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Poor Inferno7 now thinks I am after him and now he's saying his family too, where did I even say I am after him let alone his family? All I asked was where can I contact him and where does he reside, I am not low like the Oly fans here in Sydney who have threatened peoples houses, that's one thing I WOULD NEVER DO!!!!!


One thing that makes me laugh is he says he's gone to the cops and can take legal action, for what asking how I can contact him? Is that a threat? Along the way with his posts on their forum does he realise he's threatening me also which gives me a REAL CASE against him? All I have said I is how can I contact him, which isn't a threat BUT he has said "police will be the least of his worries" or this one "if he thinks he can threaten me and my family with no repercussions he is sadly mistaken, anyone comes close to my family the world will not be big enough for him to hide, the cops will be the least of his problems" hmmmmm now that's 2 serious threats right there, so this afternoon I will be going cops 100% and showing them these threats along with the other s%$#! they have said.


People really take things out of proportion, all I wanted to was to find out who he was so I can clear the air with him with this s%$#! as he does seem to have sense upon him unlike others on that page, go after him is the last thing I would do, I have ALWAYS said rivalry is one thing but to show hate and go after people over football is one thing I don't do. Very sad to see these people take it this far.


To the informant (love that word) on this page knows Inferno7 tell him to relax I am not after him, all I wanted to do was clear the air over the cheap comments that were made about my wife.

Edited by Original Sydney
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Lets put all this to rest


In-ferno has been doing this same song and dance for ages now. Every time they've gotten into disputes he talks about cops and lawyers. Online forums are his LIFE. All you have to do is look up his comments in the Xtratime forums from over a decade ago and realize the guy hasn't grown up and craves this stuff. I really can't imagine how lousy someone's life has to be in order for them to crave internet forum feuds the way these people do. Pretty pathetic if you ask me and If there's one thing I would love to see in my lifetime, its someone approaching the authorities and asking them to intervene in an internet argument :lol:  "butttt buttttt officer he said olympiako isn't a good teammm" ahahaha....What a bunch of uptight sourpusses.  Sounds like some of the stories my cop friend in petroupoli has told me. One day an old man walked into the police station trying to press charges against OTE because the minutes on his phone card weren't working. Aahaha that was probably In-ferno. 


Here's a little wake up call for all you inbreds living in fantasy land. NO ONE gives a s%$#! about your hurt feelings. NO ONE cares that you have gotten kicked out of every Greek Diaspora sports forum on the internet. NO ONE cares that you'v all been wandering around aimlessly for years, changing your usernames countless times just to come back in. NO ONE cares that even after you got a second chance at gs.com you all got kicked out again and partly BY YOUR OWN! Marinaki doesn't know who the F*** any of you are nor is an internet forum on his list of priorities , or anyone's list of dispute related priorities (other than yours of course). You don't realize how pathetic it looks when a bunch of 40 something year olds sit around a computer screen all day pretending they know Marinaki in order to feel some kind of significance for their renegade internet forum that people read for cheap laughs.


Lavalioti, you can talk to your self all day and try to make your self feel significant by believing Marinaki or anyone in Olympiako reads your forum, but at the end of the day you're just 5 guys who log into a page every day to let off some steam about your otherwise grey lives. Lavalioti , you got banned from gs.com in like 2008 and you've been wandering around talking s%$#! (while at the same time trying to get back in) about these sites for years. EVERYONE let that sink in for a second. This guy was banned from GS.com SEVEN YEARS AGO and in the year 2015 it is still the number one thing he is most sour about. They never moved on. He posts about it every day, SEVEN YEARS LATER. In-ferno was banned some time around 2007, EIGHT YEARS AGO. Where were the Olympiako authorities all those other years you were on the outside looking in?? Hahaha sorry to burst your little bubble guys, I know that next to finding out Santa Claus and the Tooth fairy are made up , this is number 3 on the list of most disappointing days of your lives lol. 


