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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. 1969 & then 1978 if im correct Ill be taking my Makedonia flag no doubt and my pontian one!!!
  2. Yeah Nick Bay 142 I got them in, the pre sale just finished and now is the FFA partners pre sale and tomorrow general public. I think that whole section behind the goals will be active area
  3. CR7 is a poacher? Are you for real dude? Wow. So what if he made 2 finals, Baggio has made finals, Sneijder has made finals, many player make finals that doesn't mean anything. Do you see Messi scoring headers like Ronaldo? Do you see Messi hitting 40 m free kicks like CR7? These are reasons why CR7 is more complete he has more to his game than Messi, I didn't say one is better than the other though. As for Messi yes he may do well when he plays for Argentina, but until he wins something for the NT he will always be in Maradona's shadow.
  4. Tix are already on sale for football family members OH, I just got 10 for myself
  5. Tzatziki for me CR7 is more a complete player than Messi is, but take nothing away from him he is one of the greats to play the game, but not the greatest.
  6. Not sure where they'll train yesterday Belmore also got a mention but wouldn't surprise me if they train at ANZ Stadium. I think we will have more fans than the Aussies that's for sure...... As for trials I agree, a win does lift confidence but that's about it. Should be a good season though
  7. From what I have heard they've only allocated 3 bays for Greek fans, if that's true then they truly are malakes..... Airport and training are a must!!!!!!! As for the dogs, every year I have expectations this year I haven't even seen our team or our friendlies, trying reverse psychology to see if that works hahaha we need a premiership this year because if not Des wont have the accolades he has been getting all these years
  8. I got a feeling Poyet may change the formation to a 4-2-3-1 and the line up will be something like this: Baroja Bakakis Arzo Kolo Didac Simeos Johanssen Aravidis Barbosa Vargas Pekhart Or he may keep the 4-3-3 and have Barbosa in Mandalos role.....
  9. They'll hold a few as they always do for another ticket sale later on. Time to show the FFA what real pyro is :) Ah re Nick I loved everything about you until I saw the red V comments hahahaha just joking megale!!!
  10. Pana what has Messi done mate? He hasn't done nothing with the NT and he has had quality players around him along the way and he still cant win a world cup or copa America. 6 years or not the love for a player doesn't change. Did you see what happened in Brazil in 2014? The fans went to shopping centres in Brazil singing Maradona's name not Messi's, now tell me who do they love more? People do like Messi no doubt but Argentinians will always have Maradona above anyone.
  11. You will struggle to have a $10 mill budget jvc $40 mill is way out of your league, and our too in all honesty
  12. Yeah re got an account and also a my football number through my coaching but it doesn't work gamoto
  13. Highly doubt they've sold that many so far, they probably holding some so they can do another batch later on. Everytime I put my password in it tells me the site is experiencing delays, gamoto ticketek
  14. CL $$ is much more than Europa $$, whether you have the team or not its the money that comes with it that helps your club.
  15. Active will be behind the goals Bay 142 and 143, tickets go on sale Thursday to the public, Im just about to get mine now as I have a my football # and that gives you slight priority
  16. Agreed cocaine isn't a performance enhancing drug or anabolic steroid as example and he isn't the only footballer to take cocaine all of them do it as it leaves their system within 3 days, Maradona was just a marked man.
  17. Huge game at home and a chance to make 2nd spot ours as a 7 point lead on PAO will pretty much guarantee us 2nd. The real worry is what we do in the middle with Mandalos and Zucu out. Does Poyet change the formation or show faith in someone who hasn't played in the middle this season? Does he give Diego the chance even though he has not shown too much faith in him? I honestly think Diego wouldn't be a bad option as PAO's defence is pretty average and him running at them on the break/counter can hurt them. Bakakis coming in for Galo is not an issue he can hold his own. Pekhart will surely start after he opened his account for us.
  18. The playoffs will be interesting on AEK and PAO's part, both have eyes for the 2nd CL spot, what will make a slight difference is what points each teams start on come playoff round 1. On our part I would love to make CL but Europa isn't so bad for us on our 1st season back, fun times ahead.....
  19. Pana trust me iv been in stadiums with Argentinian fans, they love Maradona more and see him as the real god, they even have "Iglesia Maradoniana" which is a religion created by Argentinian fans in honour of him....
  20. Pana trust me iv been in stadiums with Argentinian fans, they love Maradona more and see him as the real god, they even have "Iglesia Maradoniana" which is a religion created by Argentinian fans in honour of him....
  21. I remember when the playoffs first started the team who finished 2nd on the ladder started on 6 points I think or maybe 4 points cant remember exactly but it was the format it is today, this format is a m*****a, these whole playoffs are a m*****a......
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