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Transfer News and Rumors - Summer 2018


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Gary Rodrigues is now linked with Crystal Palace. At least one site is claiming the offer to the Turks will net us up to 4mm, due to our resale clause. That would be pretty great - fingers crossed!

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For that to happen, he will need to be sold for 20 mil. I kind of doubt that.

In other "news" Bibras Natkho said during an interview that he would entertain  an offer from PAOK if he gets one. 

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Haha, he also said he'd entertain an offer from literally anyone. He could give two shits about us, but if the price is right I'd take him. He's a free agent now I think.

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Pontus Wernbloom (31 year old midfielder, 51 caps for Sweden) of CSKA Moscow is at our radar. He is at his end of his contract with the Russians, so no fee needed. Liked him very much when he played here for AZ Alkmaar. 

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1 hour ago, pash said:

If only we knew who Napoli was scouting at that game.

1.5 seems a bit low for a team of their means.

The amount is kind of meaningless.  What’s important is where does the club see Paschalakis in the future.  If they see him as our GK for the next 2, 3 or more seasons then the amount is pitiful considering we don’t need to sell.  If the club think Rey or Glykos are just as good then it’s a good offer and you’ll probably never get a better offer.  It all depends how the club values him.  If they really think he’s the best of the 3 then why would you compromise your already tough CL qualifiers for the sake of what’s really small change.

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Hernani, a 24 year old defensive midfielder, is also at our radar. He has a contract with Zenit Leningrad (don’t like the “new name” St. Petersburg) but was playing this year as a loanee at French club St. Etienne.

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The Serbs are saying that the Saudis are offering us 5mm for Prijovic and 8mm a year to the player. For 8 million, I'd cause trouble with my club too. Al Nassr is the team in question.

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Some rumors I read today:

Mak is a goner, as Lucescu doesn't want him. He also doesn't seem impressed with El Kaddouri, who wants to return to Italy (which I could have told you 10 months ago). Apparently he also isn't that keen on keeping Biseswar, but will likely not force the issue if a good offer isn't made.

Besiktas still wants Pelkas, apparently their boss is very keen on him.

As for KPaps, Hamburg wants to recoup much of what they spent on procuring the player's services (about 6.5mm EUR), which is an amount we absolutely will not meet. I wonder if we'll work out a deal for a loan, after paying a million or so. Hatseridis is still on the table as well.

Rey also apparently not in the plans of Lucescu. It's a shame, I thought he was decent. No word on Glykos.

-edit- forgot to mention that I read a few days ago that there was some interest in Henrique from various places (Latin America, Europe, I think the Middle East) - if Mak doesn't come back, then you can bet Lucescu is going to take a good hard look at him before a sale

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Not keen on Biseswar ?  I call balderdash on that!  If I could take any player from PAOK for free it would be out of Prijovic or Biseswar.  But I’d probably go Biseswar.  Players of his ilk don’t come around often.

The Pelkas to Besiktas thing I’m a bit confused on.  Don’t see how it would be a big deal for Pelkas.  For a non Greek player sure it’s an upgrade but I don’t think Pelkas dream is to play in the Turkish league.  Not saying he won’t go or isn’t interested but I don’t think he’s gagging for it either.

Kyriakos we’ll see I suppose.  I always thought we had 0.0000000001% chance to sign Vieirinha so I don’t know squat.  The good thing if by some miracle we got him is that we pretty much have a CB and a future captain for the next 5+ years.  I can’t see him leaving Greece if he comes back.

Mak is a tricky one.  He had a below average season.  I’d still buy him for the 2 million Zenit are asking.  He’s just got too much potential to smash it in the GSL.  In Europe too where teams won’t just sit back we’ve seen how he can tear teams apart.  Then we have Wards and Henrique.  Henrique is the most inconsistent but he can also turn a game.  Great and I mean great option to have on the bench.  Warda had a great season also.  It’s a really tough call if you can only pick 2 of the 3.

I hope the Rey rumour isn’t true.  From what I saw he seemed solid.  Knowing our luck we’ll sell Rey and then Paschalakis will get injured or sold to Italy.  If it was the PAOK of  yesteryear where we didn’t really expect to go for the title I’d say sell.  But if you want to go for the title you need 2 strong keepers.  And we have Glykos as well so I’m actually happy with our GK’s for the first time in forever.  Frankly I’d only sell if we got a really good offer.

Oh, almost forgot.  El Khaddouri can go.  See ya bud.

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pash that site is owned and run by the heroin dealer. I would not trust anything that they write.

