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Champions 2018


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15 minutes ago, CincinnatiAek said:

Feels great. Been a long time since 1994. I vividly remember storming the field in 93' and taking to the streets to celebrate. Wish I had been there this past Sunday. 

The Apollon game may be played at OAKA as their home game so may see another great turn out and celebrations :)

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13 minutes ago, SydneyPAOK said:

Great you are finally agreeing without knowing it. So aek didn't win the championship. It was awarded to aek via default via our stupid actions.

I don't expect aek to do anything as in hand over the trophy. Its the constant labeling of aek being 'the best' and 'deserving' of the championship. You were not the best. You were good but not not the best as you were awarded a championship via default by being 2nd throughout most of the campaign. Deserving not sure why. Is this because you are all mighty aek and from athens. I really dont get why any team is more deserving of any other team apart from who is last past the post via points on the football field.

Its the way aektzides are parading around this like 10years of whinging about leaving football on the field and not the courts has miraculously been forgotten.

Anyways hestika your violin pic i like quoting this chant :

ΑΕΚ γερά, τιτλο στα χαρτιά!  ΑΕΚ γερά, τιτλο στα χαρτιά!  ΑΕΚ γερά, τιτλο στα χαρτιά!

We were not awarded anything, I know you want to believe it and that wont change but truth and fact is your assuming things... your assuming you would have beat Olymopiakos, and we can assume AEK could have found an equalizer too , even if AEK didn't, we are still ahead of you on points (don't forget you never lost points for the OSFP game) - last I check that makes us deserving champions! 

We are not going to mute ourselves from what our team has achieved because your president and fans created court cases - do you understand that? We didn't create these court cases, YOUR CLUB DID!!! Your club controls that, we won the championship - fuck oath we are gona celebrate it. We have not forgotten 2008 but that was very different to anything now which makes your arguments very void, but we have also moved forward. 

Keep telling yourself about the hartia - you guys brought that on yourself and we are not going to limit ourselves to PAOK's stupidity and complete lack of progression

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1 hour ago, Alphonse said:

We were not awarded anything, I know you want to believe it and that wont change but truth and fact is your assuming things... your assuming you would have beat Olymopiakos, and we can assume AEK could have found an equalizer too , even if AEK didn't, we are still ahead of you on points (don't forget you never lost points for the OSFP game) - last I check that makes us deserving champions! 

We are not going to mute ourselves from what our team has achieved because your president and fans created court cases - do you understand that? We didn't create these court cases, YOUR CLUB DID!!! Your club controls that, we won the championship - fuck oath we are gona celebrate it. We have not forgotten 2008 but that was very different to anything now which makes your arguments very void, but we have also moved forward. 

Keep telling yourself about the hartia - you guys brought that on yourself and we are not going to limit ourselves to PAOK's stupidity and complete lack of progression

It's posts like these that make me think AEK fans are in the wrong profession.  They should be revisionists or mathematicians.  To be fair, I am consistently hearing this from all AEK fans ... I guess it must be true.

Yeah you beat PAOK on points ... with PAOK playing one game less (the game against Olympiakos did not go ahead) and with PAOK getting -6 vs AEK.  Take away the -6 and play the game against against Olympiacos and PAOK wins and PAOK is +1 points ahead of AEK.  As to the odds of PAOK beating Olympiacos in that game had it gone ahead, I think > 50% chance of winning and that's being conservative.  So I guess you are 50% champions ?

Having said that, there is still time for more revisionism.  It's likely PAOK will rest players before the Cup Final (bloodbath is my prediction) so AEK might just win on points.

Here's to AEK.  50% champions of Greece on paper.  The papers are real even if you tell yourself they're not.

Would it kill people to just admit that PAOK is a decent team ?  Apparently it would kill them.  Like I always say, anything North of Athens, no good.

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So I state facts and you state what could have happened... and you want to talk about me being the revisionist of maths?? 

You conveniently miss the part that matters most...  Your club caused the stoppage in play... katalevenis Bananas? Your club - PAOK caused the AEK game to stop, and the Olympiakos game to not be played... blaming the other clubs for that is no better than anything you brand on others because your club is not smart or capable enough to have a game start and finish.

Mate, wake up to reality and take your own advice. The above post is a big malakia of deflecting reality, our championship is very real even if you tell yourself they're not.

Who ever said PAOK was not a decent team? PAOK is a very good team, you guys just need to face the facts as to how much you have shot yourself in the foot and come out like cry babies on top - Athens this Athens that, grow some balls and face reality - you guys think your victims of everything and the world is against you, truth is your brought this on yourselves and cant take it now.


