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maybe not stopped all three of those goals hollywood but in 3 games against oly in his career, malartz has allowed 1 goal and that was on sunday. marios last 3 games against oly he has allowed 9

hold a sec; that doesnt prove anything??

Out of thoes 9 goals; how many were his fault? how many should he have saved rather than let in??

i can honestly say that the 4 goals he conceded today were either not his fault or were impossible for him to save (i.e the first and last goal)...

Also take into account his played more derbys than Malarz who has only played one...

P.S i dont understand why people are looking to blame him and not the defence..

ive read all these post and nobody mentions anything in reguards to Sariegi Very poor performence... he was at fault for 3/4 goals yet not one bad word against him.. Am i the only one in here who saw him let Lua Lua break throgh the defence to score the second; am i the only one that saw him miss-handle the ball on his chest and present it on a platter to "Mr Serbia" and finally am i the only one who saw him failing to marking nunez because he was sleeping? :unsure:

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galinovic is utter shite!

he rarely have a clean sheet(other than his bed sheets)

he often eat simply goals and his positioning is often very poor!

ans beleive me this result will hunt us for many years! den kseplenete me tipota.

how would you know that his bed sheets are clean?
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I think Malarz will be starting more often now.

In theory, when you have 2 good keepers rotating them is a smart thing, because you keep them sharp. Besides, I don't think a keeper alters the chemistry of a team as much as any other player on the pitch.

I'd prefer Malarz, but I can't see to blame Gali for this score. The second goal, whereas he took the ball with him into the net, is not really his fault. In the heat of the moment he dove after making a good save, and it happened.

Gavroi got a very early goal. That changed things. But, I still think this game was lost at the point when Salpi missed that great chance to equalize.

I didn't see Oly dominating, except the last 10' when our team had given up.

So, just think that even in this game we were not really dominated by Oly until it was really over.

Again, had Salpi equalized I can almost guarantee you, this would've been an entirely different game and score.

PS>I just watched the goals and other important moments of the match. I'd like to add, that too many mistakes doomed us. Cyber's right about Pap not doing the right thing before LL takes this incredible shot that no goalkeeper can stop. Also, for the money v. contributions, Seric has been worse that Vyntra! Sariegi's mistakes were huge. Plus he could've been ejected for a harsh foul.

Lastly, I'd start Gali in the next 2 games!! He is NOT responsible for the goals. Actually he saved a couple more and made no mistakes. It'd a shame to lose such a keeper. I'd try to boost his confidence by starting him. Rarely a team has 2 top keepers. My preference is for Malarz, but Gali is a valuable player.

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As much as the score hurts, I realize this is football and my life will go on. What is bothersome though is when fans in their misery begin attacking their friends in the forum, and the players with irrational claims. Critiquing the players is fine of course, but claims that don't have a base in reality are counterproductive.

I looked at all the goals again (and the other four that we dodged). Take a look again for yourself and see what and who is really at fault. I am no Galinovic apologist, (I am a statistics buff (thinking any goalkeeper who concedes a goal in 50% of the games he plays has bad carma and should not be playing - the case with Galinovic), but he had absolutely no responisbillity for any of the goals, and he actually managed to keep the score at 4.

Take a look at the video: http://panathinaikosfan.blogspot.com/2008/...naikos-4-0.html

First goal

The ball is cleared and is arcing towards Papadopoulos' head outside the box. He jumps all alone and misses the ball completely in his attempt to pass it to N'doye who was looking at an open pasture ahead. The ball fell to Lua Lua who unleashed an incredible shot. Really, take a look to see where the ball met the goal. Galinovic would not have save this even if he was Tiramola (you do know Tiramola, right?).

Second goal

The simplest of give and go plays. Lua Lua gives to Tzortzevich, he turns and runs to receive the ball in front of him beating the offside trap. Instructions to defense are simple. An experienced player must recognize this immediately and stop it from happening even at the expense of a yellow. Sariegi was the closest player and failed to stop him. I don't expect Sariegi (or any of our defenders) to catch Lua Lua from behind so he was able to shoot all alone. Galinvic made an dificult save and then run all the way to the other side to meet Torosidis shot. I thought it was incredible to be able to meet that shot as well, but the guy has no luck. Nikopolidis closes his eyes, turns his head, the ball hits his (whatever part of the body) and goes out the touch line. Galinovic, falls meets the ball with his outstretched arms, the ball hits knees and his momentum takes him in the net along with the ball. Was it bad luck? Why wasn't a defender where Torosidis was? Why was Lua Lua playing touch and go behind our defense? Did Galinovic pee in the water well when he was a kid? Where do socks go when they are lost in the laundry? These are questions we'll never get an answer for.

