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Theodoros Zagorakis (PAOK)


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Wow that was f*cking awesome. :tup: Thanks Vasili0s.

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yeahl..the shot was by dhoorasoo and it was a wonderful strike and definitly should have stood...i love you theo, but its true :D

i thought it was a bad call b/c nobody had real possesion of the ball they just both came in hard and it was unfortunate for one to go down and than that blistering shot came in

oh well wutever

i guess it made Zagorakis play so much more important lol

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bologna is pretty close to uefa.

It will be interesting to see Roma Vs Bologna tomorrow. Dellas Vs Zagorakis, Totti Vs Zagorakis (Totti who said that he consideres Theo to be one of the best defending midfielders around).

I'm happy to see our 'capitano' to be doing so great because he deserves the success.

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  • 1 month later...

Regarding the Bologna coaches comments about Zagorakis.

One should keep in mind the Italian personality and character. Half the Italians are very serious people they are very reasonable, calm, collected and very serious in their demeanor and their expressions. The other half are almost child like. The can be total clowns, joking, laughing, dancing wild, talking without thinking and without reason. In other word the total opposite. Many times these two contardictory qualities are in the same person.

It seems that the Bologna coach is of the secong type or a combination of both but during that interview was in the second mode. Its the only way his statements make any sense. Zagorakis has been integral part of Bologna's success this year. He is been involved in many of the goals scored and played extremely well in most if not all of the games. Probably their best player overall.

The only minus he has may be that he was sent off a couple times and missed some games from it. But the coach since he was in love with Theo should have known that he plays a very tough aggressive style and with a few possible discriminatory call from the refs it could result in sent offs.

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