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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. We have said it many times about the slogan "erxomaste" but one thing he never said was that he was going to spend, we as fans assumed it by the slogan and the fact he took over and his wealth thought more would've been spent. AEK cant take over in one season that's what people need to understand and get through their heads.... As for Poyet it's his word against Meli's so who lying and who's not is one issue, but as I said before he asked for a bigger budget, ok no problem every coach has their right to ask for this, but don't go out and say you aren't going to be here next season when you are in the middle of negotiations, that's biting the hand that feeds you and basically spitting on the players who have believed in you since you came and took over.
  2. Didn't see him say he will spend money and please don't post me media articles post me something from his mouth saying he will spend, which you most likely wont hear. As for Poyet when a coach comes out and says that a day before your biggest game and the clubs told you "we will respond to you" F*** him he deserves to be sacked, no one is bigger than AEK in the end. Not one club in the world would be happy with a coach saying that while negotiations are still going on and you are a day before a cup semi....
  3. Leadership as in everyone as a whole or Meli? If you mean everyone I don't agree as I think they have all done a great job this season given the resources they have been given to do their job, as for Meli if that is for him then yes 100% we all know this and don't deny it one bit.
  4. They sure will and so they should, you cant have a slogan "erxomaste" and not spend, but its season 1 back and maybe he didn't wana go crazy and spend this season as he doesn't want to repeat the old mistakes of AEK, but being in Europe next season and hoping we can mount a title charge he will need to spend. I don't think there is any AEK fan happy with what we spent this season, but fact is team achievements wise with the $160k only spent we did well to make Europe and kypello final, that's my point.
  5. I am not defending anyone I am talking team performance considering the little amount spent and what we have achieved so far. Yes he hasn't invested jvc we all know that BUT even without investing big time we have made Europe and the kypello final, is that a bad thing is it?
  6. So you are comparing AEK teams of the past who had time to build to this AEK team who is only 1 year in the making? As I said rocks in your head.......
  7. Who said any of us were satisfied with him? I am satisfied in our 1st year back we have qualified for Europe and made a cup final, for a newly promoted team if you cant admit that its a good effort considering the little money we spent, then you got rocks in your head.
  8. Who said any of us were satisfied with him? I am satisfied in our 1st year back we have qualified for Europe and made a cup final, for a newly promoted team if you cant admit that its a good effort considering the little money we spent, then you got rocks in your head.
  9. So tzatziki making Europe and a kypello final is bad on your 1st year back hey especially after only spending $160k? How terrible is that for a newly promoted team....
  10. Ellas75 that's why Greek Football is a joke, guy cant do anything with Greece yet goes and wins his first league title with a team worth $25 mill, good on him happy for him.
  11. Considering we have made Europe and the kypello final, I don't agree with the above, the joke is on everyone else who spent millions while we spent $160k got into Europe and a kypello final!!
  12. How did they do the same thing? One signed a contract the other was told he would get an answer on his future, don't let your hatred get in the way of reality. Meli let his ego get the better of him? So you find it normal for a coach to say he is leaving at season's end when he wasn't given a formal answer by the club and a day before our biggest game? Thank god people like you don't run clubs......
  13. Well done Leicester what a massive effort. The Greek league should hang their head in shame, Ranieri couldn't beat Faroe Islands (which I don't blame him for) but wins the EPL with a team worth $25 million....
  14. As I said yesterday last time e played in the final it all went well, there was no massive dramas inside the stadium. I know the 2 owners have changed the face of the league with their power trips and there is more hatred between both clubs, but its still no excuse to not have fans at a final which would surely fill OAKA. Lets see what this final has to offer, just hope there are no p*****es and the game can be played fairly and be one we can remember like the last final.
  15. Difference with Pep is he had signed a deal with City, where as Poyet wasn't told we didn't want him, he made that decision on his own to say he wasn't staying on. Im sure Bayern new Pep was going and announcing it was a decision by both sides, not one side.
  16. Doesn't even feel like its a final this weekend, that's how sad Greek Football has become. Lets hope the boys are ready for this as it wont be easy but we can get the job done.
  17. Poyet dug his grave by saying he was leaving at season's end, don't care who you are you don't come out and say that when you haven't been given a concrete answer from the club. Plenty of coaches around the world have been in the same position yet they stayed professional about it, yet Poyet wanted to play the hard ass and it back fired on him, as I said before its not the 1st time he has done something like this. We move on no need to dwell on the past
  18. Great new building and well done to all involved......
  19. F*** it then send the juniors down and save the -3 or you can also go out and hit a few and help us out lol
  20. The game was officially given 0-3 to Oly is that right? If so F*** them and send your 17s down there and save yourself a -3 for next season.
  21. I agree we suffered this season up top and it showed, cant rely on Aravidis as he's not an out & out striker, for 2nd division you can get away with it but not in SL. Djebbour well I wont even bother. Pekhart has shown glimpses but I don't think he is what we are looking for but can be a good back up. Also need a CB and F*** off Arzo the petsa...... A winger or two would also help. Surely we got $2 mill lying around the spent on these positions we are lacking in
  22. As you said Amo to spend only $160k and finish where we did is a laugh on all the others teams, PAOK and PAO spent a couple million easy. That being said money must be spent now as this team isn't good enough to compete in Europe, ok we aren't going to win a cup in Europe but you want to atleast get our of the group stage, get some more $$ from games and then that gives you decent exposure,that has to be a #1 goal.
  23. jvc you have said yourself why would they invest in a league that's corrupt and one team gets special treatment from the others, don't blame them for not investing BUT that being said Meli spending only $160k is a F***en joke. Will be interesting to see who we get, but we need someone who will stay for atleast 2-3 years and be given time, changing coaches every 6 months isn't helping anyone. Have a feeling it may be Ketsbaia which isn't a bad option
  24. Greekoz I heard while watching it the Greek boys said Preston fans rocked up, s%$#! go throwing the flare as I heard it someone in the head
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