BTW guys Melissanidi is reading this forum right now and along with the Greek military he will invade the internet and shut down the gauro forum because they are slandering him. After all, aside from the thousands of newspapers and forums that provide commentary on them, Greek soccer club presidents have a particular taste for the opinions that are posted on Phantis and gs.com. I hear that sometimes they log on and get transfer and economic advice from us!! :lol:  



Get it through your thick skulls. You renegade inbreds aren't liked on any internet community. The issue with you bunch went above and beyond any team boundaries. Even posters that supported the Ethnikh, or weren't opadoi at all hated you. YOUR OWN fellow gauroi hated you. Even posters who signed up on your new site hate you. Anyone who reluctantly gave you a second shot at gs.com in 2013 regretted it! No one wanted to converse with you, and ever since you got booted from this community, you've shown your true psychopathic tendencies and linguistic brilliance. YOU HAD LITTLE  to do with Kosma shutting down GS.com. The guy gave up on the site years ago, and the only reason he shut it down completely was because he was tired of babysitting lunatics like your little pawn Atillio. You manipulated a mentally distressed guy into causing a scene on an already sinking site that he dedicated his life to, just so you can feel significant about your selves. If I were you I'd be ashamed and I'm sure Atillio is already regretting it. Let it sink it in that you'll never be able to post among quality posters like ThrylosG7, RedSheriff, AEK66, GreekAus, 1789, and many more. 



Again sorry to wake you guys up, I know that if you repeat the same lie over and over, it starts to come true in your mind eventually, especially if you are already a pathological liar. I'm sorry for tearing down your little closet to Narnia but then again you guys are in your late 40's and have to wake up at some point right? Its just pathetic that a guy in his 20's had to do it haha. Anyway I hope you guys do gain some level of self respect or significance in your lives, and that your significant others or families start paying more attention to you so that you don't have to act out on internet forums. I wish you the best of luck and until then I'll let you guys continue to talk to your selves because no one outside of your little circle has the patience to.



We have let this cancer spread far enough and it is time to finally take action. We're more than happy where we are now and its time to respect our new home and time to finally put this garbage to rest. Any post after tonight made about that site or the old site in the AEK forums will be deleted and PPOOOFFF just like that, their little site is now insignificant again. :)

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Great post Che and I agree 100% we shouldn't give them attention and it was my mistake to let them work me up but when someone bags my wife then another threatens my family its hard to sit back and bite your tongue, but still I didn't threaten anyone all I wanted was to have a talk with Inferno7 as he seemed to be the only one with brains in that group but he thinks me asking how to contact him is a threat then so be it, it was far from a threat.


The things he said which have now been taken down (I wonder why) are pure threats to my family & I, thankfully there's a thing called screen shots and they have been sent onto me and I will be taking it to the police after work and advising them of his threats against me. If he thinks what I said was a threat to him lets put it into perspective now, if he goes to the police and tells the officer "someone has asked how to contact me through a forum" and I go and show them the comments he has made who will have more of a case?


No more after today, apologies to you all boys for this petty sh*t.

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jvc that made me laugh and I needed a good laugh early in the morning so thank you.....


As for what's happened I will repeat myself for the last time, I didn't ask for Inferno7 details to go after him, I wanted to speak with him in regards to the cheap shots made toward me, my wife and also against the people in my club as they took a photo from here and posted it on their page and bagged the people in it, this I don't approve of and it is defamation.


I don't know who any of these on the other forum are let alone where they are from, hence another reason why I asked where does he reside (meaning where is he from NOT where does he live) as up until yesterday I had no idea Inferno7 was from Sydney. I have no reason to go after him, he didn't insult me but the others did and as he seemed like the only one who had some sense about him by the way he talked I thought he would be the right person to talk to but it got blown out of proportion and the things he claims to have found out about me are all BULLSH*T, to say I have bikie mates? Sorry I don't associate with bikies, to say I threaten people? Sorry but the threats have ALWAYS been against me, maybe he should ask certain people in Gate 7 Sydney about who's house was threatened and for what reasons and he will come to find out that I did nothing wrong and everything that was said was a lie in that situation.


Anyway im over it iv said my part if Inferno7 wants to get to the bottom of this im sure he can make contact with me and I will happily explain myself to him so he knows my side of things and why I called him out!!


My email is soccerfan121@hotmail.com

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^^^ This is a perfect example of how useless our media is. Who the F***kk gives a shittt about this?? Is it really necessary that we know what Mandalo's and Paetauraki's bowel movements are like?? Never trust these click hungry sites and the garbage they put out. 

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Dam there are real deluded and retarted people in this world, iv read a few people say that Meli, his bodyguards and aek fans attacked Kougias HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA dumbest thing iv ever heard....


what a bunch of SH*T TALKERS they are, if they look at the photos they'll see it was cops who attacked Kougias and not Meli and his bodyguards or aek fans, some people need to wake up and stop talking so much sh*t as its becomes a natural thing in life......


KOUGIA MOUNAKI GAMO TON MARINAKI.... keep being his little bitch EVERYONE is laughing at you, floro!!!!

