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What a glorious day this hahahaha have waited for this day a long time and its come!!!!!

What a piece of s%$#! Marinakis is he cuts and runs when the going gets tough and leaves Oly like this, if I was an Oly fan id be livid toward him, scumbag of a human being

To all those Oly fans who raved on about their team and history, this is your history you scums EXTORTION, BLACKMAIL, FRAUD, MATCH FIXING...

And finally Melissanidis 1 Marinkais 0 I will never forget those famous words "oles I xoudes peftoun, tha pesi kai afti" and he came through on his words!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guys, maybe you're jumping the gun a little.  It's still early days.  He hasn't resigned yet, and I'm sure even if he did, he'd still try to install a puppet president that he can control.


Having said all that, the previous posts on this page are piss funny and I couldn't stop laughing.


Gotta love those pictures of Melissanidis with a cigar.  Ha ha.

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Hey may not resign but this is a massive for change, he may do what Meli is doing stay behind the scenes while others are the faceBUT one thing is for sure, his power wont ever be the same again!!!!!!

I have a feeling he wants to step down and get away asap so if anything is proven against him Oly wont be affected by it, which in reality shouldn't change anything, if hes guilty the team MUST suffer, but this also lies in the hands of UEFA what punishment they will get, if they get one....

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I had to go over to this olympiakos forum and read their dribble and all I can say is WOW what a bunch of deluded F***s!!!!!

Apparently the taps and recordings they have of Marinakis have been doctored hahahahahahhahahahahaha oh s%$#! that made me laugh.....

"Our conversations were taken out of contest, spliced together, and only snippets are heard. There is no talk of fixing matches"

"They have basically doctored phone recordings of Marinakis using phrases that suit their cause and then proceeded to present them to prosecutors in transcript form.

That is how desperate they have become"

"not only where the recordings illegal file and also doctored, but their ''evidence'' is the false testification of the likes of Alafouzo, Vellis, etc....he said, she said b.s. that only in Greece they pay any attention to...h xwra ths p*****as kai twn lamogiwn!!

Afragouzo and Melissanidi along with Patera are the dirtiest MFers to ever appear on the Greek football scene..their biggest and only weapon is the MME which they control"

Ok after reading all that I gave up reading anymore what clowns!!!!!!

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Marinakis again lifted the title they won overnight hahahaha is this guy for real? If I was a player there id spit in his face, its the players who work their ass off all season to win the title and he has the nerve to walk down there and lift the trophy, what a xeftila that is....never ever seen a manager do that before.....

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Who do you think pays the players?

So what if he pays the players, did you see Abramovich lifting the trophy for Chelsea ever?

You ever see Barca or Madrid's owner lifting the title?

Grow up would you its a F***en rezili and slap in the face to ALL the players who work hard for it this only shows its all about him and no one else....

Edited by Original Sydney
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Well it has just been said the Veria v Oly game was fixed so in a normal world both teams should be relegated, but being Greece Veria will cop it as they were the only ones in on it I guess and Oly had no idea what was happening.... Where's Sheriff now?



'it has been said'...


sound very conclusive......

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Again Red Sheriff denies any truth to this, I guess a prosecutor must be full of s%$#! to even think such a thing, I guess the fact there are witnesses to this is also bullshit, as I said once before "deluded bunch" who can and will never admit one bad thing about their team yet throw it all on others......

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Here's the problem we have with Olympiakos fans Red Sheriff....The 2011 match between PAO and OLY, was not just another game that the refs can make mistakes, just like most of you are suggesting it's happening around the world....Yes s%$#! happens, but it always seems that the other teams get the shaft....Just like AEK got raped in 2008, why is Olympiakos exempted from mistakes?

These aren't ordinary occurrences like most of you suggest....Asteras cup finals?

In 2011 how many games were questionable that PAO got screwed by the refs.

Red Sheriff when there's intent and a motive....Have you heard this before, fallow the money, and you'll find the guilty?



AEK were not robbed in 2008...The Pontians played an illegible player...



Why cant we wait for the courts to decide on the Veria match?

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are you saying the Pontians played him on purpose???  and they knew they were going to win the match?


in any other league this would be a simple open and shut case....illegible player...


PAOK lost a CL qualifier in similar situation.....A Polish club this season or last? beat Celtic 5-0 and had the result reversed to 0-3...ended up costing them millions?


following the money trail??is that your new catch cry?  Sounds like PR campaign from KKE??

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the Pontians played an illegible player....end of argument....there are no victims and villains...the rest is immaterial.


The player having a baring on the result is the most nonsensical response I have read on this issue in the last 7 years...the fact that he was illegible kills all other questions..


In no other country in the world would this be an issue...its a given in world football...

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So what if he pays the players, did you see Abramovich lifting the trophy for Chelsea ever?

You ever see Barca or Madrid's owner lifting the title?

Grow up would you its a F***en rezili and slap in the face to ALL the players who work hard for it this only shows its all about him and no one else....

Whilst I do agree with your last point, I think you're a bit off on the previous points. First off Abromovich has held up trophies. He's just as prominent to Chelsea as Fat Boy is to Olympiakos.

Secondly your examples of Real and Barca are not valid as Barca and Real aren't owned by an individual the way Chelsea and The Gavroi are. To quote Wikipedia: "Real Madrid is organised as a registered association. This means that Real Madrid is owned by its supporters who elect the club president. The club president cannot invest his own money into the club."

So of course I don't expect some (unt in a Spanish suit holding up a silver ingot as they didn't put their hand in their pocket the way an Abromovich or Fat Boy Marin have.

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The pontians played an ineligible player, yes they did but answer me this, Sheriff, how and why did it take Oly 3 months to make an appeal about it when EVERY team sees their opponents line up during the week and also before the game?


Are you telling me Oly didn't know he was ineligible and they picked up on it 3 months later when AEK had won the title?


Maybe in your eyes that's normal but to everyone else around the world would laugh at it.


I await your answer as to why they took 3 months to appeal when they could've done it right after the game!!!!!!!!

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Akritis,I think you misunderstood what im trying to say, when has Roman walked onto the pitch and held up the trophy before the players did?


When has the President of Madrid ever gone onto the field and been given the trophy instead of the players?


If you find a video of the above please link it here because you prob wont find one but happy for you to prove me wrong!!!!

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At the end of the day I'm sure illegitimate players were used before many times in the SL....We're talking about a country that management is an afterthought. The player that was on the bench for the Pontians....Had no baring in the match....The teams management was incompetent.....So is 60 percent of the league....Does that mean you take advantage and take away the championship from the deserving team?



He was not on the bench...all game..he came on...



the rest of your post is??? ridiculous to say the least???


So when was the last illegible player to play in SL??    This is just another 'kafeneio; statement just to divert a debate...


astonishing at best that a group of people who are screaming 'for justice' are open to the most basic of laws and rules to be broken....

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If memory serves the debacle of 2008 was over EPO giving the player permission to play only to to turn around and judge that he was illegally used when Oly decided to contest after AEK looked to win the championship. You know, the very same EPO that is rife with corruption and in which it's very president stands accused today along with Marinakis of organizing a criminal organization and of fixing matches..

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Funny how Sheriff cant answer me as to why it took them 3 months to make this complaint and not after the game? Did they not see the team line ups during the week or before the game? Does anyone else find it strange that this was brought up only after AEK had won the title? Funny how they cant give an answer to this.

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