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Suggested Call Ups, Starting 11

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The Euro or EPL leagues are surely best but, if a player cannot get a look in then other leagues are by far preferable cause the players play all the time. Can't buy match fitness. A team getting it together happens primarily cause players play regularly in their respective leagues. A team can absorb injuries and still play well when the squad plays regularly.

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On 1/19/2017 at 7:12 AM, ausgreek said:

The Skibbe is looking at Louka Villafanez (u20 Argentine rep). This shows Ninis, Kone, Fetfa and Pelka won't be considered again. Hope this guy is talented, from Panathenaikos. 

In the attacking midfield position we have Fortounis, Mantalos, Kone, Fetfatzidis, Ninis and Pelkas. We are covered there. Also 2/6 can play on the wing as well as Gianniotas. Vlachodimos can be a good player but is very inconsistent. Kolovos is more of a second striker or attacking midfielder. Lazaros Lamprou has got a future. So does Androutsos and Manthatis. Id like to see Manthatis involved soon as we have no pure winger and he is playing regularly for Olympiakos.

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@Dean97 I agree with you completely but the only problem is that this coach isn't even considering Ninis,Fetfa,Kone and Pelkas that's the problem. Why hasn't he given them a chance?? We have such potential talent that is not being called up which says a lot about this coach IMO.

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2 hours ago, J1078 said:

@Dean97 I agree with you completely but the only problem is that this coach isn't even considering Ninis,Fetfa,Kone and Pelkas that's the problem. Why hasn't he given them a chance?? We have such potential talent that is not being called up which says a lot about this coach IMO.

Kone hasnt played regularly for more than 2 years.

He took Fetfa with him at Australia, didnt he? so he knows whats up.
Ninis I repeat, he is a 10 and we have Fortounis Mantalos. One of them gets injued we still got players to fill in that position.

Pelkas just started being a regular in Ivic's Paok, so how can you say he aint ocnisdering him.

My point is. You guys were crying about an "OLD PLAYERS NT" 4 years ago and now that its full of youth you want the old players back.

Another point is, you guys blamed Ranieri for callin 50+ players, and yet now that we re a closed club again you re asking to open up.

Even if we remove Tziolis and Maniatis, players you dont like, we ll have to include players that you didnt mention, simply because we re removing 6-8s and we ll add more attacking/offensive players? 

The only unworthy call ups under Skibbe so far were Tziolis and Maniatis, yet maniatis proved useful. If we also remove Bakasetas and Diamantakos, who after call ups have proven not to be up for it , at least not yet, and who are not taking so much playing time in their teams anymore, Pelkas is the only player from the ones you mentioned who has chances to be called (worthwise, not manager-wise).

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totally forgot. but we played some attractive football vs. hungary in the 4-3. why not go back to that?

namely the midfield consisted of pelka, tachtsi, mantalos, fortounis, samaris right? kone as a power sub for cf.

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Skibbe has never called up Kone and Fetfatzidis. He has called up Ninis and Pelkas though. Kone is off and on at club level, Fetfatzidis plays in an Arab league. He has called up Diamantakos and Bakasetas because at the time they were playing regularly for their club. But the reason he called up Petsos is because we haven't got good enough depth in that position. Also he called up Tziolis and Maniatis who have no clubs. 

Rockefeller is right about if we were to replace Tziolis and Maniatis it would have to be players that play there position, not Ninis and so on.

Now that Petsos, Bakasetas and Diamantakos are not playing regularly it will be interesting to see if Skibbe selects them.

Edited by Dean97
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Odd that people are so sold on Pelkas, when Mistakidis is a clearly better player...and also plays almost exclusively on the wing these days.

True that we have a winger problem, though. I only really pay attention to those two since they play for my team, but in the context of this convo I can say that while both clearly have a lot of skill, they also have both regressed this year vs last season.  In the past month or so they've also started to turn out slightly better performances, at least. Might end the year on a higher note.

As for positions - Pelkas is an AM who is pretty comfortable on either wing (but better as LW). Mistakidis is a second striker who this year has been playing almost exclusively as RW, but doesn't seem much worse on the left. Both are still better centrally, in my opinion.

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I don't know why you think Mystakidis is much better than Pelkas. I don't see much PAOK games but every time I see highlights Pelkas looks more effective and to me Mystakidis is average. He has skill but Pelkas I find is more effective with his pace and overall ability. But I also find them both very inconsistent. 

Here are FIFA ratings for Pelkas and Mystakidis:



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10 hours ago, pash said:

And unlike you, I watch their actual matches. I think most PAOK fans would agree with this, but to each their own. Either would help the NT.

