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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. I love Oly fans they say Mak may have handled the ball when he had no idea where it was but they cried foul over the handball against AEK when we got a penalty, ti yelia isaste re gamoto......
  2. The only worry for PAOK if they lose points is the fact Asteras isn't too far behind on points and they could actually miss the playoffs...
  3. Pierluigi Collina was meant to come also couple years ago and attempt to clean things up and then UEFA stopped him from going.....
  4. OH I don't think it will be to this extent, yes we will always have corruption in the game it happens everywhere BUT the way its become in Greece now is a disgrace.. Everyone in EPO should leave right away, they should've left after we lost twice to Faroe Islands the mounia that they are, I wouldn't put it past them if they sold the matches to Faroe because as 26-1 these Greeks would sell their mother........
  5. Maybe they should OH but sending no one makes a bigger statement that owners wont tolerate this s%$#! any longer
  6. Greeko where's the evidence to back up your claim buddy boy or do you just make claims and don't back it up?
  7. Now PAOK are being threatened with deduction of points for next season if they don't play the return leg, personally I wouldn't take my team for the game and let them dock my team points its not like they'll be winning the league since we know the winner is done before a ball is kicked....
  8. And that was the biggest deflection of a topic if I ever seen one, makes a claim and changes the topic, typical gavro logic.
  9. Yes and you know this how champ? Enlighten me please and tell me how you know he is playing us, this I would LOVE to hear.
  10. Bananas you are a little wrong, Meli may want the best for his team but he has always said he wants a strong PAO, PAOK and Oly, so today will only give him more incentive to clean up the game with the rest who are siding with him in terms of cleaning up the game and the refs especially.....
  11. Greeko you are deluded mate, Meli is trying to get the stadium done but keeps getting delayed by govt, that's not his fault, if you are going to talk facts atleast talk real ones not rubbish ones....
  12. I agree Reaper, if he sticks to his word it is a huge statement and many teams will find it in themselves to do the same if theyre ever in this situation... What gets me is they get the penalty it goes 2-2 and Oly still have the bigger advantage with 2 away goals and playing at home, instead this happened and I don't blame PAOK fans for the way they acted, yes its not right but being on the receiving end of this s%$#! time after time it would make you snap
  13. I agree Reaper, if he sticks to his word it is a huge statement and many teams will find it in themselves to do the same if theyre ever in this situation... What gets me is they get the penalty it goes 2-2 and Oly still have the bigger advantage with 2 away goals and playing at home, instead this happened and I don't blame PAOK fans for the way they acted, yes its not right but being on the receiving end of this s%$#! time after time it would make you snap
  14. Its making a stand in someway Bananas even if its not the right way to do it but it seems everything else they have tried hasn't worked in terms of a clean up in the league, so this is another way of doing it, imagine how much $$$$ EPO loses with the game not played or televised and the anger from sponsors losing out also
  15. The Greek League will never fully be clean there will always be something shonky on the side happening BUT one thing is certain, it wouldn't be the way it is now if people like fatF*** weren't involved. The guy has the best team in the league, the most money, the biggest budget yet he still needs refs to help him get results, xeftila of a human being
  16. The Greek League will never fully be clean there will always be something shonky on the side happening BUT one thing is certain, it wouldn't be the way it is now if people like fatF*** weren't involved. The guy has the best team in the league, the most money, the biggest budget yet he still needs refs to help him get results, xeftila of a human being
  17. Lets see if Savvidis sticks to his word and PAOK don't go for 2nd leg, that would be a big statement
  18. Don't think anyone is saying its good what happened tonight but everytime Oly is involved s%$#! goes down, but its always the fault of others isn't it? Instead of the media speaking the truth on what really happened and letting everyone know this ref is a corrupt piece of s%$#! they focus on what the fans did
  19. Gavri have no shame about them whatsoever, F***en disgraceful cunts
  20. Another great day in Greek Football, these gavri has no shame about them at all....
  21. Yeah they usually make a team each year, think they went close last year also. From memory I think its the Bosnian boys who are the freaks there, sick team they have!! Im hoping the same thing as my boys start this weekend, we a week ahead of NPL1 due to 26 rounds now, long season ahead
  22. Meanwhile the skops can have ethnic emblems on their shirts, the jews Hakoah can have an ethnic name but the Greeks oh god we cant have them having any ethnicity in their club teams, mounia....... Amo nah re not this year but my mates will be there Arsenal boys.....
  23. Oh didn't know that they were Cyprients who started that team, I read up on them abit but the info was pretty vague... I new about Newtown Hellas my pappou had told me about them, I think he got to watch them in his early days when he came from Greece
  24. That's what I have been told from a few in Greece today
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