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PAO transfer Speculation


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This I suppose is giving me a false sense of hope as one always believes that signings will help. But when I put a little thinking to it we'll probably get two guys: Rosso and Berkovic and that's it. I hope Vardinogianni realizes that the fans mean business and that he gets some quality.

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I think Eyal Berkovic is a serious possibility. Why not? He's unhappy at Manchester City, he's a Jew and a central midfielder. In Shum's mind he's ideal. Revivo I suppose wouldn't be all that bad but I still wouldn't take him. We need to bring Greeks in damn it. We need to grow more guys like Stoltidis, Salpingidis and Mantzios...I'm really curious who will be coming in though. I think it will determine our season. I mean condemn it even more or maybe give us second place...

About Fyssas, it may be a bit advantageous to him seeing as how Greece will be in Portugal next year. If he is familiar with the play there, the stadiums and the style he could act as a sort of aid to Rehaggel in preparation for the tournament.

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We need to bring Greeks in damn it. We need to grow more guys like Stoltidis, Salpingidis and Mantzios...

...maybe give us second place...

About Fyssas, it may be a bit advantageous to him seeing as how Greece will be in Portugal next year. If he is familiar with the play there, the stadiums and the style he could act as a sort of aid to Rehaggel in preparation for the tournament.

This sounds like something I wrote

I completely agree

Bring in young Greeks who will play with heart and pride for PAO,

not garbage foreigners that are here because no one else wants them!!!

This is a Greek team after all, unless we want to emulate... Rangers...

About Fyssas being a good "spy" for Greece?

Timing is perfect


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if your team wanted to turn it around in january, then get giovanni rosso. he is a must since sanmartean is useless, as you have all come to realize, good against s%$#! teams, TERRIBLE against good teams.

you got to go back to basics, with buying youg stars, and bringing up good players through the system. look at the youg guys you have gotten in the last 5 or so years.....karagounis, basinas, lybe, seitaridis, kyrigiakos, konstantinou. PAO USED TO BE THE BEST AT UNCOVERING TALENT, BUT NOW OLYMPIAKOS HAS TAKEN OVER WITH SUCH MOVES AND PANTOS AND STOLTIDIS.

pao does not have to go get a huge foriegn player, you need rosso, with some greek youth, and you need to get rid of.................

maric, zutautus, sanmartean. mantzios would be a nice pick-up while salpinggidis would be the best but paok will not sell him. this vyntras kid aek is going for, you guys need him to cover the whole left by fyssas. if you guys turn it around you could have a pretty good squad, UNLIKE NOW.......


SEITARIDIS...........KYRIGIAKOS.......new defender........VYNTRAS


EPALLE.............................................................new winger(kolkka is big loss)




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i agree with you on most things....but my main disagreement is Epalle on the right side....i dont think he deserves that starting postion now...i think michaelsen should be starting and epalle should be subbing in for him...this will give epalle experience for next year when michaelsen will probably not be around, but as of now i dont think epalle should be starting in there....as of the left, we definintly need a new left winger but in the back, for this year henriksen will definitly do....this, i think will be his last year...we should get morris rolling in there as well because he has alot of potential...as does sanmartean....this is why i dont think he should be starting...he has potential but is still young and it is impossible to ask a player of his experience to lead the offensive team, and thats exactly what a player in his role should be doing....as for rosso, i think he would be a good buy, but doesnt he play on the right side of midfield, i hear he has playmaking skills but i thought he was i winger??

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I reckon Berkovic would be a huge mistake for PAO. There's no doubt he's very talented, but when things are not going well he loses interest. A selfish player who is more concerned with himself than the good of the team.

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drakos....as of now, rosso is the only player that we are looking at that is somewhat worthwile....he may play in israel but he seems to have alot of talent and a good amount of experience....if it came down to him or some other players i would say no to rosso..but i would rather have him then berkovic or that other no name croat....i mean, rosso has international experience and has been playing for a long time and after next year we may need a new right winger seeing as though michaelsen may not be with us for much longer....trust me, i would much rather see other players come to pao but rosso is better than munch maric and zutautus combined....but then again, thats not saying very much....i would like to see us going after some somewhat big names, but with vardinnogiannis where he is, i dont think it will be happening....

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You can't say that Drakos, don't forget Timur Ketspaja who played for little Anor8wsh and then took the Greek league and Premiership by storm. I like Rosso, from what i've seen. Should have brought him in during the summer instead of Epale. Hope he comes now. he can give quality to the midfield as feed the strikers with decent passes. I'm sick of seeing Mixalaki trying to control balls aimed at his neck...

