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AEK Transfer Talk


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Reading about Chygrysnkiy (plays for Dnipro) and AEK he is a CB, for me this is a good choice to go for, strong, tall and a leader and has plenty of experience, he is 29 but CB are at their peak at this age, this signing IF it was to happen would be a very good one and a massive upgrade from that patata Arzo, time will tell.....

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At the end of the day Panionios are the ones who suffer. Now there slim chances are all but over.What a pitiful club, drop a player for signing for a team he wanted to sign for instead of the they wanted him to sign for.


I had a lot of respect for Panionios for what they achieved this season with their Greek players etc but they have shown their true colours now.

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At the end of the day Panionios are the ones who suffer. Now there slim chances are all but over.What a pitiful club, drop a player for signing for a team he wanted to sign for instead of the they wanted him to sign for.


I had a lot of respect for Panionios for what they achieved this season with their Greek players etc but they have shown their true colours now.


It's not so strange that they are pissed at Bakasetas for signing a bosman contract with AEK. They where hoping to get some cash for him but instead he will go for free in january.


Congrats on the signing but I think it would have been better for AEK to pay 500-800k and get the player before the play-offs and the start of the next season.

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O21// Just read the article pasted on the forum, my fault. 


Is it possible for AEK to sign a contract with Bakasetas on the first of june, and then if they sort things out with Panionios buy him in the middle of the summer? Have never heard of something similar before but if both the player and the club are interested in breaking the contract (starting 2017) and then sign a new one (starting this summer) if they buy him now shouldn't that be possible?

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Would he have even played there or be considered because lets be honest he is a talent and if he was to go there he would most likely be loaned out as they did to the other young Greeks they signed, atleast with us he is guaranteed game time and most likely a starting spot. Now if we can get Vellios we are on a good path, but will be hard as many are after him.

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We got Djebbour and Pekhart, oh and the super star Christhanus lol but Vellios is what we need, too many times we create a heap of chances and aren't clinical, Aravidis was a good example when he played up top, Pekhart hasn't had much effect but I just don't think he is what we need, Djebbour has picked it up lately but again his age is getting the better of him and his attitude stinks sometimes, this is why I would do all I can to get Vellios, that's IF they haven't scouted anyone from elsewhere....

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The Panathinaikos game from the other day got me thinking. The reality is that we need to sign many players, whether they are starters, or quality depth options. We are hopefully going to have three competitions next year, so we need players.

1. Goalkeeper: Baroja's loan deal should not be made permanant. He is not better than Anestis, and he's older, he's not worth spending money. We need to bring in a top quality keeper that's experienced enough to teach Anestis a few things as well as be our number goalie. Ideally, we could get Karnezis, but he's probably way too expensive for us.

2. Centerback: I like Kolovetsios a lot, and I think he can be a starter for us for many years to come, but for right now he can not be our top guy. He needs a stud centerback next to him to make things easier, he plays pretty well with Arzo next to him, just imagine how he'd do with a Bruno Alves type signing next to him.

We also need another centerback for depth because Labropoulos and Tzanetopoulos aren't that good. I would sign a younger guy around the same quality as Kolovetsios. Risvanis is a good option, but Neos Panionios will never sell him to us.

3. Left back: Soiledis is dog s%$#!, Didac is good but we can't count on him to play every single game. I would get Stafylifis maybe on loan, he does everything Soiledis does but 10x better. With Didac and Stafylidis, the options for the left back position will be just as strong as our right backs.

4. Defensive midfielders: Simoes and Johanson are tanks, but they need backups. Cordero gets hurt way too often to count on so we should get rid off him. Anakoglou played a lot of games with Veria on loan so hopefully he improved a bit to have a spot. We need two more players in this spot, even if Anakoglou has really improved. I would try to bring back Zuculini on loan and sign someone like Kourbelis.

5. Wingers: We need two more that are just as good, if not better than Barbosa. Den pame pouthena me Aravidi sta akra, I love him but he sucks on the wing. Platellas can be a decent 4th option if he learns to pass the ball.

6. Attacking Midfielder: With Mantalos, Bakasetas, and Vargas we should be good here. Hopefully we sign Bakasetas to come this summer, and not January. I would sell Buononotte or even Vargas, their stats are heavily inflated compared to their real performances, so hopefully we can rip off some team and get a decent amount of cash.

7. Striker: Vellios is a must. Keep Djebour, Aravidis, and Pekhart as well for depth. Add in Vellios and we are in a good spot with those 4, plus Bakasetas who can play up top. If Melissanidis wants he can sign Vellios right now but he's waiting for the new coach, he was ready to sign him in January but Poyet said that he wasn't worth it.

I've called for 9 players to be signed, if we bring in 9 quality players and cut the deadwood like Baroja, Soiledis, Chrisantus, Cordero, Arzo, Buononotte we should be ready to have a decent European run, and cut the gap between us and Olympiakos. This will cost some money, but if we are serious about improving then we should be able to spend it, and at least half of these signings can be Greek players which is always a good thing.

What do you all think?

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Original 21 the only thing I would change maybe is signing 2 starting cb. Kolovetsios is good but is far too inconsistent. In Europe I don't know if he could hack the level and he isn't actually that young too, he should start to mature now, look at sokrati, he was ready at the age on 19. I really like him but he is inconsistent and that would cost us in europe. Other than that I do agree with your suggestions.

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Original don't disagree with what you have above I think its right on the money.


For me I would go for 2 CB with 1 being an experienced one to guide Kolovetsios around and another as back up.


I would also go get a winger because as you said we got Barbosa, Aravidis, Vargas and Platellas, we need more talent out there, who knows they may even put Bakasetas out wide as I cant see him taking Mandalos spot.


Lastly and as we all know we need a striker ASAP and one with a killer instinct, I would take Vellios in a heart beat the guy was scoring goals for fun in an average side last season, imagine what he could do with us especially since we create so many chances but lack the finishing touch. Djebbour is getting on, Pekhart is a good weapon off the bench, Brecevic who knows what's going on there  and as for Maki, well the less said the better lol....


But before we worry about which players to bring in we need to get a coach, no use in getting players if they don't suit the coaches style.

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I was rewatching highlights from the Kalithea- AEK game and I must say, I was pretty impressed with Chrisantus. I hope that was just a glimpse of the potential this guy has. I liked how composed he was and how well he executed the goal, but at the same time his movements off the ball were good too. He seems to have composure when the ball is at his feet and thats something evident in the way he gave Douni the assist for a possible second goal. Overall if he loses the gut and is slowly worked into the starting 11 he can do great things. Being fair though, it has taken longer than it should for him to get into starting 11 shape and he will be a fool if he misses his chance to shine in the playoffs.

Best player EVER

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