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vromiarides ellines


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tha mas poune pali oti itane "elaxisti anegefali"... alla, to kseroume oli poli kala pos piso apo aftous tous fasistes pou katevasan tin alvaniki simea xthes, vriskete mia megali pliopsifia ton ellinon. Me ola ta komplex, me oli tin agnia ke tin amorfosia tous, me olon ton ilithio ethikismo pous tous tifloni.

As telionoume mes ta koukoulomata, imaste ena ethos vromiaridon.

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This is a hard title for a topic and I will have to disagree with you

Whoever lives around the world knows that in every society there are small groups acting in many different wayts according to their beliefs. One could claim all should be free to do as they please.

But we all know that some liberty trasspassing into other peoples welfare is both wrong and unacceptable.

Especially when national emblems are concerned, people should show a huge amount of respect. These might be a piece of cloth, but the things they represent are of great value to any nation.

I understand you feel very angry at those who did that, but dont tag a whole nation due to exceptions. As well as we should not tag a whole nation just because Greece had some recent problems with security due to some people who came from the neighbouring country.

Sadly enough our neighbours suffered a lot during the last decades and some bad elements managed to pass to Greece too in that era of trouble.

As easily it would be for Albania to have problems with Greek criminals who escaped Greek Jails and entered its social web, we nopw have some problems.

But we all know that a nation and any social group has a huge majority of descent hard working, serious, calm people.

Those may not be as noisy as those other 'bad' ones, but to honour them we should always respect and homour the whole nation. Whatever nation! And for sure our own!

Welcome to the forum

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I have to admitt that my anger and frustation made the title of my post particularly harsh and probably inadequate.

No doubt there are many "descent hard working, serious, calm people" in all countries, including Greece. I think that they have stopped going to football matches sine long time ago.

But my opinions regarding the covering of this kind of events are more valubale that ever. Just take a look of the titles of today's greek newpapers. Again they're trying to convince us that "a handful of idiots destroyed the fiesta...". We all know that it's these same media that have cultivated and actively promoted the nationalist hysteria, the xenophovia and the racism. Unfortunately, too many Greeks shouted "well done" in front of their TV posts yesterday. They are the same who killed the Albanian last September. The same that wouldn't allow the 200m final of the Olympic Games to take place, because our doped hero was not part of it. The same that went out in the streets and ask to invade a small country because it dares to insist keeping its name.

This is our "wonderful croud". They will all be there tonight. Not for a sporting event. Not even to congratulate the players for their hard work. Just to take their small revenge against their misery and ignorance.

Na tous xeromaste !

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Guest Protathlitis

loukis, if you dont want people to make generalisations about albanians then dont make generalisations about tonight's crowd

I too dont like to see cold/ hateful and non-provoked things like this happen though. I dont have a high opinion of alvanoi but when stupid things like ripping a flag happen it just gives them the high moral ground which usually they have no chance of getting

on the other hand; if provoked in our own city they can spit blood for all I care :box:

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drakos just set a fine example as to whats wrong with us "Ellhnes" (quoted because some of us are far from it, without realizing it)

loukis has some valid points here, and it seems our patriotism has turned into something else much darker the last decade or so


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I personally agree that Ellines are probably the worst Kafroi in europe, but to be honest this whole Albania-Greece contrast began from the Albanians who provoked the Greeks every time they got a chance...

Even today thay are thinking of going to the cafes at Omonoia and blocking the streets... Also after the first leg in Albania, and the ksylo at Omonoia by the police they even had a poreia in plateia syntagmatos stating their protests about the "mistreatment". Of course I never heard anyone speaking of mistreatment when the Albanians were welcomed in our country when years later their thanks to express their gratitude was to burn a Greek flag at OAKA...

I will be in Kokkaliskaki today and I too hope for a civilised environment... But if they start provoking again by burning flags, and blocking our streets then they will get what they deserve!!!

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Guest Protathlitis

I personally agree that Ellines are probably the worst Kafroi in europe, but to be honest this whole Albania-Greece contrast began from the Albanians who provoked the Greeks every time they got a chance...