Third goal

Our entire left side was taken to the cleaners. Even so, we have four defenders in good position. Galeti is marked by two men (who look really-really tired and relieved they managed to be in position). He leisurely lobs the ball towards our two central defenders. Sariegi receives the ball on his chest and (no he is not passing to Galinovic) plans to clear it. Except, the ball jumps three meters ahead. Kovasevic knows Sariegi is no Ronaldinhio so he knows how much space is going to be between Sariegi's first touch and the ball, he runs to the spot, stops the ball with a little step, and executes Galinovic.

Fourth goal

Give me a break. The team pushes forward. Everyone is attacking. Ivanschit loses the ball from Pantos who gives to Lua Lua and then takes off outrunning everyone in a green jersey. Lua Lua gives him the ball and Pantos after a 70 meter run manages to cross the ball unchalenged towards the back post where Sariegi watches it arc over his head. Nunez is resurected with an incredible goal (his first in Greece).

Peseiro has a huge responibillity for the way the team fell apart after the second goal. He is also responsible for playing those who have repeatedly proven that they can't play with the big boys for whatever reason. He did show some arrogance with the way he fielded the team, but you know what? I like our team to show no fear.

Now, I am not saying Peseiro is garbage and he should go. I am saying he needs to take this year to learn his team and to make adjustments. If he fails to do that, then I'll say let him go. These games are the barometer for the team and the players. Let Papadopoulos and Seric rest at home for a while. Ask for a couple of players and don't take the "our budget can't handle it excuse" (that's upper management's problem, his job is to push hard to get good players).

Now, Peseiro and Velic have the difficult task of managing a devastating defeat. I think the team now needs some calm so our Superleague season is not ruined. Drastic measures should be taken, but the team needs to look "under control". I was hopping for an Olympiakos defeat to send them into a spiral down fall, but we were handed one.

Now everyone who loves the team needs some composure.

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I looked at all the goals again (and the other four that we dodged). Take a look again for yourself and see what and who is really at fault. I am no Galinovic apologist, (I am a statistics buff (thinking any goalkeeper who concedes a goal in 50% of the games he plays has bad carma and should not be playing - the case with Galinovic), but he had absolutely no responisbillity for any of the goals, and he actually managed to keep the score at 4.

the 2nd goal was terrible goalkeeping. and I mean TERRIBLE.

True the goal is not his 'fault' obviously there was bad marking on Lua, and a defender should have marked Kolosidis.

But that was just a bad reaction, a terrible shot right at him, he stops it instead of knocking out for a corner (the SURE thing) he tries to hold it and slips it in his own net.

Goalkeepers arent expected to get everythiing, butthe reason there is a goalkeeper is to makeup for defenders mistakes and stop whatever final efforts he can, and that was a shot that most A and B ethniki keepers would have taken care of.

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I respectfully disagree. In the second goal, Gali makes a save and I don't think he had much control as to where the ball would go. He deflected it to the side, towards the corner. Torosidis was there alone and he takes a shot. Gali dives, like any keeper would do, just trying to put his body and praying for luck. He isn't planning anything at that moment. Unfortunately, his momentum carries him & the ball into the net.

This is a "mistake" I can live with and be happy with Gali's performance. As I said, I prefer Malarz, but M. is mostly responsible for gavros goal on Sunday. He had the time to go for the ball with 2 hands (instead of trying to swat it like a fly) and if the gavros stays there it's obstructing the goalie--who when he's playing the ball has the advantage! And, this was a much bigger mistake than anything Gali did on Wed.

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hehehe couldn't have happened to a better bunch of katharmata (not you guys personaly but your team). When will you vazelakia learn that your were and are always going to be kokkalis little bitch !!! (spank spank :LOL: :LOL: )

Tosa hrimata and crooked dealings and what have you done in the last 10 years ? You are still a long long long way behind the gaybros !!

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animals no other word to describe this sort of behaviour.......


Greek fan killed after cup match

The two sets of supporters have a history of violent rivalry

A football supporter has been fatally stabbed and another wounded near Athens after a game between Greece's two biggest clubs.

Reports say the two Olympiakos fans had been celebrating a 4-0 cup victory over local rival club Panathinaikos.

Police say they had argued with a group of youths in a cafe and were stabbed during a fight outside.

Media reports put the argument down to rivalry between the two groups of fans but police could not confirm a motive.

Three people were arrested and are due to appear in court on Thursday.

Police later said that the man who died had been handed a two-year ban on attending football matches in 2005.

Match ban

The stabbing is the latest in a series of violent incidents involving Greek football fans.

In March 2007, a Panathinaikos supporter died during a clash between fans of the two teams before a women's volleyball match.

That led to a suspension of all professional team sports in Greece for a fortnight.

Five days earlier, fireworks and missiles were thrown during an international match against Turkey, prompting European football's governing body Uefa to insist that Greece's next two games were held outside Athens.

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