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Illegal Immigration In Greece (and In Europe)

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Islamification of the Western world is a world wide phenomenon. Unfortunately only very few have discerned why and who is behind this.


The latest reports are evacuations of officials from Turkey. It is anticipated something big may happen soon.



I fell for Tsipras's promises. I was hoping for Greece to default and leave the Eurozone. I didn't give a s%$#! about his ideology. Tsipras deceived everyone.


Tsipras is not working for Greece. I am learning more about these so called socialists. The have the same pattern of governance. for example Obama. Open borders to terrorists, islamification, abortion, gay rights, high taxes, destroying the middle class. Why are they doing this? I have already outlined the agenda in previous posts.

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I saw yesterday that a new mosque is being built in the area of Bristol that I grew up in. Bristol has had a massive influx of Somalian immigrants, who are also some of the least well integrated groups in society. This is nothing unusual in western European cities now, but it feels a lot different when you see it in your own area. Shame.

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And the latest headline from Siriza is, build the mosque in Athens asap or radicalized Muslims will flourish in Athens. Who are they kidding????


If this Mosque is built it will be signal that we may be finished as free nation. We need an uprising and someone to inspire the Greeks. Its not too late.

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The first relocations went smoothly but.... they weren't Syrians. Watch out for the violence when they start to remove Syrian refugees.


So I guess the 50,000 remaining in Greece will remain and offered asylum?? They have no place to go and no chance of assimilating in Greece. There is no welfare for them and there is no money and prospects. They could have retired in Germany on welfare paid by German citizens!

Edited by Chriskiato
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Katsaferis is forming a new right wing party. We need leadership first. I am surprised Greeks are not uniting to give them a beating of their lives. I can see Tsipras assigning cops to protect them.


What channel was that? I reckon most channels are instructed to censor things like this.


Anyways this is war!!

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I'm sorry but fleeing a war torn country does not give you


the right to create these kind of problems in Greece.


These are our cousins and relatives , just trying to make their living


And we let people block the roads.


Military and police force has to be used in the situations to deal with


this type of attitudes.

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This is typical behavior of EU countries. Attack the protestors rather than the perpetrators. This is a form of oppression. I see it all the time. The formula is the same. The Germans protested on the streets on the rape and assaults on their women by refugees and got water cannoned. Tsipras is part of the Elite. I reckon Memerakis wasn't. Where is he now?? Mitsotakis is likely to be part of the elite also. There is no way he was more popular than Memerakis. Memerakis smashed him in the first round of internal elections.

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Greece is going to become a human dumping ground for these illegals now that every country between Germany and Greece has erected fences. 


Tsipras will plead for sympathy and open borders for the illegals since he and Merkel actually agree on something thinking he will get more favorable treatment during the bailout talks but is only fooling himself. He doesn't believe in border control and will turn the country into a human dumping ground that will require many more millions of euro to accommodate all the illegals. 

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kiato, dont put your faith in any of these politicians, they all say what people want to hear to get elected, and Greek politicians in particular know exactly what to say and the Greek people are putty in their hands.

@nasl, my question is, where is the military in all this? the police basically do nothing and are handcuffed by the likes of SYRIZA and friends, and arent allowed to do their job properly

Well someone has to do something. Where's Golden dawn these days? I would have thought they would be the first to deal with these thugs above.

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Wow.  That video is unbelievable. I can't believe there is no police or military.  I could never imagine a road being shut down in the US by illegals and the police just letting it go.  This is what Greece wanted.  They voted for this F***up twice.

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I am willing to bet that the Mohammads and Abduls at Piraeus will still be there during the summer season because there is no government to do anything about it. They have handed out pamphlets asking them to leave and that "they love them". Yeah like these scum are going to leave. Then we have these "independent" agencies helping these out that are screwing Greece by telling the Mohammads not to leave. In FYROM, they beat the s%$#! out of them and then send them back to the dumpster (Greece). In Greece, we allow them in to piss on us.

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I saw the video on the news tonight.  I can't blame them.  The Mohammads and Abduls were trying to rip the fence and charge through but since they have a government and order, they decided to come out with rubber bullets and tear gas and if you got too close, a nice shot to the face.  Meanwhile, our comrade was complaining that they shouldn't be using violence on the poor Mohammads.  

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Greece could do with some of this


Those citizen policing incidents at the end of the video will only become more common place as the uneducated illegals continue to infest the EU. 


Is the deal with Turkey still on? I haven't heard of any deportations lately or maybe it's Greece being slow processing people's claims. 

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