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Everything posted by paokarag4

  1. The guy's stats are very impressive, 9 goals and 10 assists this season coming from midfield are fantastic numbers. Obviously you can't judge a player purely off the numbers but those are promising stats for sure. Very un-PAOK like if this indeed gets done within 48 hours of his name coming to light, very good work by the club and Rebbe. Hopefully this is a sign of things with regards to transfers, deals get done quickly and we move onto the next. Obviously you can't control every situation and players do tend to shop around but picking someone up like this who is a proven performer in a "lesser league" (even though in reality Austria is probably not far off, if not at the level of the Superleague) is exactly the type of business we should be getting done quickly.
  2. Reports circulating in Turkey are saying UEFA don't want Greek teams to play Turkish teams due to the current tensions relating to Agia Sofia being turned into a Mosque and other issues. It appears this would apply to whichever Turkish team is in the 2nd qualifying round be it Trabzonspor or Besiktas. All this is unconfirmed at this stage by UEFA but it remains to be seen, the draw is set for the 10th of August so I guess we'll be finding out relatively soon.
  3. Ela re pash, you've followed PAOK long enough! My theio came up with this in a kafenio is a perfectly believable and reliable source!!!
  4. Paschalakis and Ingason remain in doubt as they didn't train today. Zivkovic's last 2 games against Aris he has copped 7 (for Xanthi) and 4 when we played them earlier this season, so despite their concerns I'm low-key worried that Zivko gets PTSD when he sees an Aris shirt ?
  5. I didn't expect this to happen, massive props to AEK. I don't think any other team in Greece (PAOK included) would've taken the high road, regardless of the reason. It could potentially be a huge step in the right direction for Greek football and as Dutch said hopefully it's the first of many instances of sportsmanship in the league. On the topic of sportsmanship, something that I feel must be mentioned and phrased is OFI's, guard of honour for Olympiakos. I know Olympiakos is truly hated in these parts (Im not a massive fan either) but it's the attitude that needs to be had towards opponents, respect not hate. I realise that's probably a pipe dream given the type of people that run Greek clubs but there is maybe just a speckle of light at the end of the tunnel. We are truly lucky AEK chose to go about things the way they have. A bonehead mistake like that deserves to be punished. We are counting our lucky stars and we maybe CL bound.
  6. Have the health cards been renewed? Seriously though we really shouldn't blow it from here, I heard Aris will have 11-12 players available for the game. Souso has an injury concern and Fetfatzidis won't play because he's getting married the day before.
  7. He's been loaned out for next season to promoted Stuttgart in the Bundesliga. Big year for him and his career, the chance to play in the Bundesliga, he's 22. Time to stop being a talent and step up and cement his spot as a starter in one of Europe's top leagues. Hopefully his body holds up and he is able to have a big season. https://www.sport24.gr/Basket/germania/mayropanos-anakoinwthhke-o-daneismos-toy-sthn-stoytgkardh.5732562.html https://www.goal.com/en/news/mavropanos-signs-arsenal-contract-seals-loan-stuttgart/1oj39nu7ctlmz1877lpaemua52
  8. amateur hour honestly, what the hell is wrong with the club? If AEK pursue it which is their right to we are done and the last 2 games would've been for nothing, how hard can it be to make sure such a logistical thing is in order? If we lose this game sta xartia, I'm done with Greek football I try to just focus and follow on the on-field stuff but that is literally impossible with all the crap that goes on in this league. I'm furious what a big big big m*****a
  9. You can't build your team around youth, it can't happen not in Greece and not at PAOK. The fans won't accept a season where we lose games and aren't contending for the title, there will be issues. It's a reality of Greek football. I know Panathinaikos has gone down that road but it's been years of poor management and debt that has led the fans to kind of fizzle out (for the time being) PAOK fans won't sit there silently if a core of 7-8 guys under the age of 22 play and we lose 10-12 league games there will be chaos. I think the perfect balance is what we have going atm, start 2 of the young guys, have another couple on the bench and have experience around them it's the best of both worlds.
  10. Definitely did not expect us to win this, huge result! It keeps our fate in our own hands, 2 draws in our last 2 games and we are in the Champions league. Beat AEK and it's all over with a match to play. That won't be easy to do AEK atm is the most inform team in the league. It'll be interesting to see if Abel sets up with the 3-5-2 again, it worked today and worked well. If we lose to AEK I look forward to 4 days of conspiracy theories of how Olympiakos will let AEK beat them, so we don't get 2nd ?
  11. Jaba and Crespo have been training fully for a while. With 5 subs they might get some mins off the bench just to re-introduce them to competitive football ahead of next season. Wernbloom is the strange one, I thought once Augousto went down and he still wasn't making the squad he was done for but he's back in now so I have no idea what's going on.
