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Post a link showing the incident Evergreen, everyone will then see what sort of MALICIOUS kick Morris targeted Djordjevic with. BTW I beleive theres a difference between a head butt and a potential career ending swipe to the leg, don't you think ? As far as the incident taking place AFTER the goal, of course it's relevant. It shows the intent remarkably.

Considering this unaccaptable attack and the jersey throwing, 6-7 games should be a MINIMUM.


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a potential career ending swipe to the leg

As mhn ta megalopoioume ola. Triklopodia tou evale o anthrwpos. Aparadekto nai, alla mhn ton bgaloume kai egklhmatia, giati tote oi misoi paixtes tou Thrinou egklhmaties einai. Tha timwrh8ei opws tou aksizei, alla auta peri paradeigmatikhs timwrias 7+ agwnistikwn (pou mallon etsi tha sumvei) einai mparoufes!
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What morris did was out of character and he will pay the price as expected. Its a shame because he was looking good for the start of the season. It must be frustration......

Melazani did some good transfers in the midfield, but he overlooked his backline. Kotsios is not good enough to play back and vyntra is getting worse playing back. they really need some qualilty in the back line.

We must allow the team more time to combine itself. I think partnership gekkas and pap does not work. Gekkas really needs to lift up his game. Hopefully this new striker will come in and solve situation.

Once our midfiled consolidates itself with Biscan, gonzales, nilson and hopefully conceivio. We will be hard to break down.

The loss to olympiakos was good for us, as it is a reality check. More work is required because our team is not ready at this stage. Obviously Olympiakos is at better preparation stage than us.

To see Djorjevic move so freely in the middle of the park as a gero is unbeleivable. Trust me in ther champions league, he will not be allowed to do what he did against us.

And for those people that are upset with kostantinou. What did he really do against us!

He is on the downhill with his career and I am glad we got rid of him.

Have patience brothers, Melazani is building a team for the future and not the short term........................................

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Ive seen the replay like 10 times with my old man (oly fan)

And we both came to the conclusion that he didn’t connect djoles leg... the following reasons are why:

1) If Morris did connect djole, it would have been at his ankle however as the replay progressed djole clutched at his knee :huh:

2) when he did supposedly connect djoles foot, djole didn’t react until he looked back at Morris to see who it was (at least a 2-3 second delay) which we all know once u get hit (with such force) u react straight away e.g. if i king hit u in the face ull either drop or clutch at ur face :nono:

3)If he did connect he would have either had a broken leg or wouldn’t be able to walk for at least a week however as the game went on (after Morris was sent off) he was walking/running around fine....

Now oly fans dnt get angry at me because im stating the truth, i honestly believe that Morris didn’t connect his leg and djole play acted HOWEVER what Morris did (the lovely word here is INTENT) warranted a red card and a big suspension which i believe he deserves.

Now back to paos problems, i told everyone in here that our defense is s%$#! and were going to struggle :whistle:

What frustrates me is how stupid Management really is!!! i mean for years now they have been super tight and cheap with our transfers and weve all hated or been pissed of at them for that!! HOWEVER when they finally do buy players and spend the money they buy players in a position that we really don’t need them in, and that is either DMC, MC!! We got the following players for a 2 man position:




Anderson (injured granted)


Basinas (out of favor)


That’s 7 players covering a 2 man position.... Now i know allot of u guys r going to say depth is important (which i agree) however where is our depth in defense???

Heres our following players in defense (4 man position):

Goumas (getting old)

Morris (Is suspended for ages now)

Kotso (isn’t that great + suspended)

Vyntra (getting shitter and shitter)

Seric (awesome)

Nilsson (isn’t really a DR, he was bought as a MR)

Player from the under 20s squad that got promoted (young might not b that good)

Biscan (we bought him for DMC really)

We have 8 players covering a 4 man position and 2 of the players (biscan & Nillson) weren’t bought for defense really (DMC & RW respectively)... Also Kotso and Vyntra arnt cutting it as well..... So what does that leave us with??? Only 3 defenders that are actually good and they r Goumas, Morris (suspended now) and Seric... (Wont included the new guy coz ive never seen him play)....