FIFA ratings? Life is not a videogame.

Life is not a video game, but it doesn't hurt to show who is better and it's good know in detail of how they rate players.

2 hours ago, ProudHellene said:

And what if the algorithm is more heavily weighting certain qualities that aren't in line with the primary need for the NT?

The thought of using FIFA rankings as the primary source of selecting players is really silly to me....

The majority of developed countries buy this FIFA 17 video game and it's one of the best selling games on the market. I was just showing how FIFA rates the both of them as they clearly rate Pelkas higher. 


Edited by Dean97
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11 hours ago, pash said:

And unlike you, I watch their actual matches. I think most PAOK fans would agree with this, but to each their own. Either would help the NT.

FIFA ratings? Life is not a videogame.

Life is not a video game, but it doesn't hurt to show who is better and it's good know in detail of how they rate players.

2 hours ago, ProudHellene said:

And what if the algorithm is more heavily weighting certain qualities that aren't in line with the primary need for the NT?

The thought of using FIFA rankings as the primary source of selecting players is really silly to me....

The majority of developed countries buy this buy FIFA 17 video game and it's one of the best selling games on the market. I was just showing how FIFA rates the both of them as they clearly rate Pelkas higher. 

1 hour ago, nick said:

This has turned into the most ridiculous argument ever on these forums.. grading a player by FIFA rating??? I would be willing to bet there isn't a coach in the entire world that has or will ever look at video game ratings.

No, coaches are smart enough to judge who is better. They should know as Skibbe has called up Pelkas before.

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5 hours ago, georgelaz said:

fifa ratings are based on mathematical algorithms on season performance.

they're pretty damn accurate.

The videogame's ratings are subjective. I know of one guy who was on GS who was doing this, himself. Who knows, maybe he was the one who rated Pelkas higher. Apparently it's not hard to get the job, as there are over nine thousand people submitting ratings.

2 hours ago, nick said:

This has turned into the most ridiculous argument ever on these forums.. grading a player by FIFA rating??? I would be willing to bet there isn't a coach in the entire world that has or will ever look at video game ratings.


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videogame detail is bullshiet. dude , it just exists to get the game going. Sokratis was proven to be a lot faster than Ronaldo when played against each other, Manolas as well, they both have a far less rating in acceleration than him, simply because making such a good defender fast makes it impossible to get past.

I dont understand the whole fuss about Mystakidis/Pelkas. Pelkas was chosen under 2 coaches to represent the NT, and even had a huge influence in the win over Hungary, maybe he didnt score but I remember seeing him run up and down and get the game flow. Maybe he aint ready, but he is gonna be an upgrade from Bakasetas and Karelis winger. Maybe even an upgrade from Mantalos too.


Its a shame we can't play a 3-4-3 . We could put 2 AMs and Gianniotas Pelkas on the wings. I really wanna see this happen aginast Gibraltar :P

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This is who I would call up vs Belgium.  This is taking into consideration form, injuries, and kpaps being suspended.  The players labelled with a * (Maniatis, Vellios, Bakasetas) should only be called up if they're getting playing time and are in decent form leading up to the game.  I am also being mindful of Skibbe's "closed club mentality", and we need to stick to that plan now (within reason)...it's too late to go against it.  Selecting nearly the same group of players can provide team cohesion, unity, chemistry, and familiarity...those are big reasons why we won EURO 2004.     


1. Karnezis

2. Kapino

3. Glykos

4. Mitroglou

5. Vellios *

6. Giakoumakis (platanias)

7. Sokratis

8. Manolas

9. Oikonomou

10. Tzavellas

11. Stafylidis

12. Torosidis

13. Risvanis

14. Maniatis *

15. Samaris

16. Tachtsidis

17. Siopis

18. Fortounis

19. Mantalos

20. Kolovos

21. Gianniotas

22. Bakasetas *

23. Mystakidis

-Kolovos, Giakoumakis, Siopis, and Risvanis are all having excellent seasons, and deserve to be called up.

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Regarding computer games be they FIFA, Football Manager or something else, if they do use algorithms, they must be quite primitive.  I believe, though I can't be sure, that no such algorithms are used, at least not to generate the base statistics for a player.

Instead, it's as pash suggested that these companies have fans of the games who are volunteers.  I know for example that these boys here http://www.fmgreece.gr/phpBB3/viewforum.php?f=14 liaise with the company that makes Football Manager and give their recommendations on player statistics.  If you click around on some of the players on that forum you can see that they talk about increasing or decreasing a particular statistic.  How/if this gets into the actual game database I'm not sure.

