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Panathinaiko Kafenio

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jvc you would know more than me on this, but when a president is told to step down due to his involvement in being a piece of s%$#! of a human being and he doesn't do it by the deadline given twice, wouldn't that mean the team should be suspended from playing? Or does that only apply to everyone else and not Oly?

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jvc with the NO vote in all honesty which Greek was going to vote yes for more austerity? That was a joke of a vote. Tsipras is all talk like the rest. But back to my question shouldn't they be suspended from playing????? Hmmm double standards imagine that happened to Meli EVERY gavro would be having fits over it  and crying out loud we should be suspended, then again they would've suspended AEK because rules apply to everyone else but one team. Then they have the nerve to say we get help from refs hahahaha

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You really think Meli is going to pump money like that only to have s%$#! decisions go against us each week? Each week we are offside on a goal scoring opportunity, each week a penalty claim not given, this weekend Xanthi got a penalty against us, very harsh penalty too. Do they think Meli will stand for that and pump money? LOL he's been around football longer than most owners, he isn't stupid.

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Whatever he is doing behind the scenes hopefully it works out especially with the EPO elections later in the year, what he said after our match on the weekend shows there is something being planned for things to change but will it happen is the question.


For the sake of Greek Football I hope the changes happens, gavri wont like the change though as it wont benefit them lol

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Lets see what he does next season when they need to qualify for CL. This will be a test for fatboy since he cant guarantee CL to any player he wants to sign. Times are getting tough for him now


If you think Oly won't qualify, I'll propose an avatar bet, open, you can accept at any time from now until the first kick off. 

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Tzatziki would you like to comment on why Olympiakos isn't penalized for Marinakis not complying with the court order? Typical gayros always running from the truth!


Probably because court orders for don't mean much when you have a certain level of power, money, influence or connections. Just a guess, I might be wrong though.

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Truth hurts people jvc and all they can do is run, similar to last nights episodes, hopefully the guy who left his bike behind went and got and put a new battery in it since "that wouldn't start" lollllll


Also hope the 3 gavri who copped it and went hospital are also ok, its not nice seeing softies acting like hooligans and ending up in hospital.....


As for Marinakis and Oly congrats after not stepping down when being told to and even with their superior lead from 2nd, another title won by default, a lot to be proud of as a gavro this season, won a league by default and choked their best chance of CL qualification :)

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Lol man when we went two years ago I had my mrs with me and a few mates and we were on crown st having a coffee and the cove did their march and we had to be wearing our jerseys ay lol the only guys in WSW jerseys they charged at us about 10 young lads and first thing I did was pick up a chair but they were going for guys hiding behind us hahaha they are F***ed though I don't like seeing them attack people for nothing......


As for the dogs last 2 years I have had expectations but this year I don't have any, maybe reverse psychology will work for me hahaha Brisbane will be hard as usual, glad JT got a winners medal no other player in the league deserved it more than him.

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Its a disgrace that this can happen to ANY other team and they would receive a ban/fine yet these :xxx:  get away with it each time, then you have people asking why we say the League is corrupt. Twice now the fans have done wrong by the laws yet they go unpunished.


Will any gavro show some balls and come out and admit the game should've been stopped there and then, just like few weeks back when nothing was done when their fans threw flares onto the pitch vs Veria. Anyone got the balls to speak the truth?

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This happened hours a go, you guys may get your pound of flesh soon enough, like the saying goes good things come to those who wait. These punishments are not handed down at the full time whistle you know...



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