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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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My reasoning:

I don't think there is any doubt Karnezis is and should be the starting goalie.

I would go with a 3 CB formation. What's the effing point of having your 3 best players be CB's if you are only going to play 2 of them in a game? If you have them, use them. That way I could live with Torosidis/Holebas as wingbacks that would able to bomb forward and overlap (and be somewhat covered with our cb trio covering up).

Samaris in front of the cb's in a DM role. I don't get this player in all honesty. I don't think he's as s%$#! as he has shown but for whatever reason he just click with the ethniki. If Maniatis was/is healthy, I wouldn't have any reservations of plugging him in there as a starter. At least I would know what to get/expect with him.

For the other mid spots, I chose Fortounis (he finished last season. Strong play continued so far this year) and Tachtsidis (mostly because I think his characteristics fit that formation best).

For the forward spots it was basically anyone but Mitroglou. That guy shows no interest in actually playing. He plays sage like he doesn't want to get hurt. I plugged Kone in there knowing he isn't a true forward but he seems like the only one to give a crap on Monday so he currently gets the nod. If Karelis continues his good from for PAO, I wouldn't hesitate starting him either. We honestly don't have many options here so you could just go with the hot hand.

Edited by paoboston
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this to me seems to be our best lineup.

these subs in brackets would be good replacements if a particular unit is doing bad.



Holebas - Manolas - Sokratis - Manolas - Torosidis  (Subs Moras / Siovas / Stafilidis)


                            Samaris Maniatis (Subs Tachtsidis / Petsos)


                          feftfa - Ninis -  Karelis  (Subs Kone / Fortounis / Lazaros)


                                   Mitroglou (Subs Klaus)



Greece is still in my opinion a top 20 side, pound for pound, talent wise.

we gotta start acting like it.


I know a lot of people are Maniatis haters, but he does a lot of the dirty work that Samaris doesn't do. He's a decent engine.


Also, if you look at the suitable subs in the attacking midfield, that may be where our problem is. We don't have any clear cut starters as we've shuffled these guys around so much. We got quantity, but not the same quality that we do have in the defense.


Therefore, almost always our subs should probably be attacking, the fresh legs and different offensive angles that each of our AM offer can be made up for in quantity rather than quality. 


Turn the weakness into strength!


my 2 cents

Edited by georgelaz
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this to me seems to be our best lineup.

these subs in brackets would be good replacements if a particular unit is doing bad.



Holebas - Manolas - Sokratis - Manolas - Torosidis  (Subs Moras / Siovas / Stafilidis)


                            Samaris Maniatis (Subs Tachtsidis / Petsos)


                          feftfa - Ninis -  Karelis  (Subs Kone / Fortounis / Lazaros)


                                   Mitroglou (Subs Klaus)



The problem with that line up is that not one player from the midfield onwards, is playing well.  Greece right now is short on personnel.

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Samaris generally has a better running game than Taxi, so I would say Taxi @ DM, and Samaris @ CM. I like to see Mantalos @ AM, although, Fortounis with a decent run at it would suffice. Samaris will struggle to hold his spot when Maniati gets back.

Hellas will Never play a 3-5-2 as they place more emphasis on defence culturally. Always have four at the back, even with Kpaps,Sok and Manola. I don't necessarily agree with this.

Edited by ausgreek
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Sadly up front it looks bleak with just Mitro and Klaus the only real options...


This is the problem - both of them (either of them) should be MORE than adequate for 90% of the competition we face. I am very frustrated with Mitroglou but the midfield is what's holding him back, and will also do the same for Klaus, or Aravidis, or whoever else you put up there. This is bleak only because of how the team as a whole acts; I'd be happy with either of them assuming the ethniki plays like a team.

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I agree with Pash. Mitroglou is still a weapon if he's getting good service.


ninis works really well with him.


I also wouldn't mind Samaras getting a dig.


That's what I'm saying tho, if we make our 3 subs midfielders in the 60th minute, we can make up for our shitty midfield through the power of fresh legs.


One of the problems that we've overlooked is that our subs have been very bad


Katsouranis in while, chasing a goal for example?

