury, he returns to the starting scheme of Benfica vs Besiktas (away) today so that means he is something for them. Samaris Maniatis was a good midfield in WC 2014. Team literally had the best transition possibly in the IC game,when Katsou was banned. Holebas also gave fresh air then. There is seriously something we are missing here as to why Maniatis is still getting picked. I understand your concerns about Tziolis getting call-ups but Maniatis surely has something we probably are not aware of.

Dont be so harsh on the team. They were considered the underdogs and "a lucky draw" for the romanians in 2013. We dominated. We  were considered the underdogs for 2010 Ukraine as well. We dominated. The stronger the opponent, the more the pressure they apply, the more the spaces they open. Sadly Belgium has 6 key players like Carassco,Hazard, Lukaku, De Bruyne, Ninja Mertens, that our defence has to deal with. Given that we find solutions in defence, even with a 9 defenders lineup, their defence is rusty. I know our offence is nothing close to Bosnia's and BELG still didnt concede. If we manage to keep them at bay for long enough, they re probably not used to it.

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On 11/20/2016 at 5:09 PM, Dean97 said:

I can't recall Samaris doing anything spectacular apart from the game against Ivory Coast. What do people expect him to do? He is a defensive midfielder. To me he has been a breath of fresh air to watch. Especially since Katsouranis retired and Tziolis not been playing very often. He gave the team a better look from midfield. He gives the midfield a faster pace with his passing. 

Samaris actually had a killer game in the second friendly match against Australia.  The commentators who are normally loathe to praise any Greek couldn't stop praising him.  He played as a straight number 8 and he was (to my surprise) superb.  Maybe he had some cocaine just before the game because he certainly had kefia.  To be fair though, this is a very poor Australian NT we are talking about and he showed his class relative to them.  He seems to whittle against better opposition.  Lacks the "mongrel" to ware down the opposition.


On 11/22/2016 at 0:11 PM, Dean97 said:

Can someone tell me the next best players for our national team does anyone believe that we are going to have future star players. Fortounis I believe should leave the Greek League. Bouchalakis needs to improve and Charisis, Pelkas and Mystakidis need to step it up more.

All the PAOK "kids" have been lack lustre this season.

Pelkas has played in 3 matches.  All off the bench.  108 minutes of football.

Charisis had played in 7 matches.  Played 2 full games.  467 minutes of football.

Mystakidis has played in 9 matches.  Played 1 full game.  368 minutes of football.

Of the 3 Pelkas needs to step up or accept he's not good enough for the level because he's 23 years of age.  I personally don't think he has it.  He's got the skill but he just seems to drift off when the going gets tough.  Charisis and Mystakidis, both 21, definitely better "battlers" but need to work a LOT on their technique.  Can be very sloppy with their passing.


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7 hours ago, RED SHERIFF said:

Belgium are not on the same planet as Ukraine 2009 or Romania 2013..

Both those teams especially Romania 2013 were closer to our level...Romania may have had better credentialed cultured footballers, but we clearly had the better team, more balance, more depth..

I don`t really see how you can say Romania had more credentialed footballers. Who exactly? Razvan Rat?

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a draw against belgium isn't far fetched. if we play 3 cb's and 3 cdms (maniatis, samaris, tachtsi). tzavellas as a lb gives us 4 cb's too. He is stronger defensively than holeba or staf, so thats the nice thing about him.

if i was booky id imagine it'd be

65% belgium win

25% draw

10% greece win

essentially a 1 in 3 chance to pickup some sort of point and we have the opportunity twice. bosnia already lost their game, so we're in the drivers seat at least.

Edited by georgelaz
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Who in there right mind thinks Greece is going to go into Belgium and get a point? Guys we are lucky to be in the position we are in right now so let's just be thankful because honestly we've played like s%$#! so far.  We were lucky to get 2 points against Estonia who dominated us, we were also lucky to pull a rabbit out of our ass and get a point against Bosnia who outplayed us and got killed by Belgium.. Our focus going into Belgium is damage control and keep the goals against 3 or under because goal differential means a lot. Yes Belgium is at another level and no one from this group can compete with them.  We have been getting very lucky getting points with the line up this coach continues to play especially with no threat coming off our bench. If we played in any other group there's no way we would be 3-1 right now. Not the way we've played. I still think Greece can be better and play better if we had the right player selections as starters and off the bench.. We have better option I don't understand for the life of me why we don't use them.

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We haven`t played great, but our playing style was never easy on the eyes. We may be in a favorable position considering some average performances, but we weren`t as bad as we looked, obviously; it`s just the way we play. Some teams play attractive open football but get trampled. You can get lucky once or twice, but when you consistently get results, it`s no accident. 

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22 hours ago, georgelaz said:

a draw against belgium isn't far fetched. if we play 3 cb's and 3 cdms (maniatis, samaris, tachtsi). tzavellas as a lb gives us 4 cb's too. He is stronger defensively than holeba or staf, so thats the nice thing about him.

I have been hoping to see 3 CBs for the longest time now. We have the perfect players to compliment this formation, not to mention 3 of the best CBs in Europe, and, yes, I cautiously include KPap in that statement. Can you just imagine a Manolas - Sokratis - Papadopoulos back-line? Too bad we can`t see that in Belgium as KPap is suspended. 

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Why could we not get a draw from Belgium? At least at home it should be possible. We ve been playing terribly and that's the reason. The team should find a moment to step up. Were they playing great whole campaign noone would bash them if they lost a match they should have lost paperwise. But they really sounded focused. Tzavellas said , "θα διεκδικησουμε οχι την 2η αλλα την 1η θεση οταν επιστρεψουμε." By the way this guy has really improved his behaviour.

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Out of the question vs Belgium?


Toro (c)          Manolas                Sokratis (vc)         Tzavellas



  Gianniotas                            Fortounis                       Kone



Karelis   Mykonos    Mantalos    Fetfatzidis    Who  LW???

Bouchalakis    Tachtsidis   Maniatis

Stafylidis    Oikonomou    Koutroubis

Kapino    Barkas



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