Edited by Original Sydney
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Meli sent bodyguards hahahahahahahahahahahaha f*ck they can talk some sh*t.... Meli is really going to wate his time with a piss weak prick like Kougias.......


Love how he said the bodyguards were sent by Meli, yet in EVERY photo all you see is cops in the thick of the action, some people are either stupid or just have their red blinkers on and refuse to see the truth.....



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After watching H Dikh Ston Skai the phone taps they showed yesterday is enough evidence for charges to be laid in regards to Noor 1, using fake paki names what a bunch of tossers they are and people actually look up to these people, peasants.


This is NOT about being an aek fan, oly fan, pao fan or any other fan, this is about a bunch of guys who want to bring in heroin and destroy our youth and our people, this disgusts me personally, Greece is in enough sh*t as it is and these cocks want to smuggle heroin in and as I said above bring harm to our youth, pricks belong in jail each and every one of them!!

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jvc don't get me wrong ALL countries have drugs and drug related issues, its the norm but the way Greece is at the moment these guys are trying to flood the streets with heroin, our people are at their lowest ever, what do they want everyone to become a smack head and blow the money they don't have on heroin? Makes me sick..... We ALL know who is involved in this but as I said its not about which team you follow or hate, its about ruining/destroying OUR PEOPLE & OUR HOMELAND, if people don't understand that then you aren't a true Greek just a m#$%!

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Something needs to be done and put an end to this disgrace., Greek football has gone backwards for years now and unless something is done the league will continue to get shitter and shitter each season.


As for fatboy, his time will eventually come, one thing I want to ask is, do Oly fans actually think this guy is clean from everything hes accused of? A few mates of mine here that are Oly fans cant stand him as they can see through what hes doing, then you have others who think hes an angel, to everyone who actually thinks this guy is clean WAKE UP TO YOURSELF.

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I laugh at how some complain that PAO didn't win titles fairly hahahahaha I would actually go through how many seasons they've won titles with a cloud over it but I would be here all day long...... 2008 & 2010 is all I will say!!


Some just choose to ignore the real truth and turn a blind eye to what's really happening but there are MANY oly fans in Greece who refuse to go watch the games as they are sick of their owner, shame some wanks here and in the rest of the world cant see that.....

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Ela re you have a direct line to him also? F*** man why cant I have it too so I can tell him what a fat dog he is :) oops sorry I didn't mean that please don't show his lawyers I don't want a lawsuit against me hahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Some people talk sh*t and they are very good at it too, I repeat myself again like marinakis gives a flying F*** what people say on social media, if he cared about what was being said about him then surely he would've taken lawsuits against the fans who held banners up that said "marinakis = heroin dealer" but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO he's worried about social media, yes that makes sense....

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Marinakis is a special guy jvc he can do anything that no one has ever heard of....


He's going to take lawsuits against us hahahahahahahahahahahaha how many papers has he taken lawsuits on with the things they've written against him? Has he made a lawsuit against Thomaidis who thrashes him each week on Skai? NOPE but he's worried about what we say ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhaha


Very good point about the court cases, but again jvc you must be wrong and it just happens to be a co-incidence that this happens every time he is meant to be in a court room, the only time Oly wanks are in courts are to take titles off teams. I wont say anymore as I might end up with a lawsuit hahahahahahahahah F*** that makes me laugh.......


I must pass this on to ALL fans I know that talk bad about Marinakis so they don't get a lawsuit against them too, by the end of the year Marinakis could serve atleast 100,000 lawsuits against everyone who has spoken bad about him.....he's going to be one busy guy.......

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Largest sporting franchise in the world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH this just gets better each time, yes they are the biggest for sure, without doubt show some respect, otherwise a lawsuit may be on its way for not believing them :)


Its just a real shame that Marinakis for the powerful man that he is worldwide, sadly cant do anything in the CL, putanes tis evropis, how many years successive have they been there and how many times they gone past 1/4 finals? Massive achievement that one, similar to Arsenal, just there to make up the numbers......


They can claim best in Greece all they want but when they match what PAO did in CL and what AEK achieved in UEFA (semi final) then they can run their mouths, in the meantime back to the direct line to fatboy and his lawyers and proceed with these real serious lawsuits.........

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And what sad news I just read, the poofter (will this get me a lawsuit) coach Oly has is likely to be leaving, guess he knows what a F***wit he was and what his current team is all about hence why he is walking away from a title winner who will play in CL next season and taking on a role in 2nd division in Scotland (rangers) that's a massive slap in the face to oly whether they wana admit to it or not!!



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