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Australia-greece(7 June 2016, Etihad Docklands Stadium, Melbourne)

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Akritis that's my point its petty for them to bag us for whatever reason in the end WE ARE ALL GREEKS yet they wana bag us yet do a no show at the airport then make comments like tat, to me that shows you are a PLASTIC fan who only backs the players when they are winning, people like that can go support Albania

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The hellas fan club of melbourne are arrogant and at times an awful look for the greek community. No need for them to bag out sydney greeks last week. None of them went to the airport either and at most 100 people were at the training session and the majority would not have been from them.

The melbourne wing of hfc needs to pull its head in and stop living off that one night 10 years ago, a night that easily would have been replicated in sydney and other parts of the world. They just come across as show offs. Word on the street is tonights match will struggle to beat sydneys crowd. But greeks from the rest of the country wont ridicule.

Hope the march goes well and doesnt descend into chaos. As for the aussie greeks calling up radio stations...stuff them and their self hating ways. Whilst im at it fcuk the ffa who tried to rort our community with absurd ticket prices..not the pay day these malakes were hoping for.

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The Australian national team announces the retractable roof at Etihad Docklands Stadium will be closed for this one. Dome game

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Greekoz that's the best thing iv read and on point with everything, as you said there is no need for anyone to bag anyone we are ALL GREEKS, but there has always been thing Melb vs Syd rivalry, personally us Sydney people really don't give a s%$#! and don't buy into but Melb take it to another level and after talking it up all last week then bagging Sydney siders they deserve to be thrashed.....


How can they actually say we don't care about the players we care for the country, pretty low if you ask me WE ALL SUPPORT the players and COUNTRY regardless of anything

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Im from melbourne and i tend to be the opposite. I like to back up and protect my fellow greeks from sydney, adelaide, ny, toronto etc. We are ALL the SAME and these clowns have to make it all about themselves. Maybe this is cos im getting older but they come across as very childish. Its not about being better, its about being a united greek diaspora. A lot of what they say reeks of greek cafe talk in melb and chest beating about how we are better than everyone. Its a joke.

They crossed the line when they bagged out fellow greeks. And then crossed it further with that ridiculous post match rant on the team. I wanted to post something on their page but thought better of it cos they would just end up attacking me.

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Greekoz that's the best thing iv read and on point with everything, as you said there is no need for anyone to bag anyone we are ALL GREEKS, but there has always been thing Melb vs Syd rivalry, personally us Sydney people really don't give a s%$#! and don't buy into but Melb take it to another level and after talking it up all last week then bagging Sydney siders they deserve to be thrashed.....


How can they actually say we don't care about the players we care for the country, pretty low if you ask me WE ALL SUPPORT the players and COUNTRY regardless of anything

100% right!!!!! We should all have a sickness for this team!

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Greekoz that's the best thing iv read and on point with everything, as you said there is no need for anyone to bag anyone we are ALL GREEKS, but there has always been thing Melb vs Syd rivalry, personally us Sydney people really don't give a s%$#! and don't buy into but Melb take it to another level and after talking it up all last week then bagging Sydney siders they deserve to be thrashed.....


How can they actually say we don't care about the players we care for the country, pretty low if you ask me WE ALL SUPPORT the players and COUNTRY regardless of anything

100% right!!!!! We should all have a sickness for this team!

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Greekoz that's the best thing iv read and on point with everything, as you said there is no need for anyone to bag anyone we are ALL GREEKS, but there has always been thing Melb vs Syd rivalry, personally us Sydney people really don't give a s%$#! and don't buy into but Melb take it to another level and after talking it up all last week then bagging Sydney siders they deserve to be thrashed.....


How can they actually say we don't care about the players we care for the country, pretty low if you ask me WE ALL SUPPORT the players and COUNTRY regardless of anything

100% right!!!!! We should all have a sickness for this team!

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Greekoz that's the best thing iv read and on point with everything, as you said there is no need for anyone to bag anyone we are ALL GREEKS, but there has always been thing Melb vs Syd rivalry, personally us Sydney people really don't give a s%$#! and don't buy into but Melb take it to another level and after talking it up all last week then bagging Sydney siders they deserve to be thrashed.....


How can they actually say we don't care about the players we care for the country, pretty low if you ask me WE ALL SUPPORT the players and COUNTRY regardless of anything

100% right!!!!! We should all have a sickness for this team!

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Greekoz Melb needs more Greeks like you mate because as you said it isn't about who's better, its about getting behind your NT, we don't have the pleasure of people in Greece who see their club teams and NT time after time so when they do come out here its all about being united and staying strong.


As for the march in 2005, they can rave on ALL they like but fact is there were thousands of Sydney Greeks marching with them so it wasn't all them.


But the way they have carried on this week is a disgrace, this is why Galanolefkos Faros is the #1 Greek supporter group as they follow the team anywhere they go and would NEVER turn their backs on the players even at their worst, unlike these wanabe fan clubs.....

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Everyone show a fellow Nick some love. Anyone got a link for those outside Australia?

Yep thanks Nick! Help me out here boys! Woke u very early to watch the last friendly and searched everywhere for a link and got nothin... Was forced to go back to bed and get updates on teitter

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Yeah, when the ethniki came here to America, they played Nigeria in Chester, Pennsylvania just outside Philadelphia, and then Bolivia in Harrison, New Jersey just outside New York City. I was able to go to both, and while the Philly Greeks and the New York Greeks both represented well, it wasn't about outdoing each other, it was about outdoing the Nigerian and Bolivian fans, which we did in both cases. Now obviously this is different as these are both true away games at Australia, but come on. In my outside perspective as a Greek-American that has never been to Australia, I always had the impression that Melbourne was Greeker than Sydney, but I won't pretend to know that with any certainty.

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I read an article 3 months ago that for me depicted australia.

Its the australian thing to do to drink coffee in the morning. That was the headline and then the article went on how austrakia has the best coffee in the world like the media professes everything australia has is the best in the world.

Too funny honestly the saddest thing for me of all this is that we are going to lose tonigt to a team that would get relegated in seria b ffs

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Of course we are behind, we ended up in the ass end of the world lol, people in Greece think we are stuck in a 1970s time warp, we get sucked into these rubbish intra city rivalries like it means anything. Who gives a stuff how many people turned up to an airport or a training session, only we would bicker over something so trivial.

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Lol @ channel 9 news, first question they ask the reporter outside the ground is if Greeks have caused any trouble, then they show footage of cops in riot gear walking outside the stadium.

Says they're expecting 35,000.

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I still don't understand it, though. Is this a contest to see which city is Greeker? Or which city's Greeks show up more? 

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