What does this tell you about our management??? There amateurish!!!! Instead of wasting the big bucks on flavio (lazy king s%$#! also didn’t really need him) we could have bought a good defender from Italy or Argentina!!!

Also if pao management offered Kyrikos a better contract maybe a year or 2 ago instead of exploiting that guy for so long with a s%$#! contract ($$$) he would have stayed....

Anyways let’s see if management will go out and buy a new defender on the last minute or not..... If not we will come last in CL and go home straight away whilst struggling to come second in the league.....

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The team played very well yestarday. It was obvius that the goal would come. But the red card once again came at the perfect moment...

I am really curius if anyone can count who many yellow/red cards Osfp players oppossed to Pao players have faced during the past 10 years...

Osfp fans could assume according to statistics of Yellow/Red cards awarded that Hengrisen was a visius player in comparisson to players of the likes of Tziovani, Ze Elias, Castigio, Georgatos, Anatolakis, Amanatidis, Karataidis, Dabizas, Karembue, Alves, Pandos...

Anyway. For our team it was true that:

Haralabidis was overly tired.

Gonzales will need time to accept his new possition next to Conseisao.

Bisacan didn't play.

Togerlle is a must for our lineup.

Olisadebe seems to be suffering from injuries.

Nilsson must help us solve the right back problem.

I think we have more than enough players to help us in any possition. Even now that Kotsios and Morris are out. There is only one thing that pisses me off. Malezani in yestarday's game showed his intentions about the new team. Togerlle, Nilsson and Bisacn were obviusly missing form what he is planning as the steady starting 11.

I want to see this lineup play some games together:







But it will take a lot of time untill we get to see this since Morris will be out for some games. At least Malezani might use this lineup n the Chapions League.

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Morris wait till you come to Karaiskaki you m****

bro i know Pedrag is ur hero but get over it!

How many careers has Georgatos try and end (and still fail :LOL: )

Admit it Protathlitis georgatos is 100x the kolopaido Morris is.

Morris just lost his temper and let go (his human) tell me u have never done the same.....

This is from Nasifs website:

I feel the need to apologize for my behavior to yesterday's derby, from my colleague Pedrag Djeorgevic, from my my teammates and proponiti', from the administration of team and above all from the world of Panathinaikos but also all the sports fans. I want to clarify that I did not have no intention to offend the referee Mr Briakos. I have on my conscience how much honor is to wear the vest of Panathinaikos and I promise I will always wear it with honour. Finally I want to stress that in the future it is not for any reason for giving the least reason for similar type comments as for me i will do again proud: my family, the persons of my team, the partisans of Panathinaikos and all those that me love and support me.

Nasif Morris

at least Nasif has the balls to apologise :tup:

unlike Georgatos :tdown:

i would like to see this apology from Georgatos:

forgive me Greece for i am a m#$%! and not only i am a m#$%! im a cheat and i deserve everything i get. Its good to see Greece won the Euro cup without me

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Post a link showing the incident Evergreen, everyone will then see what sort of MALICIOUS kick Morris targeted Djordjevic with. BTW I beleive theres a difference between a head butt and a potential career ending swipe to the leg, don't you think ? As far as the incident taking place AFTER the goal, of course it's relevant. It shows the intent remarkably.

Considering this unaccaptable attack and the jersey throwing, 6-7 games should be a MINIMUM.



Since you pretend so well to be such a fair-minded person (although you haven't fooled me yet), then show that fairmindedness again and tell us here your opinion about Georgatos and his actions in the past. What do you think about his kicking of Kyriako 2 years ago that could have ended Kyriako's career?

