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After reading some of the posts from the OSFP fans,, I am a firm believer now that they must be smoking some good ganja..They are actually fantasizing that the Cypriot Donkey will score a lot of goals,,, :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

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Id love to see what bides and hollywood have to say about Mr Mixalaki now!!! <_<

and thrillosmtl....go learn how to read and put what he said into context... then open ur stupid mouth... but then again... the gauroi are albanian so i guess they cant read greek properly!!!

************* better be carefull with what you write on your posts.it s ok to have fun with other teams fans but there is a limit.since you are a big ellinara can you tell me who got the championship this year *********.then get a room with tziger and try to expain to yourselfs why your team sucks and that osfp is to blame because your president doesn t spent money to help your pathetic little team.
go post in vromokakkalis ****!

instead of only writing ****** post

are you out of your mind?you guys make stupid comments we reply and you are telling us what to do because this is pao forum?like you guys don t do the same?no my friend we will answer to your insults when i feel that i am insulted.i have no problem talking with pao fans in a normal and polite way but when you guys making comment about albanias and albanias directorys then you provoke me to tell you to go f-u-c-k your self.when you are right you are right but in this case you are so f-u-c-k-i-n-g wrong.
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sto oaka tha sas gamisoume gia plaka. :LOL: :LOL:

hey, this one even rhymes! why not make a chant out of it?

sto oaka, sto oaka, sto oaka tha sas.... ;) :D (it even goes for both sides)

but wait guys. i know that the first match of the season is between pao and osfp. but is it neccessary to heat the atmosphere in here up already? normally we have one or two weeks to do so. but isnt two months a bit too long?

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If I remember correctly, our fans are as much to blame for dismembering that team after we lost at Rizoupoli.

Hundreds of fans went to Paiania and beat up the players and broke their cars and demanded they eave. They shouted Karagounis to get lost to Italy and never come back, they swore at Lymbe and broke Vazeha's car.

Why can't we be honest? We are all Greeks and we suffer from the same mentality. You can blame the family all you want but the truth is we are all to blame but expect someone else to take the blame fully.

Same mentality?

NOT me and thousands of other PAO fans... ;)

You know that I blamed those antiPAO "fans" back then, and I have NOT changed my mind.

I was the first one to write to GWF, about the despicable PAO fans that booed the Greek NT PAO players :o before the Greece UKR game in June of 2003 at Leoforos :tdown:

Just because there are a few IDIOTS, that either do not understand the game, or have NO brains...PAO management should destroy the team?

That brings them to the same level as those low lives. :angry:

Is that the kind of mentality we want PAO ownership to have?

NO excuse!!! :ph34r:


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I guess you where there? :D

What do you mean? Where do you guess I was? I wasn't anywhere Mikhali was. But I WAS there listening on the radio when Mikhali's manager talked on SportFM and few months ago and said he is looking for a team in Europe because that's Mikhali's next aim in his career.

Question is where were YOU? :unsure:

Many other media outlets reported the same thing.

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But I WAS there listening on the radio when Mikhali's manager talked on SportFM and few months ago and said he is looking for a team in Europe because that's Mikhali's next aim in his career.

Question is where were YOU? :unsure:

Many other media outlets reported the same thing.

Hmmm, You wouldn't want to know where i was :D

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After reading some of the posts from the OSFP fans,, I am a firm believer now that they must be smoking some good ganja..They are actually fantasizing that the Cypriot Donkey will score a lot of goals,,,

I am sure u personally know he is a 'donkey' :LOL:
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Hi guys,

I am back from holiday, and I see that nothing has changed. We still have the anti-management fans, the pro-management fans, the realists, the dreamers, and the whiners.

I missed this place. :nw: :nw: :nw:

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i just respond to your s%$#! you kangaro down under idiot.by the way patates poulane oi guftoi so you got them mixed up jerko.a re australe me tis m*****es sou.

ey could u please tone it down and not be racist... im not ganging up on u because ur an oly supporter however i did take offense to the "aussie kangaroo" insault as i am an Greek-Australian... Its almost as bad as saying cyps r turks or cyps arnt greeks which i did because Bidis drove me insane with his pathertic remarks and i lost control.. (However i apologiesed to alot of cyps in this forum because that aint my true nature and i would hate it if u would end in the same boat as i did with the aussie-greeks) ;)

so please if ur gonna insault the guy, use something like his mother :P where i wouldnt take offense and alot of other aussie-greeks would (thats if u wanted to get personl with TRIFILARA who im sure could manage him self) ...

thanks dude

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