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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. This current Aussie team if they stay injury free with the talent there and the way they are playing a 1/4 final spot is a big chance. As for Greece coming here hopefully they aren't in holiday mode like last time or hitting bouzoukia til 5am
  2. Well if he wants Poyet to stay he is going to have to spend this time and with Europe in sight we need to spend.
  3. So what's next for the Greek League? Giourkas now we need to ask why fatboy didn't go to the meeting lol there surely seems there are big p*****es happening behind the scenes and it also seems someone doesn't want Greek teams in Europe
  4. He would walk into any team that's for sure so whoever gets him will be lucky, I thought we would've made a play for him before the season started but wasn't to be
  5. 100% correct george21, my biggest issue is you have a slogan saying "erxomaste" but you don't wana spend, if that's the case don't have that slogan and don't get all your fans psyched up to think we are going to win a title soon. Im sure there is a way Meli can put money into AEK its Greece after all where you can get away with anything, so lets see what he does if Poyet stays on and he asks for more players....
  6. Giourkas I agree with you about fatboy and getting him out no doubt. Are you telling me that Alafouzos was the one who brought to light koriopolis? As for Aek lets get one thing straight WE didn't chose that path MELI did and as painful as it was for us fans if I was in his place I wouldn't go paying off others debts, since then our club has found new life and actually being run better than ever.its the old saying small term pain ling term gain.
  7. Paok was docked 5 points for the kypello drama which puts them back to 39 points and means we go to 3 points and pao 2 for the playoffs...they also have 5 games with no fans
  8. That's what I had read they were mentioned, true or not is another thing lol
  9. Wow re gate 13 made it known about a ship with drugs, as I said does that make you feel better your fans/owner broke the story 1st? Is that how little you've become you want to claim who breaks a story 1st since? I wont even mention who made the moves to have people in Europe know about Marinakis when the 1st ever story broke out in Germany, do you remember that at all? Do you remember who was in Germany at that time? But see I wont bother claiming "my owner broke the story 1st" as its quite immature..... By coming out now I mean all the stories of match fixing corruption etc etc, things were never being said to this capacity, only the last 2-3 years there has been so much light shed on these issues. Ala is NOT talking to him only, he is talking to other owners also and Kontonis, but the coward he is he wont attend because fatboy is there. Says a lot, he can write all the things he wants through the media yet saying it face to face he wont do, that's a kota.
  10. Heard Oly mentioned to go for him also. Personally I think he is exactly what we need upfront, we miss too many chances and he is one that can change that. Time will tell....
  11. Giourkas it seems its only you who cant see the fact that Meli backing Alafouzos is the reason why everything is being let out now, when before it wasn't. Anyone can go on Twitter and say "I want to clean greek football" siga to tweet.....
  12. Sorry for the double post. Giourkas that I agree with 100% I was also told this by ex aek keeper Oikonomopoulos, he told me to be involved in football in Greece you need a dark/dirty side to you and that's why Meli thrives and Savvidis and Alafouzos don't as much.
  13. I know you didn't re just making it known so others don't think it lol..... Do you think maybe he is being told not go to the meeting by people behind the scenes in PAO or Gate 13? At the last time from memory I don't think Savvidis was there but there were people there for him.(could be wrong though)
  14. I havent once said Meli is better than Alafouzos!! So basically you just said what I been saying all along, with Meli behind him Alafouzos has the power to now release everything through the media. Something he wasn't doing in the past. Pana I know about the last meeting but he has Savvidis and Meli there with him now and its a different ball game, yet he still doesn't want to go, so really Meli and Savvidis are going in there to fight things while Alafouzos write things in the media, which nothing comes of anyway. Personally I know which owner I would prefer and it isn't the one putting things through media, but the one who has the balls to go face fatboy.
  15. Siga re that's how low the mentality has gone you wana claim who broke what story 1st, jesus that's low........ Alafouzos has a benefit as he owns something in the media, do you think if Meli and Savvidis owned something in the media they wouldn't do the same? 100% they would. How do you know that Meli had no influence? Have you been there to hear their conversations? Pana Meli said from day 1 he wont say anything until his team is back but he was doing plenty behind the scenes swaying satellite teams away from the red paraga, something Alafouzos hasn't been able to do. Im not saying one owner is better than the other but fact is with Meli behind him Alafouzos has the freedom and support to let everything out now, why wasn't he letting these things out 3 or 4 years ago?
  16. Meli has always been low key on what he does that isn't something new, but fact is the day Meli came back and gave Alafouzos support he got more aera to go and do what he wanted and let everything out on the truth behind Oly and their owner. Why didn't Alafouzos go and show all this evidence 3 years ago? Why did it all start when Meli came back to Greek Football? Some of you guys make out its only PAO fighting the corruption which is far from the truth and just because you don't see or hear the things Meli does doesn't mean he ain't fighting the battle from behind the scenes. He is way more powerful than Alafouzos will ever be and Alafouzos knowing he has his backing allowed him to go and reveal all the corruption because he had support, back then he didn't have much at all and he had no balls to do that stuff then.
  17. Giourkas, the decision on Marinakis was put on hold as it was deemed to be illegal, even though I don't agree with that but that's another matter. Where were the other 2 the last few years? LOL mate if Meli didn't get back into AEK and give Alafouzos backing/support with this, he (ala) wouldn't be doing what he has been doing lately, don't run around saying your owner is the only one standing up to them because fact is if Meli didn't come back into Greek Football your owner would still be the bitch that he had been all those years Meli wasn't around. Why isn't he going to the meeting after all he has been barking for change and now is a chanced to speak up but chooses not to go. He scared of being face to face with Marinakis? Proud owner you got right there, all bark and no bite.
  18. Plenty of talk of us going for Vellios, what's everyone's opinion? I would've taken him last season. Also read they said that they had the chance to sign him before the season started and they said Dellas didn't want him, they said the same about Dellas with Berbatov, seems like they are shifting blame on Dellas to cover their own F*** ups....
  19. Pana that could also be because of Botox hahahahaha
  20. No doubt he is Reaper and this just confirmed it. Leaving the other 2 to fight your battle is a coward act especially when you been crying for so long about wanting change. What do the PAO boys here think?
  21. I think he just doesn't want to be face to face with Marinakis, the guy has been calling for change for how long and this is a chance to go there and speak his mind yet chooses not to go, dumb decision.
  22. Valencia came out said there has been no contact made. Meli needs to act fast and have Poyet sign on with us as come off season I can see a few teams chasing him.
  23. Not sure how true it is but if we do get a ban from UEFA doesn't that affect players contracts? Meaning they become void and they could all leave for free? s%$#! situation to be in, as much as a ban would help clean the league many teams will suffer loss of players and also revenue. Lets see what happens at this meeting tonight
  24. Boys has Alafouzos given a reason to why he wont attend the meeting with the other 3? I think he should go and make his opinion heard like the rest are doing....
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