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The appeal


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everybody here is singling out Olympiakos

but do rememeber Paninonios was given back 3 points and off course the match replay

i mean if u complain about Olympiakos than u have to use Panionios

and also remember the courts used the referee and police to reverse this decision

but they still have match bans and fines to pay

i know how pao fans like to bitch about kokkalis but give him credit at least u pushes for his team

wut does vardioyannis doo the same s%$#! that all pao fans do thats sit back let Olympiakos dominant the leauge and bitch when things don't go Olympiakos way

the fans of pao are in the mold of their clubs owner lol

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I agree with the outcome of the appeal...

but justice was injured once again...

not in this trial... in the trial that never took place!

Can someone answer some simple questions?

Where are those gyus the whole planet could see on tape? Somebody tried to arrest them? Will the Olympiakos fans turn them in next time they see them at a football match, at a fan club or in the street?

If none of these happen you can be sure NOTHING changed in Greek football concerning violence...

All the rest we discuss are team love driven adrenalin bullshit... :angry:

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It seems nothing EVER changes in Elladistan! :angry:

This has nothing to do with Olympiakos!

I am just as sick at Panionios fans.

I was just as sick...

...when people supporting AEK attacked a referee, who was riding in a car with his friend, with clubs and chains and half-killed him for his nerve in giving a penalty against us in the final minute of play v. PAO (Greek Cup final).

...when rulings were overturned in 1989 to award Larisa an undeserved championship and Veroia an undeserved relegation.

...when a Larisa fan had his head burned off when someone shot a flash gun at him.

... when bribery charges - again and again - have been swept under the rug.

... when AEK recently honoured a well-known and proven "piastakia" player of the 1960's.

... when teams lied about their imported players nationality.

But I am sicker now than I've ever been because there seems to be no end to this karagioziliki! :tdown:

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it seems as if just the aek fans have realised what the real problem was about this story. we are all just fighting back and forth about the points given back and the rematch and completely forget about what has been done about the responsible people in nea smyrni. its over 10 days ago when i last heard something about it, how they want to find the fighting people.

right now, i am repeating myself, i respect demis most of all club presidents in greece. he is the only one who tries to even start the week before the derbies in a peaceful way. he invites the opponents presidents, he never made any statements that would heat up the atmosphere, he even invites the opponents fans to watch the matches.

this is the way our beloved kokkalides and vardinogiannides should behave.

aek fans, dont understand me wrong, but my impressions i had about demis in the past were, that he isnt really the brightest person appearing in greek football (and i also hated him because he scored against us nearly every time <_< ). but he, as a former player knows what hurts the sport. and he also knows what and how it has to be done to change the situation. respect! :nw:

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I agree with the outcome of the appeal...

but justice was injured once again...

not in this trial... in the trial that never took place!

Can someone answer some simple questions?

Where are those gyus the whole planet could see on tape? Somebody tried to arrest them? Will the Olympiakos fans turn them in next time they see them at a football match, at a fan club or in the street?

If none of these happen you can be sure NOTHING changed in Greek football concerning violence...

All the rest we discuss are team love driven adrenalin bullshit... :angry:

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WOW ! That must be the best news I've heard since this past summer !

Since we arn't a fully democratic nation, hopefully they'll get tortured JUST a little bit, ###### maggots.

At the same time, im SURE they can ID even more of those gypsies that took part in those crimes at nea smyrni.

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Guest Protathlitis

Vasilie, what are you talking about man. If theres one thing I hate it when Greece's quality of democracy is questioned. Greece is in my opinion the healthiest democracy in the world. there is corruption (probably more than there is in other countries) but look at how much public knowledge there is. look at how much debate there is.

the US on the other hand is not a real democracy, how can a democracy be good when that many people are so extraordinarily ignorant? same goes for australia where I live; theres corruption as well but this country is not in the same league of democracy as Greece

im mean theres a certain amount of corruption in every country but if you ask me its democracy at its best when facists, communists, anarchists all have there own programs on tv.

