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PAO wants to sell Olisadebe?!


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i like manolis but its time for him to be cashed in....we are getting Gkekas who is great and actually fit for a change......

also there was interest from Anorthosis for Bykowski i saw somewhere...PAO hasnt responded, but i think its best for his career to go, hes really good but wont start regularly....PAO can replace him with Kritikos or Tsigas (fantastic goal vs OSFP today)

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Hello again Mr Mariusz,

Such a story has not crepped up in Greece though. It's riducoulous to state that PAO has financial problems..it's like saying that Bill Gates has financial problems. The Vardinogiannis family that owns PAO are filthy rich.

About his injury..we have been kept in the dark recently by the PAO press. He has been training regularly but has been accused of ill-disclipine becuse he was late returning from his Xmas break.

Another factor is that Scasny doesn't like him which I hope isn't true. I would hate Olisadebe to leave and it is not worth selling him (if there was such a thought) because you could not get the money he is worth.

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All I know is that when the Polish National Team trainer had a look at him, he said that the kid needs to be out of football for at least 6 months!!! When he said that PAO press and Mitsou denied it immidiately, but know I hope everybody realised that the poor guy was right all along... After all Olisadebe has been out of action for more than 6 months (apart from a comeback in a game or two).... ;)

I think generally PAO has to get rid of at least 7-8 players because its roster is very crowded. I think that we have more than 30 players and I doubt that even half of them play....

I say get rid of:

1. LAMOIO (No doubt about it!!!! OYST!!!)

2. Raguel

3. Olisadebe

4. Mitu

5. Deba

6. Zutautas

7. Andric or Maric (one of the two)

8. Skatchel

and last but not least.....

89. BASINAS!!!!

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i say keep Olisadebe untill his contract expires and give him all the time in the world to get better because he deserves atleast that after what he has done for pao.. if he doesnt get beta then let him go when his contract runs out...

Keep Andric as a backup in the mids...

the rest must go! Oyst...

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i say keep Olisadebe untill his contract expires and give him all the time in the world to get better because he deserves atleast that after what he has done for pao.. if he doesnt get beta then let him go when his contract runs out...

Keep Andric as a backup in the mids...

the rest must go! Oyst...

he reknewned his contract recently....its not expiring for a long time.....now is a golden opportunity to make money off of him- hes not gonna get that regular spot back lets face it, he cant even get fit.

my wish list for PAO to get rid of:

in no order

1. Maric

2. Konstantinidis

3. Zutautas

4. Debbah

5. Raguel

6. Skatsel

7. Skazny

Mitu and Andric suck but can still be backups and rarely see the field.....

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The only thing that pisses me off, is the false hope they keep on giving us.

Im sure they know what standards he is able to reach after surgery, and how many minutes he can play without breaking down, and how high his fitness levels can reach and how many games a season he can play. There is a whole medical team working at the club.

Stop telling us he needs a little bit of extra strengthening work to get back to normal and crap.

They have to sell him....or....guarantee he can actually get back to normal.

I hope he can get back to his best and stay injury free for longer periods. But i will never know, cause nobody at pao says the truth anymore.

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i have a feeling olisadebe is almost done with pao and unfortunalty, his career...he is young but his injury is a tough one to deal with....he/we delt with it wrong and it looks like he will never be the player he once was and that he is suppose to be...its a shame because manoli was a great talent, but this injury is tough.. i hope i am wrong though

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I agree with Pappou (once again), and would add Scazni. We've got too many players that haven't or can't contribute significantly to the team. Now, I like Olizadebe, and I think he has had brilliant moments last year that won us the title. Plain and simple. Also, against Arsenal (2-2). But, he hasn't been playing.....

With our signings and by moving Pap to his right positiion we should be OK. Basinas should leave too. (too much of a primadona).

But above all, if our coach sucks, then we're stuck in mediocracy.

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If PAO intend to sell him, it wouldnt be very wise to publicly say he's crippled :P

I wonder with your rubbish medical team. You keep signing terribly unfit or injured players, what medicals do they sdo? How many souvlakia they can digest in 3 hours?? Olidsadebe, Sanaman, Paolo SOusa, Raguel (though thats a good thing), AM I FORGETTING OSMEBODY??

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