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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. That's my point exactly OH are they coming here for a holiday or to actually play football? Akritis its not the quality of who they play its the quality of what they are doing when they play regardless of the opposition, yes they have played some weak teams BUT you play to what's in front of you. In 2014 they played some big teams in Holland Spain and Chile and weren't embarrassed Akritis did we play the World Champs last year in a friendly and draw 2-2 to them?
  2. Its not over estimating the Socceroos far from it but this NT we currently have isn't in great shape and needs massive work, the Socceroos actually play each game with heart and passion and they have a decent side which is coming along very well, something we cant say about our boys and if they come here with the same attitude as last time (at bouzoukia til 5am on game day) then I don't get hoe you guys see Greece doing much.....
  3. The playoffs are going ahead tomorrow as planned, EPO tried to make a threat by saying they aren't assigning refs but that fell in their face. They also had Super League and Kontonis once again reject the 15th May for the kypello, they cant just schedule the kypello smack bang in the middle of the playoffs and that's after it was said the kypello has been postponed for 10 days. Bajewy Oly need to qualify 1st for CL no guarantees for them this time and their season will start much earlier than usual roughly late June as CL qualifiers begin late July once Euro 2016 in done..... As for Meli finding millions we all know he has it, that's not the issue, the issue is how does he get the money into AEK?
  4. Well now people can understand why he was so pushy toward AEK and didn't want to wait until we were ready, I did say that he had an offer from someone else.
  5. Cahill is one you missed Giannou can score goals also, he set up 4 on his debut, his time will come also
  6. Reading about Chygrysnkiy (plays for Dnipro) and AEK he is a CB, for me this is a good choice to go for, strong, tall and a leader and has plenty of experience, he is 29 but CB are at their peak at this age, this signing IF it was to happen would be a very good one and a massive upgrade from that patata Arzo, time will tell.....
  7. Well the only plus you guys have over us is you are renovating not doing a full build so less permits/licences etc etc needed BUT lets not kid ourselves, something will surely be found lol like the time the Mayor said the seats in AEKs new stadium were to big and had to made smaller hahaha that's the kinda s%$#! we have to deal with gamoto....
  8. Well done to PAO much needed for them and also for the sake of Greek Football, one thing I do hope is that you guys don't find the same hurdles Infront of you as we have found.
  9. Again this is a media report so really we all have no idea what has been said behind closed doors. In all honesty though this is becoming so tiring everyday a new story or new issue, all we want is to have the final and playoffs and end this horror season of Greek Football. I agree with you on playing the game elsewhere though that would've been a much better idea, bring it to Australia EPO we would love to host it lol
  10. Yeah Damian (owner of Gol) shut down but I do remember there being a Gol store in Belmore but not 100% sure if its there anymore, but I don't think they would have it either way, but try your luck anyway
  11. Well it doesn't say it was confirmed or not confirmed but it does say it will possibly be his usual assistants, if you look at the refs history and every game he has done you will see the same 2 guys beside him everytime, I don't think it blows anything out of the water for Kontonis.
  12. Reaper can you show me where it wasn't agreed to have Sidiropoulos assistants as everything I have read says they were to be assigned. As for the rumour about Meli meeting Kontonis it came from Karapapara, who the F*** is he to come out and say that? Why doesn't he come out and say all the times Marinakis would speak with Sarris and have things arranged for his benefit? Seems they over look their own halia and try bury others. You say Meli, Ala and Savvidis are enablers, isn't Marinakis that also or don't these things apply to him? Every owner is as bad as each other. Good to see you admit Olympiakos has set back Greek Football
  13. And that was his last ever game for them also, what a great player he was too loved watching him play, that look on his face will stay with me forever, poor guy.
  14. That's the major question, who actually has the balls to come out and attempt to make a real change and F*** off all the corruption and p*****es behind the scenes? We have seen people try and get shut down, others have tried and got nowhere also. Doesn't seem like is much hope BUT if the courts of Greece and Prosecutors actually grow a pair and start throwing people in jail for the s%$#! they do then surely 100% this will put fear in people to not F*** around so much as they will be made an example of, but it seems our courts and prosecutors don't have balls
  15. What a great final that was, will never forget it. Munich F***ed it by taking off Matheus, you cant take off your best defender in a final when you are only up 1-0. Cant believe Ajax lost the title over night also, that was a massive shock.
  16. Very well said but how do they even attempt to try do something like this in a nation where anything goes?
  17. 100% agree Akritis, on AEKs part we have built a semi decent team, yes plenty of talent needs to be added but we do have some talent on our roster and to lose those guys now will be a real shame, other teams will also have this issue also so Grexit doesn't help anybody. EPO and Govt need to somehow come to an agreement, but what hope is there for that when the last agreement wasn't met by EPO?
  18. Lets see if they even go ahead which I highly doubt they will
  19. Reaper these assist refs appointed were recently seen sitting in a suite in the Karaiskaki watching an Oly game, do you not see that as an issue? Is that normal in your eyes is it? F*** imagine Meli had refs in a suite at OAKA Oly fans would be losing their s%$#! but when Oly does it its ok for that to happen..... But you still worry about Meli and what he said and didn't say and overlook the real issues at hand.
  20. No one else to blame here but EPO for not assigning the assistants that were agreed. Kontonis and AEK are within their right to complain about this, everyone in EPO needs to go, simple.
  21. The final cant be played on the 15th EPO are a bunch of dropkicks, it has been stopped for 10 days so how the hell can they schedule it 8 days later? Reaper seriously dude Meli is not the one that will allow the final to be played move on from the "meli said this or meli wont let this happen" or "savvidis is stopping this" its become a circus, they have an opinion yes but they DO NOT have the authority to allow the game to be played. Instead of bagging Meli and co why not bag EPO who have gone against what was agreed? Is that normal in your eyes is it? Hardly ever hear you say anything about EPO and their antics but when it comes to Meli you are full of theories.....
  22. EPO are w bunch of F***wits that's all that can be said, every single one of them should step down the pieces of s%$#! have put their egos above two teams playing a final, why not do what you agreed? Why have this fiasco now? Xeftiles
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