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NT Coaches

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Anyone but Anastasiadis or Karagounis or Tsanas.

I want the new coach to be a foreigner and a brawler. I'd love to see him grab these pampered c*nts by the throat and swing grothies and seriously spit on these c*nts. There are people who are unemployed and starving in the country (aside from the misery that the desperate refugees are going through) and these "elite" apateones casually go about things like they haven't got a care in the world.

I remember a few years ago we used to import Boulgares and Roumanes to our striptsadika and now nothing. NUTHIN!!!

I'm so depressed!

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Magath can'y be all that bad,surely! He won two consecutive Bundesliga titles with Bayern. Also coached Stuttgart, and won a title with Wolfsburg too. Also he is known to be a strict disciplinarian with full-on fitness.

High energy, oops, Mitro, Tziolis and an unfit Fetfa are in deep!

Edited by ausgreek
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Seriously, the guy is unstable. The press coverage once he finally made it to England was hilarious. He's a complete joke.


I would like to submit myself as candidate. Whoever beats me in Super Smash Brothers: Melee, can be captain.

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^ maybe that's what they need a "Maniac" how well did they perform with the soft spoken Makaranain or the lifeless Ranieri? Don't you think our players would take advantage of a soft spoken players coach? I do. Putting some fear in the players is not always a bad thing. Do you guys think if we had a firm no nonsense coach there would of been a scrap at the World Cup with our players? Don't you think we need someone that's going to push these guys to the max? After this dreadful campaign and dreadful drop in the Fifa rankings these guys deserve a strict coach. At the end of the day say what you want about the coaches but forget about the two previous coaches and some of there F***ed up decisions, the coaches were not at fault for the 2 losses to the FI it was the players fault, it shouldn't have mattered which players were selected in those games, those losses are solely on the players not the coach. The older crop of players and veterans we had responded well to a players type coach but these Prima Donna Mykonos partying boys need a strict baby sitter that is going to be tough on them.

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I'm not going to lie - I kinda would be interested to see how Ranieri would have panned out if he stayed as coach now because of his Premier League success.


His approach is very modern and he has no qualms starting a 19 year old if they're in top form.

His style is actually closer to British to Italian, it seems.


I think his booting was also political. He didn't want to start Katsouranis & was the antithesis of EPO's system of experience is king.

Edited by georgelaz
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I stand by my claim that Magath's propensity towards conditioning will mean diddily squat for a team that's together a total of about three weeks a year.


What is conservative about Sabella? Winning against Bosnia and Belgium when you are coaching Argentina shouldn't be considered an amazing result.

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Means absolutely nothing once any candidate known or unknown , proven winner or not comes to take over this NT .

The proof will be when he takes a year or so into the job,( if they allow him to keep it that is ) learns the ins and outs of how disruptive and useless things are run at EPO and whether he can get the most out of the limited talent in current pool of players he can select from.

Ranieri was an abject failure coaching this NT yet he is now coaching the only undefeated team in the EPL. . Was he a garbage coach coming from Monaco to our NT and all of a sudden he's a magician at Leceister City ? I doubt it.

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Well anyone who's coaching career is on a down slide or currently unemployed would consider a good financial offer from EPO. Why wouldn't they ?

After Ranieri and Markarian any name could be a possibility ,from the logical to the absurd. Bring them on. The NT needs a coach

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I think they new manager should come in the day after the Euro ends for us. I think just to start fresh with no ties to this disaster would be ideal. Just use Tanas for now and hopefully we start the day after our Hungary game by announcing our new head coach. Oh ya and regardless what his results are we need to stick with one guy enough with changing coaches every couple months.

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Schuster hasn't coached for about 12-15 months. Not an eternity but he has been out of the business which might be a good thing. He can plan his approach and do some research.

Look, Germans are an atimoi people (VW for example) but Schuster has a passion unlike the stereotype of the typical souless German.

Edited by Akritis_1944
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