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Santos is a brazilian that took the Tunis Cityzenship ' he scored some of the recent goals for SOCHAUX

About bajevic and Ribo:

Look at that:

Posted Image

Well , Bajevic looks hatefully at Ribo , and the latter's body language does not look promising

What is going on???

Does B. want to show R. he can bench him even with public?? To show who is the boss??

Another thing:

When I asked for a link I did not mean the paid one, i can not afford to pay 8 euros for a link that according to the quality of my PC may buffer half of the time

And after seeing this picture I wil better stick to the radio

I wish we will send Bajevic to RM and bring Luxenburgo here (Dreams are gratis)

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Guest Protathlitis

you cant be serious luz

you cannot tell anything from a photograph like that. youll be amazed how funny you look if you take photos at random times during the day

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u got to be a very cynical person to view a clip shot of hatred or dislike

remember the sun light seem to be hitting bajevic too

Pao fans got enjoy your victory while u can

b/c we all know wut will be the end result of season's end

the title coming back to it's right ful place

now back the Schouax

why would Rivaldo not be starting ?????????????

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I don't think it's a secret that Bajevic and the Latino's are not getting on.

With Rivaldo there have already been several incidents, as has there been with Giovanni (esp. with his visit to the dentist for an operation before a crucial game) as was Castillo's interview the other week calling Alefantos as "the best coach I've ever had" to spite Bajevic).

Dusan (who I think is past it) is caught between a rock and a hard place. He wants to drop them but can't. He wants to punish them but he can't, and generally it's trying to continue a relationship where neither side likes each other. Hard stuff if you're a coach.

I had a dream last night that Oly won 2-1 but with Sosaux opening the score in the 20th min.

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Good luck to Olympiakos in tonight's match.

I think it's actually good that Giovanni isn't playing. It'll give OSFP a new dynamic and hopefully it'll work out for them. I see it being a 1-0 or 2-1 scoreline with Djordjevic and/or Rivaldo scoring. Okkas will miss a dozen chances to bury a goal. :)

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imo gios behaviour is unacceptable (although i wont miss him that much). i could imagine that bajevic will take out ribo during the game bringing in castillo to play up in front with okkas. i will go and watch the match in a greek bar today. i just hope we will play fine and take the lead with at least one goal difference. a 2-0 would be a great result.

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imo gios behaviour is unacceptable (although i wont miss him that much). i could imagine that bajevic will take out ribo during the game bringing in castillo to play up in front with okkas. i will go and watch the match in a greek bar today. i just hope we will play fine and take the lead with at least one goal difference. a 2-0 would be a great result.

good luck buddy :tup:
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Dear friends

I wish I am wrong and it is all in my disturbed mind, really

Nobody happier than me

I do not know Bayevic very well, but I know Rivaldo,and the way he is looking gives me a bad gut feeling

Well , you are probably right that what I wrote is crap and my "feminine intuition" is sheer nonsense. I hope it is

Please forgive me, I will not share my personal non- logical gut feelings here , any more promise

Let us hope that we win and nothing is better for soothing the bad wibs that a win

Anyway, if it is not only Ribo but some others as well it is a yellow alert at least

I do not support the way Rivaldo reacted, but he said some very true words during the AEK game , That it is impossible be champions playing to win at home and to draw away

I always thoght that a really good coach has to listen to his players, respect their opinion even if he does not accept them. A dialog is the way to resolve differences

for the good of the team, which I beleive is the comon goal of all involved

My positive example is usually Luxenburgo and Scolari, but I am sure any of you know that type of coach, who is both firm and respectful and friendly with the players

A team has to be more like a family than like an army unit (even in the armies I know there are dialogs now)

Rivaldo may be many bad things but he is not a spoiled brat. and sure want the good of the team, and his discussion with the coach is because he really thinks that he can not help the team better that way

They both have to restrain their temper and discuss things away from the press who is not helping they just want to sell papers and do not care who is affected

How come that is always easier to find people who want to worsen things than some sensible adviser to both sides??


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as was Castillo's interview the other week calling Alefantos as "the best coach I've ever had" to spite Bajevic).

I didn't know that. On the other hand, I am glad to see I was right that he is the biggest kolopaido of the team. What absense of professionalism ... I wish kid like him or Choutos had some kind of manager (not their fathers, of course).

A team has to be more like a family than like an army unit (even in the armies I know there are dialogs now)

Rivaldo may be many bad things but he is not a spoiled brat. and sure want the good of the team, and his discussion with the coach is because he really thinks that he can not help the team better that way

They both have to restrain their temper and discuss things away from the press who is not helping they just want to sell papers and do not care who is affected

How come that is always easier to find people who want to worsen things than some sensible adviser to both sides??

Luz, your concerns are very sensible but the management brought Ribo here primarily for attracting money (tickets, merchandise) and reputation. When his ego (almost anyone has an ego, right?) comes in conflict with Bajevic tactic plans, who do you think will be sacrificed? I would wholeheartedly like our coach to be the ruler of the team coz this is the way teams work but, unfortunately, the divas are the real cash cows. In that context, I really doubt that even a honest discussion would resolve the conflict. Perhaps if Ribo was a cold-blooded Scandinavian but he isn't :)

Unfortunately, modern teams have become commercial enterprises in a more aggressive manner than that we would be happy with. See what's happening in Real Madrid with all these divas. The decrease of the quality of Real's football is directly proportional to the increase of their income.

Anyway, let's hope we 'll see some Ribo magic tonight along with a consistent team performance from the rest of the players. That would postpone Bajevic's headaches for a couple of weeks :)

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Yes, Castillo has passed all sorts of corridors this year with his actions and mouth, the interview was done by ETHNOSPOR for those that would like to find it. I really don't think he knows what he's doing and their ramifications.

Almost game time ! ! ! This hour will take forever :angry:

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Well, thank the Lord he is not a cold blooded Scandinavian or Dutch (With all due respect) and what a terrible thing to say. Poor Ribo. Declaring him some kind of diva like Beckham…Ribo is the anti diva type his passion is for football and his family (How boring for the papers, no juicy affairs here, so he never was a “craque mediatico” ‘-( Spanish for media star)

He trains hard, he always wants to give his best to the team where he is. He is actually very shy person. So much so that sometimes it is mistaken for vanity

He does not drink, do not do drugs, goes only to restaurant with his wife, how boring

He has a real complex because he believes hat he is not talented for learning languages, that is why he never accepted to be a captain in Barça- He wrote once in his site that when he sees Guardiola acting as a captain, speaking with the referees in English he understands that he will never be like that. All he wanted was to play football. He always avoided the receptions with politicians etc. Even after the Mundial.

He was never a diva. In Brazil they called him the worst names, like

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