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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Original I agree re unless something miraculous happens in this meeting with the 3 and Kontonis today......
  2. Reaper we will be in Europe though next season. Dikefale if he wants Simeos he is going to have to pay his clause out
  3. Pana seriously dude the North has some of the best women dude......
  4. Something aint right with Tzane, but he surely be starting of Arzo..... As for Mandalos I don't see him going anywhere anytime soon, still has a couple years left on his contract also so we cant lose him on a free. But if offers do start coming I can see them giving him a new contract with a new clause.
  5. Original I see Baroja staying, he hasn't done all that bad and if it wasn't for him we would've copped 3 on the weekend. The rest I agree with but I wont get my hopes up of seeing that many new faces, priority must be CB and ST departments, then wingers.
  6. Vargas played but didn't do much as per usual. The only positive now is we have 2 weeks off and players can rest up and re-group for the 3 remaining matches, the break will do us good also in my opinion as we have dipped a little of late. We stuff it in the playoff points, we have 3 pao 2 and paok 1. Will be a tight race for that CL spot but I have said all along Europa isn't bad 1st season back, CL is a bonus.
  7. If he cared less for it then he wouldn't need to fix matches so much. You really think he doesn't care about that 25 mill? Lol ok.......
  8. Finding form at the right time PAO<,as for AEK we are losing our form at the wrong time, playoffs will be very interesting now.
  9. Heard the game on radio and we had a few half chances, they had a heap of chances and thankfully Baroja stood firm for us, but he cant do it all on his own. Shame we copped it that late. Djebbour killed us with his misses and Diego missed a sitter in the 90th minute which would've given us the game if we scored that. Need to win our last few games so we can have a little gap in the playoffs on PAO as they are starting to find some form at the right time and we seem to be dropping our form at the wrong time. As for the League, we all know its s%&#036;#&#33;. I hope Kontonis sticks to his word and doesn't buckle like he did before the season started, a ban from Europe wouldn't be a bad thing, I think it would help clean the league as people like Marinakis wont stick around if he isn't getting his CL money each season.
  10. Heard the game on radio and we had a few half chances, they had a heap of chances and thankfully Baroja stood firm for us, but he cant do it all on his own. Shame we copped it that late. Djebbour killed us with his misses and Diego missed a sitter in the 90th minute which would've given us the game if we scored that. Need to win our last few games so we can have a little gap in the playoffs on PAO as they are starting to find some form at the right time and we seem to be dropping our form at the wrong time. As for the League, we all know its s%&#036;#&#33;. I hope Kontonis sticks to his word and doesn't buckle like he did before the season started, a ban from Europe wouldn't be a bad thing, I think it would help clean the league as people like Marinakis wont stick around if he isn't getting his CL money each season.
  11. Good question pash wonder what they'll do with that now....
  12. Blackhawk agree with AEK and Atromitos and the fact a decision needs to be made there also, just hope they do it sooner rather than later as currently it leaves you guys in the air not knowing how many points you will lose and if it affects you playing in the playoffs.....
  13. What are they trying to achieve by having the big 4 there? Do they really expect Marinakis to make a decent convo with the other 3 or vice versa? F*** me this Syriza is a joke, to those that voted them in I hope you are satisfied
  14. Bravo re Original getting the topic opened early this week lol I like the diamond formation he is trying now, one of my favourite formations, hopefully he continues to use it as we have the players to go through the middle of teams instead of always going out wide, gives us another dimension to our game. With Vargas and Barbosa, one of them can be fit into it, Diego would most likely be dropped Mandalos goes to AM and then Barbosa or Vargas fill in that left diamond spot. I also wouldn't have Johanssen on the right diamond, although im sure he can play there but I would prefer Vargas or Barbosa on either side of the diamond. Tricky game this one but seeing PAOK beat them 3-0 last week I am sure our boys can get the job done, need to keep winning to open up a bigger lead in the playoffs
  15. Well being told not to have any involvement in football is another allegation? Oh and signing into Police every 15 days? My my what a great president you have and you worry about apparent threats that ours did......
  16. So I guess the 5 charges hanging over him aren't allegations then hey?
  17. Dikefale that's propaganda against him, because like he would've known his best mate and right hand man was bringing in 2 tonnes of smack, no chance at all fatboy new anything about that LOL :)
  18. One donates money hahaha wow that makes him such a better person now doesn't it. Do you even know where Meli donates before you run your mouth as per usual? Reaper, my point is with Marinakis one is no better than the other, they are all the same s****. Of course Meli is dangerous every rich Greek is as you said. What makes me laugh is when something is said about Marinakis the word "propaganda" is thrown around yet when something is said about Meli its true, when really none of us have a F***en clue what the truth is.
  19. Have they said when a decision will be made in regards to what happened at the kypello? Seems like they are dragging it on so they can deduct points so PAOK can miss the playoffs.....
  20. Not saying he hasn't threatened anyone before and he isn't the only one to threaten someone in Football, Marinakis is also good at doing that. Reaper if someone is threatening you I'm sure you wouldn't sit there continuing to make conversation as Kurkos did, the guy didn't even have a look of worry on his face. When you get threatened with the things Meli apparently said you wouldn't continue sitting there. Why would Meli go threaten him in the eyes of thousands of fans knowing in this day in age everyone has camera phones, just don't make sense.
  21. Thought that was the case, thanks Original
  22. He also blamed Meli for his car being torched which is ridiculous. Have you seen the video footage of them talking Reaper? It honestly shows 2 guys talking and if this guy was being threatened well he didn't seem like a person being threatened with his life. Not saying Meli is innocent but the footage really doesn't show a person being threatened. As for the car situation they were always going to blame it on Meli like they tried with Zografos (whatever happened with that), me question is why would Meli go burn the guys car for when these apparent threats were being mentioned, only brings more heat on himself and I don't think Meli is that dumb.
  23. Never liked this rubbish playoff system either, money making scheme nothing more. Just hope we stay focused and win the playoffs so we can have a go at CL. Boys this ban we received from UEFA for 3 years, can someone confirm for me that this ban still isn't in affect as last I new the ban was served as it was given to us in 2012 and also we formed a new PAE so that doesn't affect us. Anyone confirm?
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