  12. Whoops, that did not age well at all for our garlicky friend ? That's a huge result, so sad to see that these m*****es still pollute Greek football. I don't know if we keep those 7 points as the case goes back to EPO to actually go on trial in the correct manner, not just them accepting the decision of Augenaki and his koumbaro. All I ever wanted was a fair trial, if we've done wrong punish us. Unfortunately in our beloved Ellada that isn't possible, only witch hunts. I'm interested to see how all of Olympiakos trials play out, there's quite a few if I'm not mistaken?
  13. Apparently Garcia can't be our official manager until he gets his UEFA pro coaching licence. I heard on radio that it's a 6 month course and he's doing his in August (it's been delayed because of COVID) so he wouldn't be able to take over until early next year. If they do decide to move Abel along, I really hope they go in hard for Ivic. The man knows the league, country, team and city very well. He was successful and I have no doubt we would've won the league with him at the helm had he not left.
  14. Sh Sh Sh!!!!! Aris fans will hear you and lecture you and tell you you're crazy @pash ?
  15. I find it funny that this year's cup final will be played at a neutral ground in Rizoupoli because they didn't want to play at either of the team's home ground. That logic didn't apply the last 2 seasons when we had to play AEK at their home ground. Even last year with no fans we were give the "safety" excuse. I guess big boy Vangeli still has a lot of pull, despite what they try to sell. https://www.sport24.gr/football/ellada/GreekCup/kupello-elladas-pros-rizoupolh-o-telikos.5727788.html
  16. I wouldn't be bringing Warda anywhere, people like him don't change. He's destined to be a mid to low table level player because of how he carries himself. Even in footballing terms I never saw him do anything special for PAOK a few glimpses but nothing that makes me feel like we missed an opportunity to have a very good player. Fair enough if someone argues he wasn't really given a fair run at it with PAOK but there are reasons for that. He showed his best form for Atromitos a mid-table team who had a good season.
  17. Swiderski really should've had a hat-trick today and this game should've been beyond reach for Aris Stoch has been good, produced some real quality in the final third today
  18. NAI RE FERNANDO! Man can Stoch take a free-kick, lovely ball.
  19. Does anyone have a stream? Mine keeps lagging and dropping out
  20. Jesus it's gonna be one of those days, Bieseswar one on one Cuesta saves.
  21. Would've been a perfect start re g@moto Mauricio yellow nice and early
  22. I like the starting XI, only option for central mid on the bench is Tsiggaras. Let's hope Esiti and Mauricio have no problem playing out the game.
  23. The only positive thing is with the cup games midweek is Aris having lost the game in such a heartbreaking away and playing 120 mins, you'd think they'd be emotionally and physically tired. They have nothing left to play for this season and I know they always fire up to play us regardless but I feel that being so soon after the Cup exit they will be disheartened. I hope so anyway because let's be honest Aris has well and truly had the better of us this season. In terms of the team I was happy with how we played at Olympiakos. El Kaddouri suspended for this one? He was probably due for a rest anyway he's played 3 games in a row and his body must be close to breaking down. So it's probably Esiti and Maurcio in midfield with Pelkas (if fit) back as the dekari. Tzolis looked good, wonder if he'll start again.
  24. We played well, amazing what evening up the numbers in midfield does forced their to hand to sub in Fortounis in the 1st half. We were unlucky, Paschalakis had one big save to make and he did. The whole game hung on the Varela chance, great ball in by Stoch, Varela really should've really scored from there. Then they go down the other end and El Arabi has a fresh airy from 6 yards! Crazy stuff, if nothing else it was entertaining and it shows that honestly without fans in Greece you probably get a better quality football match. Tzolis I thought started nervous and turned over some balls cheaply but he grew into the game and troubled Tsimikas one of the best fullbacks in the league bravo sto paidi. Anyway onwards and upwards time focus on the league and getting 2nd spot, Aris away is always tough but I'm guessing they are going to be mentally and emotionally fatigued after what they endured earlier today.
  25. Pelkas and Vierinha again didn't train today, tomorrow will be make or break to see whether they make the trip to Athens. Something I think that Ferreira absolutely needs to do is play 3 in the midfield, no dekari. Olympiakos has the best midfield in the league, Guilherme and Camara especially are very good players and can control the tempo. We need to at least even up the numbers in the middle, given our injuries those 3 basically pick themselves. If fit I'd be playing Pelkas on the wing but not as a 10 unless we need a goal. You feel we'll need to score at least one, can't see us keeping a clean sheet they are a good in attack and El Arabi is a capable scorer and they are extremely dangerous from set pieces, they'll find a goal from somewhere. Type of game I wish Jaba was fit, he'd fit perfectly playing on the counter. With all that in mind I'd go with -------Paschalakis---------- Matos----Varela---Ingason---Giannoulis -------Mauricio----Esiti-----El Kaddouri Limnios-----Akpom----Pelkas/Vierinha (if fit, otherwise pick one from Biesewar/Lamprou)
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