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2 hours ago, Alphonse said:

So I state facts and you state what could have happened... and you want to talk about me being the revisionist of maths?? 

You conveniently miss the part that matters most...  Your club caused the stoppage in play... katalevenis Bananas? Your club - PAOK caused the AEK game to stop, and the Olympiakos game to not be played... blaming the other clubs for that is no better than anything you brand on others because your club is not smart or capable enough to have a game start and finish.

Mate, wake up to reality and take your own advice. The above post is a big malakia of deflecting reality, our championship is very real even if you tell yourself they're not.

Who ever said PAOK was not a decent team? PAOK is a very good team, you guys just need to face the facts as to how much you have shot yourself in the foot and come out like cry babies on top - Athens this Athens that, grow some balls and face reality - you guys think your victims of everything and the world is against you, truth is your brought this on yourselves and cant take it now.


I give up.

AEK is the BEST team in Greece.

They deserve it ... because they 100% would have won even if PAOK didn't get between -6 and -9 points deductions.

Don't come onto this forum after one year and start calling me s-h-i-t.  If you were in front of me, I'd smack in the mouth.  Use those sayings for your buddies over at s-e-d-r-a.  P-A-P-A-R-A, e p-a-p-a-r-a.

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well derrrr how did you expect this topic to go... we will have our view and you will have yours. 

the one thing that is for sure which is unfortunate, is that a cloud will always linger over this championship and aektzides will always need to retaliate in defense of how worthy your championship was for aek. Regardless of opinions the champion for this season will never be known had it played out till the end without any incidents and for that very reason we will refute your 'deserved' and 'best' tags and you will always need to defend those tags.





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3 hours ago, SydneyPAOK said:

well derrrr how did you expect this topic to go... we will have our view and you will have yours. 

the one thing that is for sure which is unfortunate, is that a cloud will always linger over this championship and aektzides will always need to retaliate in defense of how worthy your championship was for aek. Regardless of opinions the champion for this season will never be known had it played out till the end without any incidents and for that very reason we will refute your 'deserved' and 'best' tags and you will always need to defend those tags.





I understand the disappointment. You have a hell of a team and were undone by some bad actions of your owner.  There was no way your squad was not going to get a deduction after the storming of the field became an international story. If that game ends 0-0 (I don't want to debate the offside/onside situation) we are looking at a super close race and epic finish with pressur on both teams. 

I think the two squads are very close talentwise, maybe slight edge to Paok given the injuries to Mantalos and Johannson. Those were significant injuries for AEK given the Europa Cup and Greek Cup games. I was actually hoping for them to bow out of the Greek Cup earlier so they could have a more balanced fixture and focus on the protathlima. 

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14 hours ago, SydneyPAOK said:

well derrrr how did you expect this topic to go... we will have our view and you will have yours. 

the one thing that is for sure which is unfortunate, is that a cloud will always linger over this championship and aektzides will always need to retaliate in defense of how worthy your championship was for aek. Regardless of opinions the champion for this season will never be known had it played out till the end without any incidents and for that very reason we will refute your 'deserved' and 'best' tags and you will always need to defend those tags.





As we say in the States, "Scoreboard."  That's all that needs to be said. No defending of being champs; the trophy that we get on May 5th speaks for itself. 

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I know it pains some people to see AEK back on top after being relegated only a few years ago. Those were some painful years. Now it's our time. First protathlima in 24 years!!! Now I know how HABS fans feel lol.

A lot of Paoktzides bashing here and not sending congratulatory messages. It's OK we don't need your acknowledgement we know we are deservant champs. We lost two games in the protathlima, 1 in Champions League qualifying and 1 in the Greek Cup all year. I think that speaks for itself and all that mostly without Mandalos and Johansson. We truly played with our hearts and for the team. Well done boys.

Now on to the Cup final. We shall see who the better team is. Remember we already beat you in the protathlima in case some of you suffer from selective amnesia.


Makynia OUT!!!!!

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How on earth can you celebrate a title won on paper? 

You talk tough about how your back yet your team did not win the tittle , PAOK did you were given points for a game you did not win and had points deducted from your opponent yet you circle around a gangsta president who doesn't out any money into your club and play it the hard done by hard working peoples club. 

Really disolutional stuff. 

PAOK are the champions of 2017/2018 and you know deep down this tittle was tainted and never yours. 

