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Olympiakos - Pao


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Oly is such a dirty team what they did today was disgraceful they were injuring our players and fouling like mad! If this is their team they bring to Europe have fun getting destroyed. Oh and Antzas must have said something for Ndoye to flip like that what a dirt ball

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pretty entertaining for a 0-0 match

Antzas played very well - very tough, more of this and Otto will have to consider him once again

I thought Leontiou was excellent - but that knee injury looked nasty

Lua Lua was sensational and powerfull

Good sportsmanship throughout - it did get a litle rough at the end - hats off to Olympiakos they seemed to want it more and looked very physical

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Lukewarm game. Nothing to say about it for either team.

Lua Lua sending off with injuries both Leontiou and Mattos within a few minutes is probably the most notable event of the match. He had no intent, but he does fall to the ball very awkwardly.

Both teams looked horrible, with PAO looking the worst of the two.

We start the season with hope for better days...

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I can't believe you guys think that was a good game?! :blink: That was a poor game!! I'm hoping it's because they're a little rusty and not an indication of what's to come. PAO had the better possession and Oly the better chances. But they're weren't really any clear cut chances or penetrating play. It was just a very scrappy affair.

From PAO's perspective: Papadopoulos and Mantzios just aren't good enough for top flight football. They belong at a team like Larisa, not PAO. Also, PAO's defence from set pieces is atrocious! Against a better side PAO would have copped 3 from set pieces alone! Having said that the defence in general looked good, however, this might be somewhat deceiving because Oly were so poor up front.

PAO lacked imagination and gave the ball away far too easily, yes many players were missing, including key attacking players, but somethings we school boy errors. Every time Enakarire got the ball he would just launch it forward without looking or thinking and PAO would lose possession! There biggest problem is turning defence into attack, that was abysmal today and that lack of imagination was one of the main reasons.

As for the positives, Karagounis was excellent today and behind most good things PAO did going forward. Leontiou and, in particular Tziolis, were sensational for me. They showed so much passion. From what I've seen so far with Mattos, I don't knwo what all the fuss is about to be honest, but when N'doye came on he looked the business... confident, positive and full of energy... he'll be a great player for PAO. Having seen this game I am 100% convinced that PAO should have signed a dekari to partner Salpi up front. There are a number of players to come back so hopefully the team improves, but the quality of football is poor. Things must improve.

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considering we had half our team not playing, we did ok. Oly were missing one top player up front. thats it.

we had half a squad unavailable or not ready and had two of our players injured during the game.

I think Mattos does thing that we dont see. His area is completely covered when he is on and u could see this that when he came off, thats when Oly kept possesion.

i think with Salpi, Ivan, Ninis and Ndoye in the starting lineup, Pao will look different.

Pap is 1/5 the player he was when he first came to pao.

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good game? that was the worst derby in years...

Just got back from the game, and that was easily the worst, least entertaining game I have ever been to (after PAO-Anderlecht friendly last summer)

In terms of a derby, I give it a 2 out of 10

Olympiakos are a bunch of dirty F***s - what else is new... Galletti is perfect for Olympiakos, a whiny, dirty, Argentine prick. Antzas , Paturkishwhateveryoglu, Stoltidis are all a bunch of a*****, and when European reffing comes there way expect to play with a lot of suspenisons.

Tackles were ridiculous, and Kasnaferis didnt have the balls to pull out a red when it was deserved a million times.....

Oh and Nikopolidis getting real cute taking about 20 seconds literally to 'kick a goal kick' while Kasnaferis said NOTHING, not to mention 3 minutes of stoppage time (there should have been minimum 5, with subs, yellows, and tons of players down and Adonaki-Kota time wasting)

Reffing wasnt bad, but at then end, yes it was.

