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Everything posted by paokarag4

  1. The whole game has been uploaded on YouTube, not if it'll last but it's there now for anyone who wants to re-watch! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwSXDjOHGc4
  2. With Leganes being relegated, Siovas has been sold to the newly promoted SD Huesca for 1 million Euros. So he'll remain in La Liga, he has signed a 2 year deal. https://www.sport24.gr/football/EllinesExoterikou/siovas-xryso-symvolaio-me-oyeska.5753170.html
  3. What is going on there? You have definitely stumbled upon something there potentially, nice detective work!
  4. Just listening to some radio and they had a Croatian journalist on, who said a few weeks ago we made an offer to Rijeka for their striker Antonio Colak for 2 million which was rejected. There are some whispers that we may return with a new and improved offer given the Akpom sale. Whoever we decide to go after I agree, we need to move quick. We are also moving to re-sign Giannoulis which is absolutely 1000% the right move, do not let another player get into the last year of their contract!!
  5. Shakhov is being linked with a move to AEK
  6. 3 million isn't bad, again we need to keep in mind he was entering the final year of his contract. I believe we signed him for 1-1.5ish? So we've turned a profit and he's been a good player for us. I'm reading we're working on his replacement and we have someone lined up, I hope so because I would not feel confident heading into the the matches against Krasnador with Swiderski leading the line.
  8. Silly yellows too, Pelkas and Mixalidis ones were dumb fouls that they did not need to make. We need to get more dangerous on the counter in the 2nd half, we can't keep defending wave after wave of Benfica attacks. We need to give them something to think about defensively, Zivkovic to come on in the first 10-15.
  9. Grimaldo is starting but is apparently coming off a long injury lay-off so hopefully he's a little rusty. I don't think Crespo will be expected to be overly attacking, we'll do most of our attacking down the left through Giannoulis. Since Matos is on the outs, Lyratzis was only recalled to the first team training sessions 2 weeks ago, Crespo was basically the only option left.
  10. No surprises with the starting XI, Crespo starting at right wing back. Ζίβκοβιτς, Κρέσπο, Ίνγκασον, Βαρέλα, Μιχαηλίδης, Γιαννούλης, Ελ Καντουρί, Σβαμπ, Πέλκας, Τζόλης, Άκπομ. Στον πάγκο βρίσκονται οι: Πασχαλάκης, Μιχάι, Σβιντέρσκι, Α. Ζίβκοβιτς, Μπίσεσβαρ, Εσίτι, Νινούα.
  11. Most likely over the weekend, with our time difference it's the easiest time for myself and @PaokCT to link up and do it.
  12. @pash ah you're very close but no I'm from a little tiny region called the Burgenland, it does boarder with Gratz though so good guess! You have a keen ear for accents
  13. That's my bad, I tend to get very loud and passionate when talking about PAOK. We'll be sure to fix to it going forward, apologies to anyone's ear-drums I may hurt?
  14. Praise the lord that Akpom miss didn't come back to haunt us, I was doing the exact same thing as this kid when the camera showed him it's like I was looking in a mirror.
  15. He has picked up where he left off last season, scoring 2 goals in the season opener Rapid won 4-1. They are also through to the 3rd qualifying round of the Champions league where they will play Gent this week.
  16. I think with the $ we have made through qualifying for the Europa league group stage, the NOVA deal and the Limnios sale we won't be selling Giannoulis on the cheap. Part of the problem is letting players enter the final year of their contract, they need to be renewed well before that. Giannoulis has 2 years left on his deal if we don't sell him this season (I hope we don't, he's extremely important especially given the 5-2-3 we've been playing) then we need to be working on that contract and sign him up. Even if we intend to sell him next year it just puts us in a better bargaining position and we can get top dollar for him. Whether he wants to sign or not is another issue, I'm sure he has every intention of making the move to a better league. He may choose not to re-sign, so as to force the club's hand in selling him this year or next. We don't know that Limnios wasn't offered a renewal and choose to refuse it and hence he was sold.
