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SL - R19: PAOK - Asteras Tripoli ( 05 Feb 11, 17:15 EET )


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  PAOK.jpg.eac3e66277014251e608760b3738c379.jpg VS  Asteras.png.2ee261fa3148438878d014dc6fc0474d.png

MATCHUP:           P.A.O.K. Thessaloniki - Asteras Tripolis
COMPETITION:   Superleague – Round 19
DATE:                   05-February-2017
TIME:                   17:15 GR  (15:15 GMT, 09:15 CST, 02:15 AEDT next day)
CITY/STADIUM:   Thessaloniki - Toumba Stadium (Capacity: 28,703)
TELEVISION:       Novasport 2 (Greece, Cyprus, Albania, Bulgaria)

P.A.O.K.  vs  Asteras Tripoli History:

2015-2016:  2:0 (Pelkas, Mak) - Attendance:  8,812
2014-2015:  0:0 - Attendance:  9,137  (PLAYOFFS)
2014-2015:  0:0 - Attendance:  no fans
2013-2014:  1:1 (Stoch) - Attendance: 6,388 (PLAYOFFS)
2013-2014:  2:0 (Vitor 2) - Attendance:  13,637
2012-2013:  1:0 (Oliseh) - Attendance:  10,529  (PLAYOFFS)
2012-2013:  2:1 (Lawrence, Athanasiadis) - Attendance: 5,601
2011-2012:  2:3 (Athanasiadis, Georgiadis) - Attendance: 6,894
2010-2011:  1:0 (Salpiggidis) - Attendance: 13,585
2009-2010:  1:0 (Koutsianikoulis) - Attendance: 14,128
2008-2009:  1:1 (Anastasakos) - Attendance: 15,892
2007-2008:  0:1 - Attendance: 12,796

WINS:      6
TIES:       4


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Ivic selected the following players:

Γλύκος , Μπρκιτς , Λέοβατς , Μάτος , Κίτσιου , Δεληγιαννίδης , Μαλεζάς , Βαρέλα , Κρέσπο , Κάνιας , Χαρίσης , Κάτσε , Σάκχοφ , Τσίμιροτ , Μπίσεσβαρ , Μυστακίδης , Ενρίκε , Πρίγιοβιτς , Κουλούρη.

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thanks bannans, Ivic might be outsmarting himself a little here. I agree with pash no wingers isn't a great idea. It worked against a far weaker team in Larissa. Kolouris we know doesn't offer much. Is prijovic that unfit? if he is then start Mysta up top and play Enrique on a wing. 

We have looked shaky giving the ball away cheaply and asteras is finding plenty of space. Hopefully we settle

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Here's the thing about our formation - Asteras is playing with a very high line with the intention of scoring. We need to be able to attack on the counter to exploit this offense-only mentality, but the players/formation we have right now aren't going to work for that. If Asteras doesn't park the bus now, we really need to get someone like Henrqiue on the wing, and push Mistakidis to the right. Doesn't even matter who we have up front, frankly.

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