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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Well that's just unlucky for you the mate as we are there next season, thanks.
  2. Tzatziki you are deluded your own papers compared him to Mourinho and showed stats when Oly was on that winning streak, I wouldn't say something like that for nothing, maybe you need to check your media papers before you say no one said it.
  3. Tzatziki you are deluded your own papers compared him to Mourinho and showed stats when Oly was on that winning streak, I wouldn't say something like that for nothing, maybe you need to check your media papers before you say no one said it.
  4. Oh you playing that crad now huh? You seem to be hurting then I guess. I would rather not be in Europe than CHOKE twice at home when destiny is in your hands. AIDE GEIA XEFTILES
  5. Never underestimate your opponent is the lesson to be learnt today Silva is a sh*t coach, said it for a while when people were comparing him to Mourinho because Oly went on that winning streak, this showed how good he was and he failed big time.
  6. The choke continued this morning hahahahaha aide geia mounia they don't call you putana tis evropis for nothing
  7. So long as you don't concede first you will go through
  8. One thing I wished could happen would be to have "Galanolefkos Faros" would come for the game but its too fat to travel. If you haven't heard of them these guys are the official Greek fan base supporters who travel to EVERY Greek game whether it be friendly or in group stages. I have been with them in Austria, Sth Africa and Poland and they are a great fan base. I will never forget Poland, opening game vs Poland there was 55,000 polish in the stadium and 2,500 Greeks and we outsang them all game long and they voted us best fans of Euro 2012. But we will create that atmosphere here ourselves :)
  9. I heard they opened up Bay 141 also as active. I don't think they will have a big crackdown on it but since they know Greek fans love pyro im sure they'll have extra eyes on the active area. We should do what we did in Melb 10 years ago, wait til 2nd half and everyone just lit them one after the other lol that was epic when we did that!!!
  10. Bravo OH we sitting near each other then!! Im taking my Makedonia flag 100000000% F*** these skops !!!!!! Pyro may happen in the stadium but not crazy amounts of it, but come airport and training the place will be lit up haha
  11. This game can go either way in all honesty, I think Berg has to be on his game for PAO if not then I cant see them winning, he is the biggest threat, besides him the 2 wingers Kaltsas and Vlaho also need to step up, but I think their worries are the defence and midfield, if they don't get it right then I feel they will struggle. On our part we have a little dilemma with Mandalos out, Zucu just getting injured and Cordero still not 100% fit, so will be interesting to see what Poyet does in the middle or if he changes the formation. Other than that we are fine, a little hiccup last week against Iraklis which can be a good thing should make us more hungry for the result. Anyone's game this weekend.
  12. If that is the case jvc then PAO are just dumb for doing that. No ambition whatsoever. Lamaria if he plays that same midfield vs us this weekend we will rape them as our midfield is way better than PAO's, in my opinion that is.
  13. If Poyet doesn't stay on next year with us, the first player I expect him to take wherever he goes is Simeos, he loves everything about him from his interview. Meli needs to make a stand and tie down Poyet because if he doesn't we start from scratch with another new coach, not a bad thing but why bring in a new coach when it will take a few weeks for the players to understand his style when you have Poyet there and the players already know him and his style.
  14. I personally think the coach is "experimenting" at the wrong time with the wrong player, he brings stability to your midfield, which is a poor midfield in my opinion and at this stage of the season with 2nd place up for grabs, its the wrong time to experiment....That's my 2 cents anyway......
  15. Pana did you not see few weeks back when Bale scored and Ronaldo was on the floor hugging him? Don't buy into the media crap each time when they put him down. As for his move to Madrid it was always going to happen, United just delayed it for a season so he could win the CL with them. And being a complete player has nothing to do with being selfish, seriously Pana you come up with some rippers. So you telling me Zlatan is not complete because of the way he acts off the field? Ela re give credit where its due, CR7 has broken too many records in his playing time to not be given credit. He sits in the box and waits for the ball? Pana man seriously you obviously don't watch many Madrid games as he doesn't do that at all and yesterday you called him a poacher, another vlakia comment, a poacher is someone like Inzaghi or Chicharito. Was his goal vs Roma in CL last week a poachers goal was it? And so what if he scores 5 against a small team in La Liga, hasn't Messi done the same thing?
