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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Rumour has it all their itinerary and details were confirmed last night.
  2. He would be a real good choice, his club and NT team record says enough, but question is can we afford him and is he willing to come to this bourdello we call a league?
  3. Well done to PAOK as for us once again we F***ed it like we did when we came there earlier in the season, cant close out a game. Scenes at the end were stupid on both teams behalf, F***en Djebbour the guy will never learn. All to play for now for all teams, next round of matches will be very interesting.
  4. Lets see if it goes ahead, wont hold hope on that
  5. And they did it in style as tourists lol cant believe that game how bad it was. Hope so too mate because if they don't start waking up and playing then we wont be going Russia either
  6. That's all everyone hopes for Akritis, don't want a repeat of 11 years ago when they last came here.
  7. jvc will the family splash money or will they be the way Meli is? Will they invest in the league the way it is?
  8. 9 changes for England match is huge, I thought they'd stand a chance against England with the usual squad but not confident with the A League players, they've been out of action (well some have been) while EPL players will finish this week. Glad he called up Mauk from Adelaide United, he had a top season.
  9. One getting married, other having 1st kid and the rest aren't being released which leaves A League players, some who haven't played in 4 weeks. If these same guys miss the Greece games then we will be a massive chance at winning both.
  10. His club wont release him, few others having the same issue and a few others out due to family reasons. Lets see if any of them can make the Greece matches
  11. Well there was also an offer from Nottingham Forest even though they are in the Championship. Look maybe he sees it as "if I do well with Betis I can get a better gig in Spain" who knows but from what everyone has been saying and bagging AEK and Meli people need to realise he was never going to stay and if he did it explains why he asked for that amount of money....
  12. Tzatziki you missed "past" too re he meant "paste" come on due brush on your dictionary skills
  13. You should be grateful for google, imagine where you'd be without it.....
  14. Nah not a threat at all Amo it was said by Marinakis so its ok
  15. So the 5 charges against him have nothing to do with bribery, blackmail and threats? That now have him sign into police every 15 days, you are right they aren't the same Meli doesn't need to sign into Police. I wont even go into the kypello final vs Asteras where he went into the refs room at half time to "wish them goodluck" as he stated, iv seen so many owners go into refs rooms at half time to wish them luck , that's normal. Again you are right they are different, Marinakis goes into the refs rooms, while Meli does it in public.
  16. jvc Meli is looking for investors yes as the project is estimated to cost roughly $60 mill, but he is putting $20 mill of his own money in, now whether that money if from his account or a rip from OPAP is another thing lol
  17. So has Marinakis Reaper lets not forget the things he has also done, one is no better than the other. As for this article who are they to come out and say anything considering the vroma that has come from their club? Were they there to hear what was said? Sounds like they're burning Meli got off, but when Marinakis gets let off its ok, keep burning that's all I can say.
  18. Atleast with AEK he would most likely have Europe to play in also, but being La Liga im sure it entices many coaches to go there and test themselves in one of the best leagues in the world
  19. Great news now maybe the red propaganda can stop the rubbish of saying he threatened the ref and that's how we won.
  20. Imagine when PAOK go for their renos what they will encounter hahaha what a joke of a nation, wont even let teams have good grounds/facilities so we don't look like amateurs when teams are playing in Europe.
  21. OH you really think it wont happen dude? Why is that?
  22. Maybe he did with us who knows but its not half obvious what he was trying to do, seems he never wanted to stay and why would he in this s%$#! League where cancelled games can happen 24 hours before a kickoff and if he did want to stay it would've been for the money only ($2.5mill) which is what he is said to be getting as Betis. What does he plan to prove in La Liga with Betis? Get within 35 points Barca instead of 40? Europe which he has no chance of if you ask me but goodluck to him wish him all the best
  23. That's my point exactly OH are they coming here for a holiday or to actually play football? Akritis its not the quality of who they play its the quality of what they are doing when they play regardless of the opposition, yes they have played some weak teams BUT you play to what's in front of you. In 2014 they played some big teams in Holland Spain and Chile and weren't embarrassed Akritis did we play the World Champs last year in a friendly and draw 2-2 to them?
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