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Another Refereing PARALIRIMA by Mr. Karatzas (Efthimiadhs No.2) and now TWO KAfeneia are in the Greek cup final!!!!!

The guy was absolutely magnificend last night...

Some stats....

50 something fouls for AEK......20 for the 'saints' of Thrynos!!!! :o

10 yellow cards for AEK (including 2 to Sezar) 2 for the 'saints' of Thrynos!!! :o

1 clear ON-side of SOARES give as Offside...

oh.... and 10mn Greeks wander WHY the hell was Asounsao goal disallaowed!!!! :o

That decision was absolutely amazing!!!!

However to state the absolute truth a penalty was not awarded to Rivaldo in the first half when Georgeas took him down in the area....

Apart from the above, I think that Santos was all over the place he had no idea what he was doing!! Sezar was nowhere to be seen throughout the match.. Even that circus called "Tasos Pantos" had him for lunch!!! And Santos refused to sub him even when Sezar had already been booked with a yellow and he had nerves throughout the match. It wasa matter of minutes for the second yellow to come...

Then he had the other clown Ivic who was unable to TOUCH the ball in the first half but he refused to bring in Asounsao much earlier than he did.... And Georgeas? What can somebody say about him!!!

Now as far as the Kafeneio is concerned I didn't expect anything different...

Giovanni was walking, Djordjevic was nowhere to be seen in the 2nd half when Santos woke up and got Katsourani to mark him (in the first half he had placed Ivic on the Sardanapalo and that is why he was doing something), the defense was a joke and the attack was missing the typical chances!!!!

Anyway now we will have to settle with a cup final of two Kafeneia!!! May the best KAFENEIO win!!!! :P

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Once more, we were great in the first half (apart from our one lapse in defense which cost us) We moved the ball with ease in the midfield and kept the pressure on their backs throughout

Yet for one more game, we could not capatalize on our created opportunities and gave the nekroi a chance to get back into it with evening up the aggegrate. After the rightfull expulsion of Cesar, we seemed out of sink on the offensive end. We could not do ANYTHING in the final 1/3 of the field, my guess from a variety of reasons. Fitness, Aeks will and of course our mental state. But oh well, the off season is approaching, we are in the cup final and still are in the race for the title.


BTW: Can anyone tell me why Ftusan loves Maric so ? And why he keeps Shurrer on the bench ?

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Why did I mention something which isn't true? Probably you should read without wearing your RED glasses!!! ;)

Unless of course you were happy with the way your team performed....

of course I am happy for the way OSFP played, apart from some small periods of the game.But remember that AEK played all back, 9-10 defending!!!

I am satisfied with the way the players fought throughout the match, for example ribo run to cover defenders,castillo too...

what on earth do you expect when 19 players are in front of Mihailidis????

Remind me what PAO did with Aris, who played like AEK???0-0!!

Stop criticising other teams when your team under the same circumstances didn't win!!!


I know it hurts man :LOL: :LOL:

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AEK did not defend with 10 men behind the ball. DOn't forget that they were 10 men in total for the second half. Until the sending off of Asounsao AEK was much more dangerous than Thrynos... Thsynos missed his first chance in the second half in the 80th minute!!!

Not to mention Soares's tet-a-tet in the 94th minute that was called as an offside...

It was indeed a slaughter of AEK in terms of refereing... They didn't have any staff at their bench, at one time Katsouranis was giving the orders on the formation of the team!!!

Also I was sick and tired to see the headless Thrynos kotopoula falling down like feathers. They are simply a disgrace to the sport!!! Such Karagiozhdes as Sardanapalo-Djordjevic, Mavro-pefto-genidi, karagiozo-panto and the rest of the circus should have been sent off for diving!!!!

Out of the 60 fouls given I doubt that the 15 were actually fouls!!!! ;)

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your arguments are pathetic my friend pappou...no matter how you try to substantiate what you say, you cannot, because you cannot accept what OSFP just accomplished.


Appart from that, no matter what I will tell you now, I don't believe you will listen to it.You will try to diminish our success no matter what!