  17. Ahhhh I should've known better than to doubt you my golden pash. Janko apparently received another offer and has curved us. It's happened to me all too often in my personal life.... but I digress
  18. Is that an Instagram rumour? Can't seem to find anything, last I heard he was arriving in Thessaloniki today for a medical and to sign.
  19. Hehe it's funny because they have the same name https://twitter.com/PAOK_FC/status/1303345403794948096
  20. For sure! This is really going to derail a lot of teams across the world, international breaks aren't ideal for clubs at the best of times let alone in the middle of a pandemic. Mbappe also tested positive while away with the French NT. If every-time we have NT games our international players are having to isolate upon return it's going to hit us hard. Having a Friday night game this week isn't ideal. Hopefully Giannoulis, Tzolis, Paschalakis, Ingason and Michailidis get their test results today and they can train tomorrow. But to your point there are plenty of examples of false negatives/positives.
  21. For those who think Limnios is being sold on the cheap, just read that his contract was set to expire at the end of this season so we weren't in a strong bargaining position. Even if he was contracted beyond this season and COVID hadn't financially hit football I think the most we could've squeezed out of him would've been 6-7 million maybe.
  22. Siovas has taken to Instagram to clarify what he said, saying he wasn't trying to undermine the manager or what he's built with the Ethniki. He says he was simply expressing his opinion. FWIW I don't think JVS took any offence but I guess we'll see next month when the call-ups are announced. https://www.sport24.gr/football/ellada/ethniki_elladas/dieykrinistikh-dhlwsh-siova-den-hthela-na-paremvw-sto-ergo-toy-proponhth.5749278.html
  23. Wow where did that come from! Nothing official yet but seems like the offer from Koln has been made. It's a good move for Limnios for sure, I think he's reached his ceiling in Greece. He is an honest hard working footballer who has pace to burn and can be dangerous if he's given space. I don't think he was going to get any better playing with us. In terms of the price, it is what it is I'm not expecting more than 3-4 million. He has limitations as a player no one was going to drop 10 million on him.
  24. Another full 90 for Limnios and Giannoulis in the Ethniki's 2-1 win over Kosovo. Limnios scored the first goal and Giannoulis set up the second. Giannoulis slipped and looked to hurt his groin in the 1st half, he carried on and played out the game but hopefully there's no lingering issues and he's good to go.
  25. Reading the headline, it seems like he's trying to get his parea in Sokratis and Manolas (I think they are Koubari) back into the team. Reading the whole thing it seems innocent enough and not a lot of malice behind it. At least that's what I took from it: "Δεν θέλω να αναφερθώ σε ονόματα, ξέρουμε ποιοι είναι οι καλύτεροι. Κι αυτοί άργησαν να ξεκινήσουν προετοιμασία, μην νομίζετε ότι δεν είναι εδώ γιατί δεν τους θέλει ο προπονητής. Να έρθουν να βοηθήσουν τα νέα παιδιά κι εγώ αυτό κάνω, παίζω δεν παίζω. Κι εγώ όταν ήρθα στην Εθνική πιτσιρικάς το 2014 στην Βραζιλία, με είχαν αγκαλιάσει οι έμπειροι. Αυτό κάνω κι εγώ τώρα. Οι άλλοι έμπειροι παίκτες θα δώσουν και μεγαλύτερη ώθηση στην ομάδα. Ξέρουν τι πρέπει να κάνουν, η Ομοσπονδία ξέρει. Ο Μανωλάς είναι ο καλύτερος Έλληνας ποδοσφαιριστής, ξέρει τι πρέπει να κάνει. Ο Σβάρνας έπαιξε καλά, κι εγώ με τον Σβάρνα δεν είχαμε και την καλύτερη χημεία. Όταν έχεις έναν καλό παίκτη είναι καλύτερο. Και ο Σβάρνας που έχει μέλλον αν έχει δίπλα του τον Μανωλά θα είναι καλύτερα για τον ίδιο".
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