The game had not many chances, OSFP had 2 good ones from their own luck, PAO did absolutley nothing except pass around and not advance the ball on the wings, no crosses, no penetration - Im not surprised though as this is what we saw in preseason.......N'Doye not starting? really? hes our teams BEST Player easily in preaseason.......I dont care if hes sick, play him till he wants to come off then.....

and heres a question - WHAT HAPPENED TO GATE 13?!?!? IT WAS GONE. literally half empty vs OLYMPIAKOS........its full even vs KAVALA or somthing.....and now on the game these guys live for theyre all gone? well lack of atmosphere is a big mistake, it DOES get the team going...

Also atmosphere was......non existent, weakest ive ever seen at a leoforos match.........



Nilsson 5

Gkoumas 6

Enarkahire 6

Leontiou 7

Tziolis 6

Matos 6

Karagkounis 6

Dimoutsos 8

Matnzios 6

Papadopoulos 5

Peseiro 3

Vardinogiannis/his staff 2 (if you cant fill up a tiny stadium for the teams biggest game of the stadium - YOURE F****** INCOMPETENT


I really wish I watched it on TV instead....

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drakos13 I fell exactly the same as you. Was a dirty game and as for the atmosphere being lost I think the fire's and the situation in Greece might have something to do with it. Either way we need to stop these damn injuries and need our players back I hope leontiou is fine but his knee looked bad.

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I think may of the complaints about the match are the fault of the fires/week off/and the fact that the teams are not in mid-season form

I wouldn't worry too much - PAO looked out of sorts at time, but there is quite a bit of talent on the team

also - the play was tough but I didn't see dirty - the injures were flukes

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also - the play was tough but I didn't see dirty - the injures were flukes

I agree. The quality was poor, but you can't fault the players for passion and desire. It was a rough game but not that dirty. There were late challenges but none that seemed dangerous or violent. In fact, I didnt think the refereeing was bad at all. With the exception of not adding enough stoppage time I think the ref handled things excellently in fact.
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Nikopolidis was acting it up - clapping to the crowd - after the ANtzas red I think the ref thought the atmosphere might have gotten out of control and blew the game

Leontiou is slight, but I thought he played a good game at left back, and was thinking he could have a futureon the Ethniki, allowining Toro to move to right mid when Otto goes to a 4-4-2 - hopefully is knee is ok

Dimoutsos and Ninis will each star on the Ethniki for a decade

Kara will benefit as a player by being the leader on the field

Paps and Mantsios are too slow to play together

Any thoughts?

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Oly is such a dirty team what they did today was disgraceful they were injuring our players and fouling like mad! If this is their team they bring to Europe have fun getting destroyed. Oh and Antzas must have said something for Ndoye to flip like that what a dirt ball

Come again?????None of your players got injured because of an Osfp player foul.Fouling like mad???Your only real change was from a foul kick,why are u complaining?There is a difference between dirty and strong my friend.Both teams were going strong for the ball,nobody dirty.As for Antzas saying something flash news for you,everybody does it.Karagounis crossed half the stadium bitching and talking about a call.Whatever men.....Your team could not win and you have excuses already.....Just a note about the game,both teams played better than both games last year and it is just the first game of the season.Both will get better and that is good for domestic and european competition......Peace out...
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leontiou prob out 6 to 8months.

can anyone say career over?

No man i hope not.Leontiou was playing great untill his injury.I had never notice him before and i was suprised from his form and timing.I hope he has a fast recovery and comes back stronger.
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re manges wtf was up with 3 mins added on??? im sure we had a good 10 minutes of "lost" time. That ref was an idiot, there were many occasions where PAO were denied "quick restarts" as it was incponvinient for OSFP.

The game was average, thanks god lua lua(think it was him) hit the post. As for the fans I thought they started off well (i even sang along, not bad concidering my greek is shite) just died out and yes i hope that gate13 gets bigger /better for games ahead. I do think that the ifres cuased a lack of venom for this game.

as all seasons go it seems "OI PROTA8LITES" will be the team who doesnt loose to - lower teams (no offense to any fans)

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Leontiou will have an operation most likely and will be out for the season. Good luck to the kid, and I hope he comes back strong. The report on Mattos is that he has nothing serious and that it was just a cramp from being tired :blink:

Let's see, after yesterday we have seven players with injuries: Ivanschitz, Morris, Gonzales, Darlas, Tsigas, Siontis, Seric, Leontiou. We need a resident shaman on this team...

