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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. 100% I agree Amo but AEK did say they would give him an answer toward end of season, not that it makes it better but he new this. With the media how he went and said he wont be at AEK next season, that is where he F***ed up and its not the 1st time he has done that. If AEK had said a straight no to him then I wouldn't have an issue with it but he went and said it knowing he was still waiting for an answer, maybe he did it to push management, maybe he did it cause he's arrogant, who knows... Anyway he is gone and we need to move on and hope we get someone of his calibre again
  2. Of course he had other offers this is why they pushed AEK to answer this week that's not half obvious. As a coach you should care because after all it was your hard work that got the team to where it currently is, so to say why would I care I don't agree with, coaches live for these challenges
  3. Amo AEK told him they would let him know by end of season, they pushed for an answer this week. How can AEK give him an answer right now when the semis and playoffs are on? Surely his focus would be on that more than anything. Poyet F***ed up by going to the media and saying he wont be there next season, that for me was the biggest m*****a he could have done..... As for what he asked there have been a few figures thrown around, yesterday I heard $2.1 for him then $1.6 for him then its $1.2. I do agree we have made money from sponsors to have this money available and if Meli is serious he would give it, but again we don't know what goes on behind closed doors.....
  4. I read today he changed his mind and will send the team down, is this not correct?
  5. It may have been but to say they went backwards I wouldn't agree with, they struggled early on and even when Dellas took over they still struggled yet they found their feet and made a late dash and missed the playoffs by 2 points
  6. I saw the game live via FB what a disgrace those skops are, turning lights off twice and throwing a flare into the Hellas crowd, I heard it hit someone on the head also. Xeftiles, well done South great win
  7. Doubt those guys will take over also Original, rumours are heavy for Michel, what do you guys think of that? It really wouldn't surprise me one bit if Manolas stayed on for next season, after all he is one of Meli's boys and gets along well with Kermit the cancer of AEK.
  8. I think both sides are at fault here now that things are more clearer. Poyet dug his grave by announcing he was leaving before he had an answer from AEK, seems he had another offer on the table and pushed AEK to give him an answer. Aint the 1st time Poyet has done this. He also did ask for a lot of money to stay on, still no excuses both sides could've handled this more professionally.....
  9. Yeah just check our sites and saw it, what great timing this is
  10. $160k to be exact, the rest were all free...... If you want to parade around and have a slogan "erxomaste" you MUST F***en spend to back up your claim
  11. Ketsbaia lived the days of Meli so he has an idea of how he works which is a plus for us, but again if the budget doesn't grow will he want to come? I think he is a good coach, he did well with the Georgia NT and also did well in Cyprus, he would be a good fit for AEK
  12. Good on him for speaking out and why shouldn't he? The guy came here to do a job for us and that's without funds and now that he understands Greek Football and knows what the team needs he gets told we wont lift the budget, don't blame him for leaving or saying what he said
  13. I would take Ketsbaia in a heart beat, good manager and has done well where he has gone. But I think Manolas will be given the role, after all he didn't do too bad when he was care taker.....
  14. Has he left already or end of season? What a circus this has become...... Manolas will surely take over now
  15. Amo/Nick its true we are very guilty of this and this is why we are where we are as a football nation, yes we did well at Brazil with luck on our side and yes you need luck in those tournaments, but when you pay money to travel to these tournaments like I do then I see Katsou/Samaras and co playing I cringe and think why the F*** did I bother coming. We need to be picking players on form not because he did something for us 10 years ago or because someone puts in a word for someone to get into the side, this s%$#! needs to change right now but sadly it most likely wont......
  16. No doubt I wont hold my breath on it though, but if Poyet stays then he will surely have too. What you think will happen with you guys?
  17. Samaras? Come on guys, this is our biggest problem, we want to be loyal to guys who did great things for us in their peak which was 5-10 years ago, that's why young guys never got a run in the 1st place as we wanted to be loyal to players, Oh salpi scored a goal for us lets put him in the NT, oh Katsouranis was in the 04 team we need to have him there now even at 36, this mentality needs to change otherwise Greece wont be going anywhere.
  18. I agree with that but being our 1st season back finishing 2nd (even 3rd) is a good season for us and that's after we only spent $160k on players while you and PAOK spent a couple million
  19. Yes I know that not a stat to be proud of. But we are talking about conceding not what we have scored.
  20. Green man lucky you have him otherwise you would've been there with us, that's what some fans of yours don't understand. But the Alafouzos hate has stopped on here recently since the teams been winning.
  21. jvc its easy/free money for him to put into AEK (hypothetically speaking) but my question is how does that money go into AEK if any of this has any substance? I wouldn't put it past Meli but a couple things make me think he wouldn't: 1. would he sacrifice us finishing 2nd? 2. does he want to give the edge to PAO for the CL spot? I just find it strange that we copped 3 in the last game of the season, we copped 4 against Oly and other than that we never conceded more than 2 in any other game all season.
  22. We shall know by tomorrow as AEK has their appeal then, don't see us getting the 3 points back.
  23. Sheriff I actually think Atromitos got better as the season went on, look where they were when Dellas took over, they were just sitting above relegation and they had a great end of season run to finish where they did.
  24. Would hate to see what you'd be like if you dropped to 3rd division lol then you see and feel real pain.
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