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If the Israeli league sucks and Rosso's there, why is Jung Hwan Ahn still in Korea? Why are Julius Aghahowa and Maksim Shastkih still in Ukraine? Why are players for Celtic and Rangers still in their leagues? Just cus a league sucks doesn't mean an individual sucks. I'd say the Greek league sucks for the most part with the exception of the top 4 or 5. Does that mean that Konstantinou, Liberopoulo, Tsarta, Okka, Olisadebe, Kyrgiako, Seitaridi, Sanmartean, Castillo, (the list goes on and on) that they all suck...I like the Temur Ketsbaia post as well...

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some of you think that you know it all. "maric is better than rosso", in your fuking dreams. why then is rosso start for croatia and maric is no where to be seen.

rosso can play out wide or in the middle. he has great ground passing as well as good air assault. now the pao strikers will acctually get a chance to prove there worth with getting some service!!

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I agree. Maric hasn't shown ANYTHING except for 1 goal all year. He sucks in Champions League, doesn't play internationally any more and kills us whereveer Shum plays him. Rosso can run, shoot, score cross, and most importantly PASS THE BALL!!!!!!!!! I know he's another Croat and we're getting annoyed by these foreigners that have been half-wits in the past, but I think he's a real player and the closest thing that Shum will get to replacing Joonas Kolkka (whom I really miss)...

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If the Israeli league sucks and Rosso's there, why is Jung Hwan Ahn still in Korea? Why are Julius Aghahowa and Maksim Shastkih still in Ukraine? Why are players for Celtic and Rangers still in their leagues? Just cus a league sucks doesn't mean an individual sucks. I'd say the Greek league sucks for the most part with the exception of the top 4 or 5. Does that mean that Konstantinou, Liberopoulo, Tsarta, Okka, Olisadebe, Kyrgiako, Seitaridi, Sanmartean, Castillo, (the list goes on and on) that they all suck...I like the Temur Ketsbaia post as well...

dont compare the israeli league to the greek league its far better. Ahn is in Korea because he got kicked out of Perugia and he is korean so why not be at home and not that amazing. Aghahowa and shastkih never heard of...

also Rosso does not start for Croatia though he did make the team and there not at all what they used to be.

I have never seen Rosso i dont watch the "J-league" but im wiling to bet by the quality of our other "great transfers" hes gonna suck like Lucian and Silvio

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ahn was not kicked out of perugia...after he scored that goal in the world cup it was rumored that they cancelled his contract but they did not....he went back and felt disrepected so he left on his own terms...rosso is much better than maric and im not sure u shud say lucian sucks because the kid is still only 22-ish years old...its hard to ask a kid like him to lead our team...he needs a bit of experience..i would much rather see a bigger name than rosso come to our side, but im more satified with rosso then zutautus,maric and munch combined...

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Sure the Greek league than the Israeli league but I'm sure that if you pitted Kallithea and maccabi that Haifa would win. Ahn did get kicked out but he played so well in Japan that you'd think he would've gotten a contract somewhere else in Europe even if he didn't like it at Perugia or was kicked out. Aghahowa plays at Shaktar Donetsk but is a very good nigerian striker. He was the one in Japan who celebrated his goal by doing all those backflips. Shastikh was brought into Dinamo Kiev to replace Shevchenko and has surpassed his goals scored in three years...I'm just saying that I believe Rosso's a good player despite of playing in the Israeli league.

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  • 2 weeks later...

O Kinky??? Paixtaras!!!

Hope he's in a decent enuf condition!!!

This guy is magic!!!

Ben watching him years now playing for Derby, Man City and Ajax!

He's only 30, so i reckon for the standards of Greek football he's still got 2-3 good years left in him.

Makari 8ee mou!!! :tup:

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Kinky's not a bad idea at all. Bringing him in now to train and get in shape for January. That's clever. The thing that scares me though is that he's been out for quite some time and hasn't played. He even almost went to MLS, which I think shows a bit of the "this is the end, I'm almost done" kinda look. But that may be crap and he may get it together and help us. This'll take some serious pressure off of our midfield, and with Rosso probably coming to replace Maric our midfield could really put it together if Shum plays Basinas in the right place and benches Zutauta. I hope that this isn't our only transfer along with Rosso because then we're in trouble. We need another defender (i.e. Tavlaridis), a left back to replace Fyssas cus Munch isn't 100% solid and maybe another exciting playmaker that the fans will latch onto like a Mantzios, or the return of Karagouni for a loan maybe? With the possibility of Karembeu going to PSG leaving a void in their midfield the protathlima may not be as far off as we thought.

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