As for the game, like I said before there is not much to say about the game itself. The game can be described more accurately as a succession of free-kicks with a little running to the spot. The times either team moved the ball behind the defense with passes can be counted in one finger. Passion and strength play a role in the game, but they must be accompanied by some game. If I want to see passion and exhibition of strength I watch the iron man challenge.

The excuse that it is the beginning of the season does not tell me much. Sure the teams are not in mid-season form, but I expected them to be in some form to entertain after a couple of months of preseason.

Olympiakos has some quality players that can take a game on their own, but as a team it did not have a direction. They changed formations, and relied on individual play. In the second half they turned it into long balls towards Lua Lua. Most worrysome, they (I should say their coach) looked afraid. In his remarks after the game Lemonis bragged how his substitute, Ne, prevented PAO from becoming dangerous. He took out the one player that won every ball high and low in our box (Kovasevic) and put in Ne because he was more busy trying to destroy our game than to win. Good luck in the CL groups with that mentality.

Pao was disappointing to me. I expected to see more pressing up front, and the players tried, but Olympiakos always found ways to free the ball with ease. I also did not understand why N'Doye did not start. Both Mantzios and Papadopoulos are too slow and weak to be a danger in the box. BTW, N'Doye is a good player but he needs to check his temper. We are going to play key games a man down if he keeps getting into scuffles for the most minor of reasons.

Regarding individual play,

Malartz looked shaky at times but he saved a couple of long shots.

Nilsson was quiet up front, but he held well defensively. Most of the Oly attacks came from the other side.

Goumas was a rock. He won all the low challenges, but we lost almost all the headers in our box.

Enacharire looked slow at times, but had a couple of saving stops as well. He almost cost the team a goal in the Lua Lua chance.

Mattos played well, but he showed once again susceptibility to spectacular dribbles near the box. I would be worried if he was substituted in such a game because of a mere leg cramp.

Karagounis had some good plays but disappeared for long stretches of the game too. He has never shown any talent in consistent scoring with free-kicks, so I don't understand why he insists on taking them.

Tziolis was also good at times, but he also disappeared for long periods of time.

Same goes for Dimoutsos. It's nice to see such young players starting in important games. He has talent and works hard on the field.

Neither Papadopoulos, nor Mantzios gave Oly defenders any trouble. They never penetrated, and never created any space.

N'doye was more of a danger for Oly.

Vintra came in for Leontiou and showed what we all know. I've never seen a player in any team having so many unchallenged airballs (you know, the ball comes, he lifts his foot, he kicks, but he misses the ball).

Ninis came in and tried to route the team, but he was easily defended by a disciplined Olympiakos defense.

Overall, I expect more from my team. They tried to press and to play direct football very few times. Most of the time it was like "let me run with the ball to see how far I can get before I loose it". Hopefully, this will be corrected with time.

What was more worrisome for me, was what I had identified last year as a major weakness and hoped we would fix in preseason: Weakness in the air.

We had trouble all game long on high balls both on defense and offense. In fact, we only won two headers on offense all game long, and these from non-threatening positions. Salpi's return won't fix this problem, but hopefully N'Doye can help...


With all the injuries, Romero did not see any playing time!

Five players from this team (Goumas, Leontiou, Dimoutsos, Ninis, Karagounis) come from the PAO youth system. Two are under twenty.

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In fact, I didnt think the refereeing was bad at all. With the exception of not adding enough stoppage time I think the ref handled things excellently in fact.

Really :huh: ? Two or three corners that weren't given when they should have, and given when they shouldn't have been given. The cards being handed out were somewhat accurate but a lot of the other fouls weren't. (I'm not on any side here, I'm not an OSFP or PAO fan, just making an observation). Like I said, substandard.
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