 As for Rey, the reason why all of a sudden Paschalakis took over was that at that time his child had a very serious medical issue and it was decided that his focus was not on the game. As a result Paschalakis got hot and the rest is history. Not sure if his family problems are over, but if they are not, I see him going back to Argentina. I think in the end we will end up with Paschalakis, Zivkovic and Siabanis as our goalies.

Concerning KPaps, he will come to PAOK just like Vierinha did at the "young" age of 32 years. There is no way he is worth the 6.5 mil. My bet would be on Hatcheridi joining Varela on defense.

I will be very disappointed if Biseswar leaves the team. VERY DISAPPOINTED!

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I can't keep track of who owns what!

-edit- some more transfer BS:

Besiktas still interested in Pelkas, but apparently also taking a look at Mak

Our GK won't be heading to Napoli, as they have signed a GK

The offer to Wernbloom seems to be 1.2mm/year (post-tax) + signing bonus


Looks like he likes to fight:


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Great options for PAOK this year. I hope they will keep all the players happy and excited to play for us next year.

Letting Biseswar go will be a disaster. I would renew the guy. Just imagine him in Olympiakos shirt. Because make no mistake, if PAOK releases Biseswar they will get him. The guy is solid and as everyone said before me he is not a common type of player. He has some old-school qualities. He reminds me something of G. Zola. And I like the fact he plays as a left winger, too.

Charisis, Kitsiou, El Kaddouri, Henrique, Warda, Mak, Limnios, etc... Again, whatever they do is fine with me. Just keep those that are staying happy and excited. Don't let them even think that it will be better for them to go elsewhere.

To me the CB is a crucial position. I really love the idea of bringing Papadopoulos. And if Savvidis is crazy enough, he should do it. Hamburg paid 6,5m for him, now they are relegated, they don't have strong cards to play. Everyone knows they are desperate to sell. I am sure we can get him by paying 3m tops. And why not to pay Hamburg 3m if you really want to win the league and make it to the CL (if not this year, next year)? Savvidis paid 1,9m for Prijovic. Why not to pay 2,5 or 3m for Papadopoulos? To me Crespo is a liability. We need players with strong background. Crespo played three seasons in A Division teams before coming to PAOK. He reached his potential last year and he is OK because the rest of the team was amazing. With Vieirinha - Matos on the sides and Varela dominating, whoever would play would be OK. If we bring Papadopoulos we will have an AMAZING defensive line.

Lastly, the midfielder is crucial as well. But from the name of the guy that we heard, I am already satisfied that they are looking towards the correct type of player. But again, don't let players turn off. Keep them excited.

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Εδώ να μου πεις σήκωσε Euro ο Χαριστέας και ο Φύσσας, δεν θα πάει ο Κρέσπο στον Αστέρα; Τώρα στον Ερυθρό θα είναι, στον Τρίπολης θα είναι, δεν ξέρω.

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Surely he cannot view Biseswar as surplus to requirements? He is a hugely important player to this Club IMO.

Srna surprised me until I read that he has been banned since September last year for a failed drugs test... A brilliant player and maybe with a hope of going far in all cup competitions as well as winning the league, it would be good to be able to rotate between two quality players in Matos and Srna. I imagine that he could probably play in a number of different positions as cover.

His experience will be fantastic. As long as his drive and hunger to succeed is still there and that he has kept himself in good shape then i don't see an issue with this.



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I think he only played Biseswar when it was obvious all of his other choices flamed out. Think about it - El Kaddouri isn't much of a playmaker, but got constant game time until he got hurt. Then Shakhov as a #10, just as bad. Pelkas didn't kick into high gear for a few months either, but by then Biseswar had finally gotten a run and proved too hot to remove from the lineup.

I worry that Lucescu's rumored proclivity towards a 4-4-2 (and his stated belief that a team shouldn't need defensive midfielders) is going to harm us. It's a big change from how we play now. Basically, he may want something like the below, with Pelkas playing as a striker and two CMs who want to run forward.



--Campos--                               --Henrique--



And yes, you should just consider Prijovic to be a placeholder in that example.

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I’ll forgive Lucescu for not rating Biseswar at the beginning of the season.  At first glance he may appear lazy.  Some players are hard to judge.  Remember how much crap used to be said about Campos ?  But now we know the sort of player he is and what we can expect.  Same goes for Biseswar.  If now Lucescu still doesn’t want him then I don’t know anything about anything.  Maybe I should just take up knitting instead of following football.

As for Srna, is that a big joke or what ?  The guy is 36.  Why don’t we bring back Lino and Muslimovic while we’re at it.

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