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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Cant remember who it was against but I remember he scored one BOMB outside the box went top corner.....
  2. Yep I was there Amo just missed us all and OH is right it was the season after he left us, what a left foot that p***** had.... Best was when he had BHMA written on his head some Greeks thought it said BLHMA hahahahah
  3. The pyro we did when AEK was here I don't think Belmore had seen anything like that hahaha send them to Belmore PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE even better for us!!
  4. Im sure we will know all those details soon it wont be hard to keep them from people lol
  5. Nothing confirmed but Kogarah has been mentioned, I will be sure to buy another 20 flares again for this one
  6. I remember the name not much else. You just reminded me of another tea not sure it has been mentioned the mighty PONTIAN EAGLES lol another blast from the past Then you also had St George Olympic which were a club side.
  7. All we have to hope for is that they don't come here for a holiday and hit the bouzoukia until 5am on game day as they did in Melb
  8. Hasn't sold out from what I have been told which is a big shame by both sets of fans.
  9. Great statement that is and very well said, now lets see what comes of it
  10. Better to have the coach done then sign players, plus with the Euros on this may delay signings for teams unless they get in quick. After last season and the players we were linked with, I am sure there will be twice as many rumours this off season....
  11. Still would like to see what Ketsbaia would do at AEK, but that's gone quiet lately
  12. Did 7 of them not stand down last I read? You say Meli never said he wanted a crowd there but I didn't hear Marinakis come out and say he wanted a crowd there either. Let it go dude seriously these 2 guys are taking all the attention off football. Who cares what one guy says and what another doesn't say.
  13. Reaper first of all Grexit was never going to happen, was all a ploy to clear out EPO which is something needed and had to be done, so those saying Meli backed this and that or this guy didn't say that is all a bunch of bullshit because these decisions would've been made regardless of what one guy says. As for the crowd, I didn't hear Meli say he did or didn't want a crowd there so lets not assume and say things like "if he said it that would've put pressure on Kontonis" even if Meli said he wanted the crowd do you think Kontonis would've allowed a crowd? The guy has done kolotouba after kolotouba, said we would have a foreign ref and that hasn't happened, said there would be students, that hasn't happened. So as I said regardless of what Meli could've or should've said, Kontonis would've done what he wanted just like he did with the promises he had when the kypello was re-started We need to move on from this president didn't say this and that president said that, its become a farce and a circus, who cares what one president did or didn't say, I care about my team and what they do on the pitch, off it doesn't bother me if Meli didn't back this guy or Meli said this to that guy.....
  14. Yeah read his name a few times wouldn't be a bad thing but is he the right man for us?
  15. I think we need to get over the fact of what one club said and what the other didn't say, it has no bearing at all whether we agree to it or not Kontonis makes decision regardless of what one club says.....
  16. El Arabi would be good he has a decent scoring record but will he suit us is the question we don't want to be signing players who don't suit our style. Few other names have been thrown around also, few guys in Greece reckon Bakasetas has signed with us already as he is an AEK fan also, but wont buy into that until its confirmed. Biggest concern is who the coach is going to be, no use buying players in my opinion. Baroja isn't a bad thing to keep him on, he has done well for us in many matches.
  17. Yes pash its not but since they were on the topic thought id; ask the question, maybe you should say the same to others also???? Fair point Pana, wont say anymore about PAO here I might get in trouble
  18. Pana Ala spent a lot yes but most was spent on garbage lets be honest about it. I would rather my team not buy if they are going to spend it on garbage, but that's my opinion others may be different. AEK brought in all these players and yes some are good and some were very average but benefit we have is they cost nothing so we don't have any loss. Do you think Ala spent the money well?
  19. The only reason I see it getting out of hand with the fans is because of Meli and Marinakis and the hype surrounding them, other than that we haven't had major issues against them. Cant believe we are going to watch a final with no fans, only in Greece......
  20. PAO has hit form at the right time and I think the playoffs are there's to lose going by latest form. Panionios has a big hurdle and must knock off PAO in the 1st match if they are to have any hope. As for AEK we are very low in form currently but maybe and that's a big maybe if we win the cup it could motivate us to do better in the playoffs, but that's a big if. PAOK needs to knock us off 1st game also if they want to take that spot. Interesting playoffs coming up......
  21. Amo iv said it for a while its a power trip between these 2 and the ones suffering are the fans. Does anyone even feel like we are playing the final in the kypello vs Oly? That's how bad it has become. As for what he tells fans, I don't agree with it either, be upfront with them tell them the truth or don't say nothing. Seems he tells people one thing the others another, since he has said things to the NY club and then other things to one of our guys....
  22. Imagine how Cambiasso feels, ok he won a title in Greece but we all know deep down where he would've preferred to have won a title.... Ranieri has just become the most loved man on the planet and good on him, happy for him, you hear his interviews and he is so positive and so clam and full of happiness, credit to him.
  23. Tzatziki who's defending him re? Reality is any owner who goes to visit a club will say what the fans want to hear, do you think they are going to go to a club and tell them the opposite to what they want to hear? Ela re thought you had more sense than that. What Dikefale wrote is spot on and very well said, everyone is looking at the money he has spent of transfers but over looked everything else he has done for AEK since taking over, no one denied he needs to spend money we all know this, but don't overlook everything else he has done along the way.
  24. Pana when Meli goes to visit these AEK Clubs do you think he is going to tell them no we aren't getting players? Of course he is going to say we are, otherwise people will be turned off by him. As I said my mate went to his offices in Pireaus for personal reasons and he told him what I said above. I don't think its his ego he wants boosted within AEK, the fans will love him regardless, he wants to oust Marinakis, its become a power trip between these 2 and the ones suffering are the fans.
  25. Amo one of our boys who I am sure you know went to his offices to speak with him and you know what his exact words were? "prota I thoulai meta I aek" and our mate came back and said it himself don't expect him to spend big and he was right. What Meli tells fans is things they wana hear, he's not going to come out and say "oxi then pernoume paixtes" that will turn people off big time and then they'd think wtf did you get into football for if you aren't going to spend....
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