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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Its honestly disappointing because I really expected better from him, but considering what salary he is on, good move to let him go and we can bring in others play who will actually play for the jersey with pride.
  2. Saw highlights and some good goals scored and great to see Poyet try the 4-4-2 diamond, love that formation. Pekhart hasn't impressed me much either, we really do need a gun striker, lacking big time in this department and hopefully Poyet brings someone in with more quality than what we got. Currently we have a 2 point lead on PAO in the playoff standings, (AEK 3 PAO 1) would be good if we can make it a 3 point lead just to have some breathing space from them.
  3. Important match so we can extend our lead to 8 and pretty much confirm 2nd spot on the ladder, they are a terrible team but we cant take them lightly either, need to get goals in this one and lift us abit as we haven't been playing the best lately and this form currently worries me for playoffs.
  4. Cant say im sad to see him go , I really thought he would do much better and out in a better effort for us to won some of us over again since he left us in that way. Ohwell we move on and surely we will find a striker who can get the job done.
  5. Although they are PL2 Bankstown Berries once known as Canterbury Marrickville Olympic fall under the NSW list.
  6. Why does he have to admit it for Reaper? Because that old c*** Savvas asked him, that m**** shouldn't even speak he is a disgrace to football, running to refs asking for games to be called off when his team is down. As for Meli, never once have I said he is clean, if you get involved in Greek Football you have to have a dark side to you, was told this by ex AEK keeper who lives in Sydney now. If Meli did control the league no it wouldn't be clean BUT it wouldn't be to the disgrace that it is now, the state we are in now is a disgrace. Was the league this bad in the 90s? No, was there corruption? Yes certainly but again it wasn't to this extent that's the difference. Lastly what Meli does with his personal business shouldn't be an issue in Football, tell me which guy involved in oil and gas isn't dirty? you think Roman Abramovic is clean? They are all the same s%$#! in that game.
  7. He may be right or wrong BUT atleast he is making suggestions while others fix matches and fill their pockets. It SHOULD NOT be left to owners of clubs to improve the league, this is EPO and the Super League job to do and what have they done? F*** all as they seem to enjoy having a mediocre league where we are laughed at by the rest of the world.
  8. Arnold only looked good at Mariners because Mckinna built that team. Arnold is no coach he is a fraud. But he has everyone backing him up and that's why he has been there for so long, he is very powerful within FFA. Aurelio Vidmar is another kreas example. Yet mounia like Foster go on tv and bag Ange for not doing well with the young squads, why didn't Foster say anything to Vidmar? Because they are all the same clicka. Ange did the best thing when he failed with the younger boys, went overseas learnt his trade at a few clubs and now look at him.
  9. Arnold is a F***en tosser, I could tell you stories of how he has destroyed Greek players careers here and also told a certain family of brothers they would never play for the NT ever again when they were all at the old Northern Spirit team and what do you know those guys never played for the NT even when one of them was best player in the country. But if you are part of the clicka here you will always get gigs to coach
  10. Its not bad Pana it just needs a lot of fine tuning in many areas, football has grown massively here but the bad thing is the curriculums put in place don't benefit people as they force you to play 4-3-3....
  11. Drawing there isn't a bad result overall, Djebbour needs to F*** off after this. We show how much we lack without Mandalos either. Hopefully Johanssen injury isn't too serious. We move onto next week
  12. I think Fornaroli is great for the A League though, he didn't come here for a holiday like other marquees have done and he's doing his job and scoring goals, cant fault the guy for this. AEK made FC look like school kids, the A League will never be at the level of the Greek League and we are seeing the Greek League as its worst ever in terms of teams and financing.
  13. No idea at all re Gallop is a fruit loop, Lowy's son is another patata, instead of growing the game and making it better these guys have EVERYONE by the balls and the only ones going places are the ones who are in the inner circle of friends.
  14. They went round saying he wanted too much money but really he didn't even get 1 offer and good on him for speaking out, the FFA are a disgrace, they wont recognise past players and coaches who made the game here and their biggest star they talked non sense about him.....
  15. How did Antonis play boys? In my opinion I cant believe Tudor was kept and Arnesen was let go, I thought he would do a good job for PAOK in terms of scouting players....
  16. Kids aren't coached well enough to understand the 4-3-3 that's what they don't get here. Some coaches may not have the players to play 4-3-3 either but still they push it upon you through your courses
  17. I don't agree with a lot of the things they try to implement to us coaches, telling us to play 4-3-3 yet our NT plays a different style. I changed my formation this season back to the old 4-4-2 diamond because everyone is doing the same thing, playing out from the back to their #6 then out side to wingers, they can do that all they like I just go through the middle with my boys and its worked wonders for us so far, teams can defend it because they are used to defending the 4-3-3.... They make out its a crime to not play 4-3-3....
  18. He obviously didn't have a bakery so they went for his car :) :)
  19. Amo I went and did my B Licence recently and one of the things they said is we don't believe in beach training, so I replied why is that, we see the best stars from South America grow up playing on beaches but you guys here don't believe in it, it is because the dutch don't have beaches? And they honestly didn't reply to me. Following another nations curriculum like we have done here (dutch style) doesn't help here, those dutch and European curriculums work for them because those kids train 4-5 nights a week, here we are lucky to train kids 3 nights a week....
  20. Will help get PAO back on their feet if he came in that's for sure....
  21. I think its great that anyone who can assist does, situations like this aren't about MY team or YOUR team but more about being human beings and helping these people out especially with what they have been through. The world can laugh at Greece and its economical situation BUT they forget to realise/admit that once again Greece is leading the way in taking refuges in and helping them, this is what us Greeks are all about FILOTIMO,unlike the animals that are called Turkey and how they have treated them.
  22. Glad we agree on that, I really don't think Meli would do that after he had the last laugh, its the dopes who oppose him trying to pin this on him...
  23. Amo the new reception just opened last January so not sure if you seen what it looks like inside now its insane, you would be shocked now lol
  24. Not too sure OH I honestly never heard them playing out that way, now you are going to make me go asking a few people if they know of it lol No idea mate I always new it as Marrickville their home base
  25. No they played at Steel Park Marrickville for a long while, personally never heard them playing out there maybe they did after I left, also used Marrickville Oval at some times
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