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Panathinaiko Kafenio

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Ronaldo was a freak boys and he did it at a time when defenders were much tougher/dirtier. He also won awards when there was way more competition than what there is these days. Today who else but Messi & Ronaldo are favourites for player of the year? Back then there were stars in every league and NT teams.


The best striker I have ever seen play

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Well said.

Players like ronaldo are the reason you start watching the game. I think if I started watching nowadays, I wouldn't be so interested. I feel for the younger generation, hell I missed out on a lot.

Unfortunately the seed has already been planted, but it gets harder with each passing season.

In the past, players were much more technically gifted. They were worthy of their reputations and salary. Nowadays you have the likes of Muller and Diego Costa...

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No im fine watching Messi and Ronaldo trust me i personally think Messi is the best player the world has seen.

You should watch highlights of a geriatric Zidane dismantling Brazil and willing France to the final of WC 2006.. He was no longer in his prime yet he made millions tingle in bewilderment.

Both Messi and CR7 need to win on the national stage to be compared to the likes of Zidane, Maradonna, and the like...

Bonus: here's Zidane in his prime vs Brazil in WC'98


My God he was a Wizard in the truest sense of the word.. A midfield general.. A proper number 10 that controlled play effortlessly.

Edited by Giourkas
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Messi is great but as I said before Zidane was a genius on the field. Unless you watched him week in week out you wouldn't understand.....


Messi can do freaky s%$#! but Zidane could take it another level along with Brazilian Ronaldo, these guys were born winners for club and country, where as Messi has known to go into his shell when playing for Argentina, same as Cristiano.....


The only thing that eluded Ronaldo was the CL and to think he was in one of the best Madrid teams ever assembled and still couldn't win it......


Give me the players of the 80s & 90s era over these guys any day of the week......

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I agree. Obviously there are some players who handle the ball well, are football thinkers as they read the game well and act upon.  But, who's the best? I don't think there's an answer unless you define precisely what this "best" means. Here are some factors.


So, who's greater in these circumstances?

  • great player, but team, never wins anything. Plenty of examples of such players
  • not very technical but strong and his personality lifts the team to greatness
  • different eras, different styles of football; the physical aspect alone would make a huge difference. A mediocre player today who's conditioned 100% would frustrate any "old timer" many of which were semi-amateurs... and when the training was not as scientific as it is today.
  • the opposition has changed, in power and intensity, and strategy. Harder to do the stuff of the past on the pitch today.

Keeping those things in mind, I think Messi has to be at the very top (I can't say "the best" for the reason I stated), because he's very diverse, and has done great in very hard competitive leagues.

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Pana97, it is really hard to judge. And yes, it's generational. But statistics only give you part of the picture. I tell you this much with certainty. The 40 and 50 goals that Christiano and Messi bang in La Liga, no way that would happen in the old Serie A. Not even close. They would probably get half that, which is still crazy. Back then, you'd be lucky to have one or two players get more than 20 goals for the season. The defenders back then were defenders.

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I agree, with what has been said with regards to it being difficult to judge players over different generations. But what can be compared is how each player dominated his era. Although I never saw Pele play, an uncle of mine swears to this day that he was the most dominant player ever. Maradona struck the fear of God in any opposition. This is why I still consider those 2 the top 2.

The way I see it, Messi and Ronaldo have not stuck out (by their standard of course) internationally on good NTs. They often are invisible or just don't make the same impact they do for their clubs.. Zidane on the other hand did stand out on a very very good NT squad that won a WC, a Euro, made it to another WC final.... Despite having the likes of Mackele, Viera, Henry, Trezeguet, Blanc, Ribiery, Pirez, Lizarazu, Anelka... Etc, it was him you noticed on the field. He willed France in wins vs much tougher opposition: Brasilian squads that were stacked, an equally impressive Italian team (in 2000) that was the model of how teams should defend. The Italians were devoted to man covering Zidane in the final of the Euro with 2 defenders at all times!!! That shows you the respect/fear they had for him. Even in 2004, when France was playing uninspired football, he alone managed to overturn a deficit vs England to win the match!

This is why, for me, Zidane>>>>>>>>>>>>Messi and CR7

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Its fun to sit and compare players from different eras but it's not realistic.

Anybody watch highlights from past World Cup finals let's say from 1970 through 1990 and compare the speed of the game then with what we watch these days. It was slow motion then and less tactical so easier to identify great skillful attacking creators then than it is now.

Maradona was a phenomenal player but to suggest he had success at Napoli only through his own brilliance isn't exactly the entire story. Back then there were only 3 foreigners per team rule and Diego had high quality teammates as well. Plus in the Siera during the 80s not only Napoli won a title but also , Juve, Milan, Inter, Roma, Lazio and even Verona so there was plenty of parity and shared successes to go around.

Indeed he was magnificent when Argentina won the 86 WC. Probably the most dominant individual performance ever in a NT knockout competition.

Club level however his achievements pale in comparison ( No European Cup win for Maradona and had little success prior at Barcelona ) to watch Messi has done. , not even close. Messi does it week week out for 8 years now. To me he could and should retire when he does as the greatest footballer of all time but nothing absolute here , just opinions.

Both Ronaldos , Zidane , Van Baasten ( incredible striker , cruelly cut short by injury at 28 ) and even Rinaldinho are some of the very best the last 30 years.

Even before Diego , anyone watch Michel Plattini ( current UEFA hot shot ) French midfielder who scored 9 goals in only 5 games in the EUUO 84 finals , won a European cup and a few Siera titles with Juventus later on and I think 3 ballon d' or

Edited by Greekaus
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