Edited by georgelaz
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Karnezis, Sokratis, K.Papadopoulos, Manolas, Samaris, Holebas and Torosidis should be the players that start every match coming up. Thats our defence. The rest need to be changes often. For eg. have Ninis or Fortounis to start in that creative AM role. Maybe Pelkas aswell. Striker next game would have to be either Klaus or Aravidis, Mitroglou has to sit on the bench. He can come on if the new striker is not producing anything. Have 1 of Kone or Lazaros to start on that LW. RW should be Fetfatzidis. Tachtsidis can be on the bench as well as Karelis. Kapino and Vellidis as keepers and Maniatis to be a back up for Torosidis for now. Have 3 future players that were going to fit in for later to gain knowledge of how we play for eg. (Bouchalakis, Pelkas and Petsos.) I like to see Bakakis in the future because i think he is talented. Aswell as Mystakidis. Mystakidis is like Kone in the way his position is second striker. They both like to roam around the box. Stafylidis should be back up to Holebas and Siovas, Oikonmou should be back ups. 


Overall this is what i would do if i was coach. I would be tossing up between Fetfatzidis and Karelis in that RW position of who should start most of the time. I also think that 1 of Lazaros and Kone should start on that LW. As Samaras has no club. This Squad is young and filled with a core of expirienced players (meaning caps.) Tziolis should step aside not because he's old but give the new generation a chance in that position such as Bouchalakis, Petsos and Lagos. We need to give these players playing time and become a team. Maybe have Tziolis there if it means to have balance so the team will not be lost. 

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We should play the lineup that tsanas basically played in hungary 4-3


just Manolas = For Moras

Holebas = Stafylidis

Torosidis = Kitsiou


Plenty of lineups seem good in theory but this is the only one of a half dozen that actually performed great.

Edited by georgelaz
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I'm so relieved that this Hellas version of the team is not ready for the pension, imagine Tachtsidis chosen to start two games earlier and Not Tziolis? How good is this Pelkas kid? The fact the Mids and wingers had roving commissions showed enterprise by Tsanas that shocked me. This is a side, with the inclusions of Manolas, Holebas starting ofcourse and Toro, could really rattle good sides. Add as benchies Bouchalakis and Petsos too. One question, does Maniatis stop that Hungarian Nemeth I think, from slicing between Samaris and Taxi?  If so, he might get a spot ahead of Samaris.


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At the moment, I would love to see this lineup played. I think it's our best players at this moment in time.

It looks highly defensive but Mitro, Kone, Fortounis, Tachtsi, Holebas are attack oriented & Samaris + Torosidis can too. So it's actually quite balanced.



                       Mitroglou - Kone           






                  Samaris   -      Tachtsi



holebas - Manolas - Sokratis - Kpaps - Torosidis









Karelis (Chasing a goal)

Pelkas (Chasing a goal)

Ninis (Chasing a goal)

Klaus (Chasing a goal)

Maniatis (Protecting a lead)

Siovas (Protecting a lead)



Notable Reserves






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Oh my, I hope if Gekas does get a call-up, it's just for a 'this is your life' kind of reunion, where his wife, kids, parents, friends, relatives and mistresses get invited to the evening, and he gets interviewed and they reminisce about how he grew up and became a star, and Was At His Peek 10 Years Ago!! 

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Gekas was a really good striker in his prime. He stopped being super productive for us after 2010, but still he was the best we had in many circumstances. 


He was a world cup 2010 top scorer (qualifiers), bundesliga top scorer, and greek league top scorer. dude was effective as F*** 

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This is what I think the Ethniki should look like.

Edited by Ethnikos
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If we're only starting 2 CB's I'd rather Manolas at the moment. I think he's finally surpassed Kpaps in the pecking order because of the formers injuries.


Ethnikos that lineup is pretty similar to the 4-3 hungary. It's good attack wise but Staf and Kits don't leave me confident on the wings.


Against the minnows I think this would be a fun lineup to move towards (after Torosidis retires move Holebas up to winger for one last tourny.)





Holebas                Fortounis             Fetfa


             Samaris                     Tachtsi


                Manolas Sokratis Kpaps





For extra attack juice subs


Pelkas for Fourtounis

Karelis for Holebas

Klaus for Kone



I think our Ethniki personally plays best with an average age of 28-29. Slightly above the typical high performing average (27).

Much like Italy, who won the world cup with an average age of 30.

Greeks generally blossom later, they rely on football IQ more than raw athleticism.

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His biggest problem for the longest time was his attitude. He's jumped from team to team throughout his whole career, and let's not forget that he walked away from the NT at one point. He had a few good seasons and won several scoring records, but even those teams didn't end up keeping him.


Accurate or not, he very much puts off a sort of mercenary attitude that most players at least try to hide.

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