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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Never once have I said Meli is clean, to be involved in Football in Greece you need to have a dark side to you, was told this by ex AEK keeper Oikonomopoulos. That being said I just find it funny that this guys car was blown up just after Meli apparently threatened him, by the way has anything been said about that since as the last time I heard it mentioned was a day after the Oly game, since then not a word about it. And really if you look at the footage it shows 2 guys having a convo and if one was threatened he wasn't showing it as he was still making convo with Meli. Propaganda at its finest
  2. Would be great if many put their efforts in and merge and create something new but the sad thing is these older guys just don't like the younger generation giving their new ideas, they still stuck in the past and this is why their clubs have died out over the years..... Warriors weren't based in Alexandria, or am I reading what you said wrong?
  3. The Lemnos is now run by the owner of Clarence House, had my wedding there last year, great new reception to be honest guys especially for Belmore. They got a 10 year lease, the Lemnians still have their AGMs there and also have 1 event a year there but other than that it is now a reception centre....
  4. Australian Football wont compete anytime soon with the rest we are miles behind, our NT is doing ok but we saw the world cup how far behind we are and I have said many times the FFA and its curriculum suck big time, we don't produce the players that we used to and we wont with this m*****a curriculum.
  5. Its changed hands a few times kitchen wise and was actually going good at one stage but now its really died down, had some good memories in that place growing up as a kid, even did Greek Dancing there for a while. It would be very sad if they knocked it down, but most Greek clubs are dying out and will eventually will all be lost. The Mytelinians got offered $7 mill to sell so they could make units but they said no, for now anyway. Kalymnian House is dead and isn't used much. Pontian House is on its knees also, but the oldies here are too stubborn to allow us young guys to come in and freshen the place up with a few new ideas. Are there any others I forgot?
  6. As much as I hate seeing people suffer from violence there will be many of these guys packing s%$#! now and as bad as it sounds I find it funny because after all the s%$#! they've got away with over the years its now coming back to bite them in the ass, but I really doubt Meli was behind this, just another thing to attempt to pin on him especially since he apparently threatened this guy....
  7. AEK & Original have been helping them for a while now Reaper
  8. They were a 100% Makedonia club with many Pontian members involved, in the 90s the football teams were in great shape, but toward the end of the 90s and into 2000s the Mega Alexandros club suffered and they had to sell everything off basically and this affected the football teams. They even owned roughly 6 of the houses next door to the club but started selling off slowly to cover their debts and now its a ghost club its open on weekends for dinner but its not what it used to be..... I have actually heard there is talk of them club becoming units, but this isn't 100% confirmed but board members have spoken of it.....
  9. Cant wait to hear people lay the blame on Meli for the refs car that set alight over night, same ref who Meli apparently threatened during the Oly match, I find it coincidental 3 weeks after we play them and with all the rubbish Meli apparently said this guys car gets set alight, similar to Zografos situation which was also pinned on Meli, anyone else see a pattern here? Seems like they trying to pin it on Meli
  10. Seems like big s%$#! is going down and its getting very dangerous for many people, there will be MANY people sleeping with one eye open now, I don't like s%$#! like this but that's what it has come to as sad as it is.....
  11. OH that was the first ever club I played for from under 7s, my family were on the committee there also, grew up at Mega Alexandros in my younger days, a lot of good memories from those days. When I first started they had a blue and white striped strip and as time went on they changed it to yellow and black.
  12. We really need to win this one which will give us a 15 point lead over Panionios and will have us starting on 3 pts come playoff time, important game and also a tricky one as Asteras is a decent side. Lets hope the boys are ready and get the job done!!!
  13. Iv said all along the League has become a game of 2 egos between Meli and Marinakis and the only ones suffering are the fans. Tzatziki why wouldn't we love him for it though he's actually showing balls and has been the only one to stand up to Marinakis, no other owners were doing this before Meli took over AEK.
  14. ^^^^ Cant argue with anything that you have said there Boston, 1 thing I will tell you is out of those old guys my cousin is one of them, he says it all the time they are sick of Marinakis and his antics, but you wont find too many of them the rest are in denial
  15. I agree Tzatziki not all of us should suffer because of one fat dog and his greed either but we are......
  16. Hercules is a long story but last I heard when their books were to be audited they saw $$$ missing, they came back as Belmore United but that fell apart also. Cooks River Titans was created by a few of my mates who were at Belmore also, one was involved with Olympic few years back and one is a current board member at Olympic, I grew up with him from 5 yo, good guy also. So far they have had a good first year and had lots of numbers register, so good luck to them
  17. I don't think it will only be Mak leaving, I cant see Poyet staying with AEK and putting up with this s%$#! either.....
  18. Cool ill look into that and also Lesvos, never new they existed. As for Fraser yes he is still there, mr fitness freak I like to call him lol
  19. UEFA now has the right to ban us from Europe with the involvement of the govt in this decision, but I wont hold my breathe for that to happen since Theodoridis son is 2IC in UEFA now, I expect some p*****a to come of this..... Same time glad this has happened as we need a revolution
  20. I also heard the same thing Blackhawk, explains why the ref was doing all this s%$#! yesterday, corrupt scums the lot of them. Kontonis cancelled our match 1.5 hours before kickof and the ref still went to OAKA and found the stadium empty, that's how great the communication is within EPO......
  21. Wow OH Newtown Proodeftiki I never new that..... Thanks Amo, had a mad pre season from 11 won 10 and drew 1 so hopefully they bring that form with them Sunday, but it will be a tough comp with FC and WSW in it now....
  22. Brother its not about sticking together, we are ALL after the same thing, a better league and end this s%$#! we have been suffering from so many years... Where else in the world has any team won 19 of 21 titles? Not even Barca or United have done that yet Oly can do it and its not an issue? The league will NEVER EVER be clean free of corruption, it happens everywhere but the way it has become in Greece is a disgrace and something has to give... I don't care if PAOK or PAO win the league good for them if they have the team to do it, but the way these yifti have been winning titles is a rezili.....
  23. ^^^ megale I hope he keeps to his word and they don't go and that will show others its time for change....
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