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Everything posted by paokarag4

  1. 4-4-2 with Mihaj at right back and Koutsias/Colak up top? EDIT: Actually looks like it maybe the same shape except with Tzolis at Right wing back, it all looks quite messy atm
  2. Yeah I just said I would like it, hopefully the accept by the 2nd half but who knows.
  3. What did you write for the "What does PAOK mean to you" section? Wanna see if I got the right answer
  4. My stream cut out, so the penalty was taken away for Colak being offside? Looked like he was from the replay so the correct call was made if that's indeed what happened.
  5. This stream has worked fine for me so http://cdn.freesport.me/live/stream.php?t=Flash&link=http://cloudx.me/ch24.php&id=25888&w=https://www.sportstreamtv.live/
  6. That's a lot of changes, we have 5 players starting their first game, 3 making their debut and only 4 players retaining their spot from the Krasnodar game. I'm excited to see how the new guys go but I hope it isn't too many changes.
  7. For those of us in Australia (sorry pash) I don't think the game is going to be on Antenna. It hasn't been advertised as being on when they've advertised the other games of the round and it's not on their TV Schedule. Hopefully there are streams come kick off.
  8. Bieseswar and Swiderski have minor injuries and will miss this game. I think there's a good chance that both Wague and Colak start. Also worth noting Lyratzis is in the travelling squad. Squad selected: Πασχαλάκη , Ζίβκοβιτς , Μιχάι , Ίνγκασον , Βαρέλα , Κρέσπο , Λύρατζη , Ουαγκέ , Γιαννούλη , Μιχαηλίδη , Περέιρα , Εσίτι , Νινούα , Σβαμπ , Ελ Καντουρί , Πέλκα , Α.Ζίβκοβιτς , Βρακά , Τζόλη , Κούτσια , Τσόλακ .
  9. Zlatan will scare the virus out of existence, pandemic over.
  10. You're saying a football manager who doesn't get results, the fans will start to turn on him? I'm shocked.
  11. You don't think Anastasiadis was going to get sacked after the Armenia loss? He was a dead man walking, Sokratis and Manolas didn't have to lead a mutiny, he was done. As for Fortounis he's been magical, off the bench. Olympiakos won the title and had a deep run in Europe with him being injured and occasionally pinch hitting off the bench. It seems Martins and Van't Schip think alike and think he's lack of running is detrimental in modern football where teams must press, especially in the front half.
  12. Colak and Wague have officially been announced https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeZUb8dou5o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqdOGnixMxc
  13. Agree with everything Bananas has said, very well put mate! Especially on the point about Siovas commenting on Svarnas. You can't do that to anyone, not publicly the kid is 22 years old and regardless of how good or bad you think he is you don't question his ability in public. Siovas at 32 was one of the only leaders left and could have played a big part in World Cup qualifying but he instead spoke out like a brash child and put a teammate down because his koumbaro isn't being selected. For that good riddance.
  14. I think he was referring to PAOKSYD, and how dare you @pash! Still carrying grudges from episode one and trying to disrupt the podcast locker rooms. Are you friends with a guy named Siovas by any chance? On a slightly more serious note the teams flight to Krasnodar has been delayed due to technical issues with the plane. Apparently we're going to be delayed at least 2-3 hours, which is far from ideal.
  15. Chatzidiakos played his first match after his injury over the weekend, he'll come in and replace Siovas straight off the bat. I don't think JVS owes the public an explanation as to why he's not calling up Sokratis and Manolas, it's pretty clear that they are done as long as he's in charge and we all know why. He's cleared out all the toxic personalities, hopefully the rest of the squad jump on board and continue to follow him as they have until now. Siovas had a big role to play with the Ethniki as the most senior CB but he's blown his chance, whether it was a slip of the tongue or something pre-meditated doesn't matter. Where there is smoke there's fire, Van't Schip has done the right thing, I just hope the youthful squad that's left back in the coach and hopefully get to be part of something special moving forward.