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Bahh let them celebrate and they should be celebrating. The funny thing is that they are not celebrating to the level we have seen for other championships as they keep coming back to defend the worthiness of their title across forums, social media, in the actual media and in general life. If i were an aektzi i would just be ignoring PAOK and other fans because the more they defend their 'deserving' title the more skepticism there is clouding their title.

As i have said there will forever be a cloud lingering over their title which unfortunately is a shame to have for any champion.



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7 hours ago, SydneyPAOK said:

Bahh let them celebrate and they should be celebrating. The funny thing is that they are not celebrating to the level we have seen for other championships as they keep coming back to defend the worthiness of their title across forums, social media, in the actual media and in general life. If i were an aektzi i would just be ignoring PAOK and other fans because the more they defend their 'deserving' title the more skepticism there is clouding their title.

As i have said there will forever be a cloud lingering over their title which unfortunately is a shame to have for any champion.



Scoreboard says.......no defending that AEK were the best team in Greece!  

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Scoreboard actually says that the PAOK-AEK match stands at 1-0 to PAOK in the 90th min. It's the official score. Check it out on the official Greek Superleague website.

Best team? Hmmm nearly but only with the help of deductions to PAOK.

Your championship will always be clouded with skepticism.

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3 hours ago, SydneyPAOK said:

Scoreboard actually says that the PAOK-AEK match stands at 1-0 to PAOK in the 90th min. It's the official score. Check it out on the official Greek Superleague website.

Best team? Hmmm nearly but only with the help of deductions to PAOK.

Your championship will always be clouded with skepticism.

Actually, the scoreboard and our trophy case say differently.  At the end of the day, banners and trophies speak for themselves! 

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On 4/24/2018 at 2:02 AM, Bananas said:

I give up.

AEK is the BEST team in Greece.

They deserve it ... because they 100% would have won even if PAOK didn't get between -6 and -9 points deductions.

Don't come onto this forum after one year and start calling me s-h-i-t.  If you were in front of me, I'd smack in the mouth.  Use those sayings for your buddies over at s-e-d-r-a.  P-A-P-A-R-A, e p-a-p-a-r-a.

You Mpaokakia are way too funny. You start on this forum ranting about delusion, insiting all Aek fans are deluded but in reality, you Mpaokakia are the only deluded ones. Aek played the best football all year and havent lost a game domestically or in europe in over 30 matches (Currently the longest Undefeated streak in all of europe).We outplayed you guys all season while still being in 3 competions. You guys scored a clear offside goal and got close as close to the title as you will ever get and you want to try to rain on our parade?. I find it hysterical the amount of delusion you guys truly live with. The only reason this ever came down to Papers was because of Paok and their actions, in reality we would've won it anyways. You guys can try to "cloud our title with skepticism" but you're the only ones who live in this delusion because the rest of Greece knows and admits AEK was simply the best team this year flat out.


On 4/25/2018 at 7:56 AM, SydneyPAOK said:

Scoreboard actually says that the PAOK-AEK match stands at 1-0 to PAOK in the 90th min. It's the official score. Check it out on the official Greek Superleague website.

Best team? Hmmm nearly but only with the help of deductions to PAOK.

Your championship will always be clouded with skepticism.


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18 minutes ago, NikosLiberopoulos21 said:

 havent lost a game domestically or in europe in over 30 matches (Currently the longest Undefeated streak in all of europe)

Are you just making up this stuff now? AEK lost not very long a go in Larissa...min lemme oti theloume.

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The fact that you aektzides keep defending and justifying why aek are worthy champions simply tells me how insecure you guys are about how you won the championship. I get it its a shame that the championship wasn't won completely on the field. 

It continuously proves my point that this championship will forever be clouded with skepticism 

Edited by SydneyPAOK
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2 hours ago, NikosLiberopoulos21 said:

Sorry actually you're right, the streak ended there at 28, that is my mistake. The rest of everything else is obviously still on point

20 games undefeated in the league ?

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50 minutes ago, SydneyPAOK said:

The fact that you aektzides keep defending and justifying why aek are worthy champions simply tells me how insecure you guys are about how you won the championship. I get it its a shame that the championship wasn't won completely on the field. 

It continuously proves my point that this championship will forever be clouded with skepticism 


The skepticism will be with the PAOK guys forever, you guys think the Athens and the world is against you. I hope one day you guys can get a little more progressive off the field because what you guys think and what we have had to read is pretty sad. 

Edited by Alphonse
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