For everbody else, the goals are on www.pao.gr

there you can also see the slo mo of the Morris incident. Look closely and Morris hardly connected with Georjevic. I agree the intent was there and he should have been sent off even if he didn't connect with Georjevic, but the reaction was very over the top as well.

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if he made contact or not the point is the intent was there and predrag just embelished it to make sure the referee saw it

i personally think there was very little contact but predrag must have felt something and then when he turned and saw morris he embelished it just to make sure

i think it would have been worse if predrag didn't sort of fake it and the ref didn't see it cos such an act can't go unpunished, but at least morris has apologized

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People, the incident regarding Georgatos STOMPING was on

Papadopoulos and not Kyrgiakos .... I think it was either in the

Greek Cup final or the 2-2 draw at Leoforo.

Very blatant and more important INTENTIONAL.

No red and I don't remember if he was yellow carded or not but

I do recall it was on the touchline in front of cameras and all.

Was there an inquiry into that ? I don't think so.

Were there major headlines about that like there was with Moris

& Kotsios - no way.

But whilst that happened in the past and is a distant blur in the minds

of the Olympilagoi we can't hide from the fact that we didn't play well

enough on Sunday after the thrill of the CL match vs Wizla - full stop.

On an unrelated note, I read somewhere that Wizla had a congratulatory

message on their website to OFSP for their win against us -



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Panos 13 dont start about kuriako... lets remember the incident of nicely elbowing giovanni right in the face when no officials were watching. He knew giovanni loses his temper easily and he got away with it. Letting giovanni receieve e red card so guys do you remeber that? Djordjevic didnt even do nythin to morris.... (oh yeah he scored right in his face) so lets not talk about judgment....

filika guys alex :tup:

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And either the foot connecting or not re guys... eimaste sovaroi re paidia????? pou allou sto kosmo vlepoume tetoia sumberifora ektos apo to protathlima mas... den leo kai mono gia to morris alla kai genika... eleos!!!!! min koroideuomaste.... gia auta kai gia tetoies prakseis to podosfairo mas tha meinei se tetoio epipedo.... KRIMA!!! krima epeidi to talento stin ellada einai plousio.... POLU pio plousio kai apo alles europaikes xores.... :tdown:

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the pao fans in here are really funny to say the least

right away instead of them full accepting there players poor judgement they look to defend itself by talking about Georgatos

for starters pao fans hate Georgatos b/c he has been red and white is whole entire career and the fact that at one point he was the face of Greek soccer where he was impressing Serie A with his skills

stop talking about the past Pao

look at the present

your player is about to be suspended and rightfull so period

and face it u lost to Olympiakos

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bro i know Pedrag is ur hero but get over it!

How many careers has Georgatos try and end (and still fail :LOL: )

Admit it Protathlitis georgatos is 100x the kolopaido Morris is.

Morris just lost his temper and let go (his human) tell me u have never done the same.....

This is from Nasifs website:

I feel the need to apologize for my behavior to yesterday's derby, from my colleague Pedrag Djeorgevic, from my my teammates and proponiti', from the administration of team and above all from the world of Panathinaikos but also all the sports fans. I want to clarify that I did not have no intention to offend the referee Mr Briakos. I have on my conscience how much honor is to wear the vest of Panathinaikos and I promise I will always wear it with honour. Finally I want to stress that in the future it is not for any reason for giving the least reason for similar type comments as for me i will do again proud: my family, the persons of my team, the partisans of Panathinaikos and all those that me love and support me.

Nasif Morris

at least Nasif has the balls to apologise :tup:

unlike Georgatos :tdown:

i would like to see this apology from Georgatos

forgive me Greece for i am a m#$%! and not only i am a m#$%! im a cheat and i deserve everything i get. Its good to see Greece won the Euro cup without me while i was sucking cock on the side 

im glad Morris said sorry :unsure:

also im glad Georgatos said sorry to :P :LOL:

its all good :not:

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