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bbc on something one their website

about high Greek football officials asking the UK on some pointers on how to deal with hoolagism

i mean its a start but this won't end anytime soon

wut the soccer teams need to do is work with the local authorities

giving them access to the stadium such has using videos to see who starts the problems

this needs to be cleanned up

tickets sales have been higher than in the last decade

and it should only be higher if the violence stops

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Congrats Olympakios and Mr. Kokalis, you have proven the MASSIVE corruption of Greek soccer once again. Not only did Olympiakos get a brand new stadium "Karaiskaki" paid for by tax payers (2004 Olympic Fund) they now have paid off judges/police officers to change ruling of the deductions.

Has anyone followed the story. It began with hooligan fans rushing the stadium and running on to the pitch causing a game to be cancelled. Blame was put on the tresspasing olympiakos fans. The ref asked the head of police of stadium if the game can continue, the officer couldnt guarentee the safety of the players and or refs. Two weeks later the appeal shows a totaling different story blaming the ref for canceling the game. They had six cops as witness' saying it was the referees decision not ours??? Why even give rulings and take them back, or even arbritrate the decission. From loss of 3 points + Game (main penalty) to regain points and re-play game!

When will all stand up and say NO we deserve better? Remember we were the underdogs at Euro 2004, and hoped it'd carry to our league? Now violence has shown its ugly head once again in our stadiums... wheres the firm justice we were all promised? or is it justice for some?? Come on Olympiakakia you deserve much better dont be sheep lead by some pagan symbol on your jerseys.

Isnt it funny that our roster for the upcoming game vs. denmark that it looks like 95% of the players are playing outside of the joke Greek league? I say to heck with supporting the clubs and concentrate on our true champions (greeks abroad!). Maybe this will force the hand of the Greek league to eliminate the corruption when we stop following the corrupted league. Come on guys ask yourself these questions! We're Greek and NO ONE can pull the wool over our eyes.

I WAS an AEK fan but will no longer follow domestic Greek soccer. Thanks Kokkalis!

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Vasilie, what are you talking about man. If theres one thing I hate it when Greece's quality of democracy is questioned. Greece is in my opinion the healthiest democracy in the world. there is corruption (probably more than there is in other countries) but look at how much public knowledge there is. look at how much debate there is.

the US on the other hand is not a real democracy, how can a democracy be good when that many people are so extraordinarily ignorant? same goes for australia where I live; theres corruption as well but this country is not in the same league of democracy as Greece

im mean theres a certain amount of corruption in every country but if you ask me its democracy at its best when facists, communists, anarchists all have there own programs on tv.

Protathliti, that is the biggest problem of Greece... TOO MUCH DEMOCRACY!!!!!!!

We have moved from the meaning Democracy into a meaning of Anarchy!!!

A policeman shoots a robber, raper, murderer, and then the murderer's mother goes to Evagellatos to express her disgust of the police shooting the murderer son of hers!!! Then the policeman gets to find himself locked in a cage for 20 years for doing his job!!! And then wehen another murder happens we blame the police for not doing their job!!!! THIS IS NOT DEMOCRACY MY FRIENDS IT IS CALLED KOLOXANEIO, ELLADISTAN, PASOKISTAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well I guess a step towards the correct direction has been made!

Its not complete of course...

We also need to work on prevention.

But since I was two times as hard on the reaction of the Justice, Political etc sections that handle the issue I owe to highlight the fact that for once they seem to be trying to do the right thing...

But more must be done

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Guest Protathlitis

ESP, the story you told me didnt seem all that bad; Im mean neither of us probably know what happened but the cop probably didnt have to shoot the suspect.


that is the kind of thing that happens in LA to blacks because the the police have orders to shoot anyone they dont like.