I believe you should watch the match again

If you go around the forum you will see that AEK fans are not really protesting about the game as much as you do, which actually proves what I have said earlier

so long...


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If you go around the forum you will see that AEK fans are not really protesting about the game as much as you do, which actually proves what I have said earlier

so long...


what else is new with him

he always complains about the refs

he has complained how OSFP always gets free penalties and yet they have the same amount of penalties as us this year

he complains about the refs how they psuh our team yet when they get the exact same pushes he ignores it and turns the other way

like i said

blah blah blah blah from pappou

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AEK did not defend with 10 men behind the ball. DOn't forget that they were 10 men in total for the second half. Until the sending off of Asounsao AEK was much more dangerous than Thrynos... Thsynos missed his first chance in the second half in the 80th minute!!!

Not to mention Soares's tet-a-tet in the 94th minute that was called as an offside...

It was indeed a slaughter of AEK in terms of refereing... They didn't have any staff at their bench, at one time Katsouranis was giving the orders on the formation of the team!!!

Also I was sick and tired to see the headless Thrynos kotopoula falling down like feathers. They are simply a disgrace to the sport!!! Such Karagiozhdes as Sardanapalo-Djordjevic, Mavro-pefto-genidi, karagiozo-panto and the rest of the circus should have been sent off for diving!!!!

Out of the 60 fouls given I doubt that the 15 were actually fouls!!!! ;)

did you watch the same game we did???????????now you are aek protector against bad osfp.what about rivaldo penalti in the 8 min,what about ivic hard tackles when the refferi didn t give him a second yellow like he should,what about 16 shots for osfp 3 for aek.you know something aek beat pao,osfp beat aek.simple as that.if you can not accept it sorry but is not my fault your team got there ass kicked by aek.SORRY SORRY. B)
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now lets see what rabbit team will do against paok and aek in the next weeks.lets see how your team will do?and let s check referis and the rest bad things that osfp only does. ;)

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Sorry Guys but I must jump and set the record straight,

Iam sick and tired of some clowns jumping in and destroying some of these interesting posts,

I watched the game from my Tv, and unless some PAO and AEK supporters were watching the wrong game, we all got to see an Olympiacos team controlling and creating all of the chances of game,

Did you not look at the final stats Olympiacos had 23 shots on goal and AEk 3.

I must admit it doesnt look good for OLY for one reason and that is to score 2 goals in 23 attempts is pretty poor, but we all know we need some fine strikers and hopefully that happens in the summer,

But whats is all the fuss about, personally the referee was on Aeks side,

Didnt we see the 2 penalties that were dissalowed, Rivaldo's run in the box and rivaldo's free kick hitting aek players arm, stopping it from hitting the target...

Or the red card, he pulled Oly players shirt twice , which constitutes a yellow card on each occasion....

Or how about the home game a couple of weeks ago, when Aek got a suspicious penalty and got to draw the game....

Cmon guys, Ok Pao and OLy and Aek supporters all hate each other, its called rivalry, and thats fine,,

but when you enter these posts, try to post your opinion of the game of football and not in how you feel about Oly etc etc....

Honestly, If Oly doesnt win the protathlima this year then i hope Aek does, only if Oly cant, Cause its good for the game....

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Listen the ref was for nobody yesterday

he did his job

AEK deserved those cards are u kiddin me

they were hitting us left and right

wut is a ref suppose to do

by the way Penalties should have been awarded but weren't

so pao fans shut your hole about the ref

go blow one

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What u kidding me i woudnt waste my time in a PAO forum,

what for ? What would be the purpose...

So they can tell me that Gonzales is better than Rivaldo,,

> All I meant was if you know the game, then you would admit that Oly was the better team against AEK, full stop..

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let them bitch about the refs

every game we win they can never give us credit

and then when we do the same they get all mad

this is why personally I iwll never cheer for PAO in europe

because of all the bitching crying and complaining 90% of PAO fans do!

they complain about everything there is to complain about us yet when they do the exact same thing.. they completely ignore all that !

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