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Panathinaikos vs. Werder Bremen

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Congrats PAO, PAO played very strong.

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could of easily been 4-1 even 5-1 with the posts - and even the goal they scored could of been avoided with PAO been temporarily left with 10 men on the field due to Goumas injury

none the less - awesome win and just wat PAO and Greece needed!

the whol team played well in general today (except for maybe vyntra)

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first half almost nothin (except 4 two goals) could have received 2 or three.

EKI is turnin like alexandris if this continues.... (come and get me for saying that)

sec half quite good (although a few becatses from our side and carabouzoukies from the germans). watch the 4 shoots in a row....

then with ten players... the end of the germans...

when we lost first cl game maletzanis asked for 1 month... now minus 10, 20 DAYS TO GO AND WER ON FIRE BABY YEA!!!!!!!

great win, needed that & good luck to oly tomowo!!!!


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Bravo Panathinaike. We just continue to beat the Germans like our manges did on Sunday at the Fiba European Championships. I hope we have two Greek teams make it to the next round of CL, and I think my beloved Thrylos will pull off a shocker tommorrow at the Bernabeu, as Real will be without Ronaldo and Zidane. Olympiakos 1-0 with Rivaldo the goal. :D

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OK, first ten minutes was amazing, it could have even been 3-0 but Mantzios missed from close range.

We may aswell have been dead after that, chances were going begging for the germs, by the end of the half they should have been ahead

Then, hold the phone, substitution: greek pao out - euro pao in. This was otto reheageal type of genius this was, what a substitution!!!

We annialated them second half, sure they had that 4 shot/ 4 blocked chance and a few others, but pao were missing the sitters, Gonzales drives and hits post, turns and hits c/bar, Gekas misses one on ones, misses an open goal for F***s sakes (actually, v.good save by keeps). shot after shot.

RES: 2 - 1

Deserved RES: 5 - 3

And justice for all... 'cept the germs.

kali tihi oly


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I find it extremely hilarious that the same people sending hate mail...

Eki showed his class in the second half..it was great to see...As far as everything else is concerned...Mantzios, Darlas, Tziolis,Morris, Torghelle, and Seric all played great...

Yes..its true....But..there is one thing that wasnt very obvious though and i will let you all know and let me know if you agree with me...

there is a man on the pao squad that played today who's name was not mentioned al day long here in the forums and that deserves full remarks....His name is Mikael Nillsson..

Not once did Werder attack from the right side because nilsson did not let them pass...the only time they did was on a counter attack which came from the right side and ended up with the werder goal but the pass came right down the middle past morris and lets not forget that Pao was playing with 10 players at the time of the goal with goumas' injury....Nilsson is a class player and just like he is in sweden's national team, he is very underated...

time will tell if i am wrong..

one more thing..i challenge anybody in this forum to tell me that Flavio concecao didnt play good today...micoud from the german side was completely invisible thanks in large part to concecao's marking....So please...let me know...i challenge you all..

FORZA PAO....and good luck to olympiacos tomorrow...


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he did some paparies & COULD & MUST play better...i believe

he was sent to pao as the messia man (not 2 mention the delay) when he was anounced (before the thriler of waiting) the permanent tickets ( pos ta leme sto inglesh?) went up!!!

so as i said 20 MORE FREAKIN DAYS!!! and then, u call me... we talk som mo... ok?

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Wow, Pao without Biscan is preforming on an other level.

Manzios is the best Greek striker I have ever seen. I really had my doupts about his ability because I never saw him play before but the kid is awesome.

Gekas sucks. I just can't stand this guy. Ca't we give him on loan somewere ?

0 goals in Europe and 0 golas against big Greek teams like Aek, Paok, Osfp as a Pao player.

Tziolis is really good. Very promissing.

Conseisao showed his class. It is obvius that he can't preform well next to Biscan. With either Gonzales or Tziolis hecan do so much better.

Serich is doesn't have legs. He is faster ans stronger than a Motorcycle. He is the most impressive transfer we have ever done. He is by far my favorite player.

Galinovich: What can you say. GOD . I can't belive that we have this superstar goalkeeper and some people miss Nikopolidi...

Morris--Kotisios--Goumas. Excellent.

NIlsson. Sucked in first half. As soon as Manzios and Tziolis came to the right side to help, his preformence became better.

Vydra. Very good today.

Togerlle. TANK. Kostadinou Who?

Darlas. Pretty ###### good as well.

Gonzales :nw:

The aftermath is that Biscan is pretty much the reason we couldn't play soccer.

It is not that he sucks. I think it has to do with his style of play that obviusly doesn't fit to our team. Such a same...I was really happy when we got him.

Malesani today prooved that he is such a good coach after all. I t would be a mistake to let him go. I am glad that we won today and that he will defenatly be given more space by the media.

As for living Haralabidi out. I couldn't care less. Except from that Wisla game he hasn't shown anything. I would even prefer Wooter over Haralabidid as a right Extreme, but for the time being we should keep Nilson at that possition who might pick up his game.

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gkekas should not be judged by his goal numbers....even konstantinou had bad numbers.....but we kept with him and did get assists and such from him....

also watching the 2nd half of wisla on the computer today i noticed although he couldnd finish he was big in opening our offense.......which is something mike did and was underated for....

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I agree with Pittman...wooter, might be the nicest guy in the world, but he should not be on the endekada....and maybe not even the dekaohtada....as far as concecao goes....time will tell...but on october 18th he has the unfortunate task of guarding Ronaldhino....gamata..

does have olymp have a chance against REAL tomorrow? xaxaxa..

one question though....does anyone know for sure if zidane is playing tomorrow?

not a maybe answer though....one with certainty..

Bottom Line is......WE GOT THE 3 POINTS...I got this game on tape and imma keep in on my collection...later alllll...

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Today the team IN THE SECOND HALF was the EUROPEAN PANATHINAIKOS we all know. Too bad we didn't score more goals

In no particular order:

Equi was mesmerising

Mantzios played as I would expect. He was an amazing striker in Panionios. He should be amazing with PAO. Very confident and highly skilled

Torghelle was very strong. It seems that we found the anti-Konstantinou

Morris as always consistent. A solid rock

Darlas and Seric should solidify in the left wing. Woouter never again as left-extrem. Maybe Theodorides if he improves

Galinovic, well nuff said

Everyone was good (Vydra, Kotsios, Tziolis) except:

Nilsson was invisible, only managed two crosses. Bring back Bides

Gekas seemed a bit heavy

Conceicao was good particularly in his defensive duties, but should be even better. We expect more


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