  16. Original I agree mate, they don't really worry me either, I feel we have the edge over the in all areas on the park except the front line. Our defence is better, our midfield is better. Their wingers may be good but we contained Oly's wingers 2 weeks ago and they are much better than PAO's wingers, so that doesn't worry me either. Add to the fact they are in turmoil and the pressure is on them to win this game so they don't lose 2nd spot, its a great time to be playing them. I wasn't too sure who would play behind the striker, I thought he may throw Barbosa there since he's been in fine form and has played there a couple times and leave Vargas out wide...... Amo I would love to see Diego start against PAO as I think his pace and dribbling on the break can hurt PAO but it seems Poyet doesn't show much faith in him, as for Platellas I would be very surprised if he starts also
  17. The who is better debate will never end that's why I don't say one is better than the other but for me CR7 is more complete player than Messi. Both freaks but one has more attributes to his game than the other
  18. The who is better debate will never end that's why I don't say one is better than the other but for me CR7 is more complete player than Messi. Both freaks but one has more attributes to his game than the other
  19. Look he is arrogant and selfish but you know what he is allowed to be since he's proved it in everyway how good a player he is, this is the reason he doesn't get the same accolades as Messi because of things like that, but that shouldn't affect people's decisions on saying who the better player is or if he's one of the bets ever. I think Zlatan is way more arrogant than CR7 but when you go against the Jews as Ronaldo has done and Messi sides with the Jews, this is what you get......
  20. I agree that CL is a massive ask for the 2nd Greek team especially in the last round when the bigger teams are involved, but you shouldn't lose hope and think its not achievable, but iv said all along we make CL that's huge, but Europa on AEKs part isn't a bad thing in our first season back
  21. Ronaldo is more a complete player dude like it or not that's a fact, he has it all - speed, dribbling, strength, air ability, use of both feet, just to name a few.... So because a player takes on 4-5 players that means that makes you complete? Dumbest thing I have ever heard. Bale, Drogba, Baggio, Adebayor, Mueller, Goetze, Zidane, Capello, Klopp, even Maradona has said he is more complete than Messi, what does that tell you when Maradona over looks his own countryman? Even Neymar & Pique have said it about Ronaldo and Messi is their team mate. Do you know how many players have done that over the years? Even the shittest players have ran and taken on 4-5 defenders. Just an FYI Maradona took on a whole England NT, had 7 defenders around him at one stage and still got past them, Brazilian Ronaldo has done the same, Baggio did the same in his first ever goal for Italy, Ronadinho did the same too, so does that make them complete players because they did that? I will say it again you have no idea and it just showed when you ignored all the things I mentioned above when you were trying to tell me Barca struggled without Messi or the fact of the smaller EPL teams who play a much rougher and physical game than the bigger EPL sides would be a big challenge for Messi. Ronaldo has dominated 2 leagues, 3 if you want to add in Portugal where as Messi has only done it in 1 league and that's what tells you who is more complete and better.
  22. Again you are misunderstanding me, I said does he score headers like Ronaldo, same way you misunderstood about free kicks. Have you not seen the free kicks Ronaldo has scored for United as example? Or the 30-40m rockets he scores? Ronaldo single handily won the CL for United. He has won it with Madrid also. You cant be serious now and say why doesn't he take on 4-5 players at the same time, you really make yourself sound clueless at times with comments like those..... And once again you misunderstood, I know he scores against English teams, today was the 1st time he ever scored against Arsenal, but my point is will he do that week in week out in the EPL? Norwich, Villa and Stoke's are the teams he would face tougher defenders as they are ruthless and would mark him out of the game. Please man when he was injured Barca had NO ISSUES at all Neymar and Suarez stepped up and continued winning games for Barca and they didn't lose 3 games they've only lose twice all season in the league and CL. One game they lost Messi was playing (1-4 to Vigo) and the other he wasn't (1-2 Sevilla) so your argument there is flawed. Ex/current players such as Xavi, Iniesta, Zidane, Ronaldinho, Edgar Davids, Pep Guardiola, Henry, Cesc, Vieira, Pirlo just to name a few have said Paul Scholes is the greatest midfielders they have ever seen, ex players are allowed to voice their opinion doesn't mean they are always correct. You are too young and you're in a generation that never saw old school players and what they did and that was at a time when they had not even a quarter of the technology the players of this generation have available to them.....
  23. Who said he couldn't score freekicks? I said do you see him hitting them from 40m out like CR7 does. Wow re does it make you a better player if you play in multiple positions? No it doesn't it just shows you can be versatile and just to answer you CR7 can and has played RW LW AM and ST, same positions Messi plays. That's why people don't say Ronaldo is the best ever because he hasn't done it for his country. A complete player would have a heading ability about him also Pana, height isn't an issue and I could give you many examples of short players who score headers. But Messi is surrounded by great players you cant deny that mate, Ronaldo has dominated in 2 of the worlds best leagues, you think Messi would do that in England? No as the pace of the game doesn't suit him doing that week in week out...... You may be tried of hearing it from everyone, but when everyone is saying the same thing don't you think they have a point?
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