  16. They'll both most likely be on the list (neither are in the squad to play in Russia, they haven't been officially announced yet) and be available to play the 2nd leg. Whether or not Ferreira plays them is another issue. If they are both in good shape I think they are a decent chance to start the 2nd leg.
  17. Kyrgiakos arrived just as Liverpool were entering their darkest period in recent memory. He had one season under Benitez where the team was knocked out in the Champions league group stage and didn't finish in the top 4. There after he had Roy Hodgson and an older Kenny Daglish as his manager who was well passed his best days as a manager. Tsimikas has walked into a much stronger club but by the same token it's gonna be tough for him to break into the starting team, Robertson's form over the first 2 games has been exceptional. I think the Tsimikas signing has lit a fire under him. Kosta knew he was going to be a depth option and would have to fight for his spot so I'm sure he's not shocked. Regardless he should make his official debut in mid-week, Liverpool take on Lincoln City in the EFL Cup.
  18. I don't mind what JVS is doing at all, even if he has deprived us of our 3 best center backs. But enough is enough this type of mentality is what has turned us into a joke post WC14. I don't care who you think should be playing because you think he's a good player or his your pal or you koumbaro, it's the attitude that the Ethniki needs. Now the issue is if Siovas has any allies within the squad who may try to internally disrupt things. The one's that spring to mind are Fortounis and Bouchalakis given their olympiakos connection they seem to be close based off social media. There has been rumblings from Olympiakos media that Fortounis and Masouras are under-utilized and it's seems to be adding to an already tense situation between Olympiakos and EPO. Interesting to see what happens in a few weeks with the next round of matches, wouldn't shock me if Fortounis and co pick up "knocks" and are unavailable to play.
  19. Colak is apparently a done deal for 3 million. Who knows if it's true though, these reports are coming out of Croatia where they said days ago it was a done deal and we've been locked in negotiations with Rijeka ever since. Hopefully it is indeed done and we get him on the list for the Champions league and he's in some sort of position to play in the 2nd leg against Krasnodar. https://www.sport24.gr/football/omades/Paok/paok-kleidwse-toy-tsolak.5754563.html EDIT: Excuse my negativity, looks like he is flying into Thessaloniki today great news! Also Wague is expected to arrive today as well. I'm reading that Barca is selling one of their right backs (Semedo) so not sure if that changes their plans for Wague but looks like both transfers are happening. Colak Wague
  20. It can be difficult to bounce back from a big European result and it proved that way tonight we looked fatigued mentally and physically. Still have work to do when we are the team with the bulk of possession.
  21. In the US and here in Austria they do, but we are talking about Greece re pash. Where men are men!
  22. He hasn't been afraid to shoot and take on a few players that's for sure! I think he might be struggling with a concussion tbh let's see if he can play through it. I've been impressed with Schwab's passing ability he really can pick a pass
  23. A couple of changes for tonight's game. -----------Zivkovic ---------Mihaj---Varela----Michailidis Biseswar--------------------------------Giannoulis --------------Esiti------Schwab Tzolis---------Swiderski-------A.Zivkovic Bench: Pasxa, Ingason, El Kaddouri, Perreira, Vrakas, Crespo, Koutsias, Pelkas, Ninua Interested to see how Andrija Zivkovic making his first start. I also like that Abel is giving Ingason, El Kaddouri and Pelkas a bit of a rest we have a big few weeks coming up 4 games in 14 or so days. I'd expect if we are a couple of goals up Perreira will be given some mins in order to give Giannoulis a bit of a rest, but let's see how the game plays out.
  24. I agree from a club point of view a buy-out clause makes no sense. It's the players and or their managers that would push it IMO. Especially a Tzolis or Giannoulis who would have their eyes firmly set on a move abroad at some point, the buyout options doesn't allow the club to stop them leaving if it's met. I believe it's also used as a negotiating tool, "Ok I won't insist on a 500k a year salary, I'll take 400K but I want a buyout option inserted into my contract" Clubs don't tend to keep players against their will for the most part, but we've seen this past summer with Messi and Barca so it does happen.
  25. We have made an instagram account guys. Those of you with Insta feel free to give us a follow! https://www.instagram.com/paok_talk/
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