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Original Sydney

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Everything posted by Original Sydney

  1. Because they cant admit truth Amo, it goes hand in hand with them.
  2. Wow like he is the first do it, seriously. What about Kasami Tzatziki your thoughts?
  3. Bravo to Meli if he did it and about time, when fatboy does it you ALL stay silent yet when Meli does it the world goes mad, hypocrites. Now onto serious issue, what are your thoughts on Kasami and his interview?
  4. Kasami can eat a fat dick the dog :)
  5. Kasami can eat one fat dick the bitter prick that he is, cant handle defeat like a real footballer, this hurt them ALTO and with words like his it just shows how deep it hurt. Well done to everyone from AEK great result and one that will give us confidence now
  6. You can post all you like of the past tzatziki but only one thing matters today Aek 1 Oly 0 thanks for coming
  7. What a win F*** the gavri and their unbeaten record, they can whinge all they want about the cards and penalty but if it was in their favour they'd be taking it and laughing at us. Bravo Aek today you did us ALL proud Meli killed it at the end "we beat ali baba and the 40 thieves" hahahahaha
  8. Playoffs is for a CL spot, which is a m*****a in my opinion but if we do finish 2nd in the League then really the joke is on everyone else below us, especially since we haven't spent money.
  9. I don't blame Meli for dropping us to 3rd division, as said above why pay debts that aren't yours? And in those 2 years we were away what did we miss? F*** all. If AEK didn't get relegated I don't think we would've dropped to 3rd division, but since we did it only made sense to drop another and clear our debts and its been the best thing we ever did. As for Meli and what he's done for AEK, well he has the club running better than ever, players and management are getting paid on time, he has built a decent side who are achieving good things along the way, he has given the fans belief again, something we didn't have the last few years. There is much more focus on our academies. Lastly he has his team sitting 2nd and only spending 160K along the way (how much has PAO and PAOK spent?) so the laugh really is on EVERY team below us on the ladder as they are below a newly promoted team and a so called owner who is labelled a tightass for not spending.
  10. That is correct in regards to AEK Reaper, only thing is Meli came in before we got relegated to 3rd division, he relegated us to 3rd division.
  11. It would sad if we couldn't get 50k in the stadium this weekend. In some gates they are only charging 5 euro entry so surely we will go close to 50k, anything less is bad.
  12. Refuse what re seriously I have given you the info run along and go search for it you're good at looking up things on google.....
  13. No onus on me mate I am not the one living in denial, let alone being able to admit one fault within your club.
  14. You know how to use google and find things so go for it.
  15. I didn't say it I go by the documents that show it hasn't been paid. So come on tell us why it hasn't, I know you find it hard to say a bad thing about your fatF*** owner but one time wont make you a bad fan.
  16. Yes we know where the money came from, but answer us why it hasn't been paid back? Would it be because some people think they are above the law and think they can do what they want?
  17. Then you say it was not govt funded, remind me isn't that certain bank owned/part owned by the govt? Hmmmmmmmm
  18. So now it was $20 mill upfront and $40 mill loan, ok so tell us why hasn't the loan been paid back in all this time? Would it be because fatboy has no respect for anyone or anything? Yet you all put him as a god. You attempt to bag AEK for getting a govt grant, one which we were promised by the govt yet not paying a loan of $40 mill seems to be ok in your eyes, and you say we have a complex.
  19. Because it didn't cost only $40 million to re-build. You make me laugh mate you never once can admit a bad thing about your club, your owner or anyone that has to do with Oly. Unlike us all here we can bag our club, owners and whoever else if they do wring yet you haven't seen the documents of the debt not being repaid, righteo.
  20. Ok so lets say it wasn't funded by the govt, explain to me the documents leaked showing repayments of $40 million haven't been made to a certain bank? And please don't tell me the documents are made up. So who hasn't made their repayments?
  21. Don't you love how they think they know how Karaiskaki was built lol sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
  22. Guys when you say Oly have nothing to play for and will have one eye on their midweek Europa tie I don't agree, they have an undefeated record they want to keep intact and the last team they want the streak to end to would be against AEK. Yes they will have one eye on midweek but they will certainly not want to lose this game to us, no way in hell. Good to see Barbosa will be back, we missed him last weekend and he now knows what this derby means to us AEK fans.
  23. jvc firstly the way the league is no one will be winning it other than that 1 team. As for CL, whichever teams gets that 2nd spot from the playoffs faces a monster ask to qualify for the group stages especially when the bigger teams of Europe come into it in the last round. I love your ambition and ideas but atm they are abit too far fetched for the way your club is going, I would more be concerned about building a good squad and going from there, similar to what we at AEK have done BUT we still have work to do ourselves.
  24. Not sure if its head games Poyet is playing or if he is serious but that's what I read in an article. I think it will be a battle of the middle and whoever controls the middle will most likely win. The 5-3-2 he is planning I would say would turn into a 3-5-2 in attack so the only issue for me is if we lose the ball and don't get back in time Oly will hurt us in those gaps left by the right & left wing backs....
  25. I just read that Poyet is considering a 5-3-2 formation, whether its true or head games, the only part of that I like is the fact we would have 2 guys upfront, Ara and Pekhart would be good as it gives you 2 different dimensions going forward. One a target man (Pekhart) the other will run and chase everything down in his sight (Ara) If we get manage to get an early goal that would be great as the players will settle down and the crowd will also lift them and they will not have as much nerves and less fear of making a mistake and being the one to cost the team a goal.... So much riding on this game for both sides, I hope it lives up to the expectations we all have.
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