I WENT TO GREECE DURING THE SUMMER AND IT DIDNT LOOK TOO ANARCHIC TO ME!! like I said Id take the kind of people, public knowledge, public concern for people themselves and the democracy we have over what America and my other country; Australia have

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Guys, the U.S.A is a democracy that's different from greece in the respect that there's less anarchy and mainly CORRUPTION! The government doesn't control much and quite frankly, it's our constitution that holds us together. You Europeans b***h about President Bush, and about how dumb he is. But you can't blame him for us being the way we are. Besides if he's so bad, how come we re-elected him? He's probably the strongest leader we've had in a while, and this sh*t doesn't happen here! pappou, you're story proves that Greece is definitely not one of the better democracies. Protathlitis, what are you talking about? Are you just saying that because Bush was re-elected? I'm saying he's perfect but he got us through September 11th and most Americans didn't forget how he handled it, and some Americans used the logic that while Bush has done some bad things, kerry is even worse which is also true. As for this, we deserved our points back, but as a showing of authority, we shouldn't of had another chance at playing this match. But damn did I miss 1st place!!!!!!!

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Guest Protathlitis

olympiakosUSA, Im sorry that a good Greek kid like you has such ideas

I know that when you've grown up in America its hard to see just what a joke the united states of america is.

Besides if he's so bad, how come we re-elected him?

lol. THAT MY FREIND; IS THE WHOLE POINT. the majority of american are fukin idiots who are controlled by the media. This media is controlled by an extremely small group of people. Thats why US democracy doesent work. The people are so extremely ignorant to what anything means and are controlled by the very wealthy who give bush campaign 'donations'

Greece on the other hand has one of the best, if not the best democracies in the world. Public knowledge is such and the different sources of opinions, media is so diverse that Greece is a very healthy democracy.

If americans could comprehend the things their nation and president does on their behalf they would not know what to do.

Greece won its democracy because it struggled against the forces that america did so much to create. ESP's Story makes no sense because in a real democracy, thats exaclty what happens. police brutality is punished. lol under the junta, the cop would have got a medal!!

the way to beat terrorism is so simple its ridiculous; dont tell me what a strong leader bush is because he handeled 9/11. Its amazing that no americans know why there is so much hate against their country. they have the pathetic idea that iits because of jealousy. The problem is extremely simple: Palestine, everything else follows

im sorry if Im offending the Greek-americans in here but I speak the truth. hey australia is not much better

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Whats wrong is HUGE corporations donating money at will to a political party which in turn creates sly and clever ads right and left that can (and sadly do) sway apathetic voters, thus winning a cheap seat and i just dont mean in the oval house either.

But your just spitting a whole lot of nonsense other wise. The LAPD having orders to shoot anyone they dont like? What sort of fantasy are you living in ? The only one with the bag over his head appears to be you with such comments.

Is Greece not also a 2 party country ? Have you EVER actually LIVED In Greece? Going there for a summer and going for a "mpanaki" everyday isn't exactly all show and tell of how things operate there. Do you know how things "work" (if you can use the word) there ?

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Guest Protathlitis

alright, the point of what I was saying was that we shouldent trash our democracy since its one of the best democracies in the world and in my opinion; better than america's 'democracy'

vasillie, the thing about the LAPD was in response to ESP's story about the cop who got charged with shooting a suspect.

other than that you seemed to agree with me. so what misinformation?

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Protathlitis, trust me, not everyone here likes Bush. Bush is extreme that's obvious but you can't blame him for everything we do wrong. His cabinet is full of idiots. And Protathlitis, you fail to recognize that if anything the media was very pro-Kerry. My family's been here for 54 years, and even my Greek-born pappou and yiayia voted for Bush. See, people hate Bush, not realizing how bad Keery is.

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Guest Protathlitis

kala man. I dont think kerrys much better either. the media was not pro-kerry mate. fox news is like watching 'tv magic' for balanced reports.

Anyway my point wasnt about how bad bush is. There hasnt been a president who I havent hated for a long time. My point was about the flaws in the democracy of the US.

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