Even today thay are thinking of going to the cafes at Omonoia and blocking the streets... Also after the first leg in Albania, and the ksylo at Omonoia by the police they even had a poreia in plateia syntagmatos stating their protests about the "mistreatment". Of course I never heard anyone speaking of mistreatment when the Albanians were welcomed in our country when years later their thanks to express their gratitude was to burn a Greek flag at OAKA...

I will be in Kokkaliskaki today and I too hope for a civilised environment... But if they start provoking again by burning flags, and blocking our streets then they will get what they deserve!!!

exaclty the whole issue in my eyes is about provokation

this time at the u21s there was something cold and rascist about it

but other times like what I saw in Omonia was provokation and they got what they deserved there

And loukis, dont be so critical of the Greek press. I think we have the best variety and for the 'normal sources' they show some of the best journalism in the world. Thats one of the things I love about Greece

I remember after the episodia from the first game for about 5 nights in a row they had a mini forum on the news with a split screen panel speaking. a guy form the albanian community, a politician, a policman etc

now thats journalism and debate. thats democracy IMO

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What is all this pity for albanians?

We are not the ones that have caused this friction. When our supporters went to albania their buses were attacked by mobs without police protection.

These ###### showed no repsect when our national anthem was played. And in athens after the game, went to omonia and started chanting anti greek slogans.

What do you expect the greeks to do, when one allows a minority in their country, gives them a future ( achance in life) and this is the respect they show. If they do not like greeks, then go back to their country.

I tell you no other country would have tolerated this attitude by ######. If you have not lived in greece guys, don't make judgement on greek people. We are a tolerant race, don't make us out as racists.

These ###### are the cause of the problem, lets focus on football and football alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Please quit refering to any foreign nationals by using insulting words.

I repeat, all nations have bad elements.

And NO, there is no specific point in time where you can pause and say "here's where it all started"

This attitude is EXACTLY what caused vicious circles of irrational behaviour and extreme reactions


All of you guys

Safeguard the forum and this discussion

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Guys i understand where the hatred is comin from, but we must remember that the country has an infinite amount of good albanoi which can be the nicest people when you meet the right one, but of course there are malakes who do s%$#! like burn our flag in our country in our stadium, i mean we let them come to our country and this is how they repay us, the same with the anti greek chants and so on, s%$#! like that makes us not be too fond of them

Do not forget albanians make up to almost 1 million of our 11 or so million population, they are at around 800,000 if im not mistaken

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The fact is, as long as Greece place Albania, whether it be in Albania or in Greece, there will always be those that take it upon themselves to act like idiots and disgrace their country. It's a shame but that's how it is. I guess those Greeks that did those things in today's match just don't have enough common sense to realize that they could be getting the national team in trouble, especially if it means having to play in front of an empty stadium when Ukraine comes into town.

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drakos13, in a free and democratic society only rednecks (read those of limited intellect) have the "love it or leave it" mentality! Are you sure you'd like to be looked at as a simpleton? Food for thought.....

Kai ne eimai 100% Ellinas!


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Ironic this liberal ###### wants to preach to us about fascism and racism and look at what the title of his subject is. Go eat some pork.

where did come with that he must be a liberal if he sees the obvious ?

my apologies if some of us are not members of xrhsh augh.

another classic example, na se xerountai file. :nono:

gcp: well said.

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Whoever goes around saying "they started it/we started it", how exactly do you know? Have you attended every single game albania has played against greece and vice versa, be it in the country or outside? No, it's your own bias speaking.

By calling both sides names you've resolved nothgin and just ended up looking like a racist son of a b***.

Though today the Greeks did burn the flag when completely UNPROVOKED.

Someone wants to burn a flag, be it Greek, Albanian, American, Bulgarian, fine. Do it outside a stadium. Racism has absolutely no place in football. It's disgusting.

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I will follow the poster before in saying END of Story

But I dont like the fact that we cannot manage and talk seriously about these issues without resorting to name calling etc...

However you are welcome to continue a similar discussion in the Community Board ( http://clubs.phantis.com/forums/ ), but again trying to keep the level of discussion higher

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