One thing I have noticed is that when a player transfers in real life from a lower league to a higher league, in the next update of the database their attributes all of a sudden, shock horror, increase.  Not always, but often enough that you think to yourself, maybe their attributes were understated to begin with just because the player played in a lower league.

Watch if the rumoured transfer of Milivojevic to England happens.  All of sudden next season his "attributes" will all increase by quite a bit.  At least, that's what I've seen a lot of in the past.

Note: Never played FIFA but spent too many hours playing Football Manager years ago.

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12 minutes ago, Bananas said:

One thing I have noticed is that when a player transfers in real life from a lower league to a higher league, in the next update of the database their attributes all of a sudden, shock horror, increase.  Not always, but often enough that you think to yourself, maybe their attributes were understated to begin with just because the player plays for a team in the GSL instead of a higher league.

Watch if the rumoured transfer of Milivojevic to England happens.  All of sudden next season his "attributes" will all increase by quite a bit.  At least, that's what I've seen a lot of in the past.

Note: Never played FIFA but spent too many hours playing Football Manager years ago.

That's true that's what happens. People here are acting like the ratings are obsurd. Yes it's a video game but that doesn't mean that the ratings are make believe. The ratings are based in real life games and the team you play for. There is a reason why Pelkas has gotten called up and Mystakidis hasn't. That's not a knock to Mystakidis as I also like to see him progress and be in the team.

Siopis deserves to be called up aswell as Risvanis. Giakoumakis has a lot to work on I don't know if he is ready yet. 

Skibbe should know that there are 3 spots available. Tziolis has no club, Papadopoulos suspended and Karelis injured. He should choose wisely. 


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Just now, ThrylosG7 said:

wow quality debates going on in here - i love how we argue over players like Pelkas vs Mystakidis like we are discussing 2 game breakers lol 

Neither is NT material, except for maybe if you're playing teams like Malta or dare I say it Faroe Islands.  Both of them were put into the first team squad last season by Tudor and both showed some good signs.  This season they have both stagnated and haven't improved at all.  The time to make their mark is in the next two to three seasons.  We shall see.  NT football is a different beast and I don't know if either of them can cope with it.

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7 hours ago, Bananas said:

Neither is NT material, except for maybe if you're playing teams like Malta or dare I say it Faroe Islands.  Both of them were put into the first team squad last season by Tudor and both showed some good signs.  This season they have both stagnated and haven't improved at all.  The time to make their mark is in the next two to three seasons.  We shall see.  NT football is a different beast and I don't know if either of them can cope with it.


How exactly can a player improve when the whole fuss was on Rodriguez. Whole team was playing for him.

Now that he is gone im pretty sure , not only Pelkas, who took his spot, but also the rest of the team will be seen more on the score sheet either with a goal or an asssist.

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7 hours ago, ThrylosG7 said:

what do ratings have to do with real life ?? Do you even know how computer games work - and what the stats mean. People are not saying that the stats are absurd - what they are saying is that its absurd to select players based on their Game ratings ,make real life comparisons observations or decisions. I'm pretty sure the reason Pelkas has been called up ahead of Mystakidis has nothing to do with Fifa rankings. 

Why does Siopis and risvanis deserve to be called up - how many Panionios games have you seen this season ?? Or is it because now he is coming to Oly - or because they are seccond - maybe its a case of others being more crap than Panionios actually being good.

What the hell has happened to decent EDUCATED debate about selections...ffs - now we have people debating players over fifa ratings - and picking players based on 1 min highlights and league positions...bottom of the barrel stuff...


I ve missed a few Panionios games. Siopis doesn't deserve to be selected. He deserves to start.

His playstyle is similar to Maniatis in his good days, but he has good shot as well. Runs up and down the field defending, can take πρωτοβουλίες and helps in offence as well.

There is a reason Panionios has the same points as Panathinaikos, and more than Paok/Aek. Either you like it or not, it has good players.

Edited by Rockafeller Skank
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9 hours ago, ThrylosG7 said:

what do ratings have to do with real life ?? Do you even know how computer games work - and what the stats mean. People are not saying that the stats are absurd - what they are saying is that its absurd to select players based on their Game ratings ,make real life comparisons observations or decisions. I'm pretty sure the reason Pelkas has been called up ahead of Mystakidis has nothing to do with Fifa rankings. 

Why does Siopis and risvanis deserve to be called up - how many Panionios games have you seen this season ?? Or is it because now he is coming to Oly - or because they are seccond - maybe its a case of others being more crap than Panionios actually being good.

What the hell has happened to decent EDUCATED debate about selections...ffs - now we have people debating players over fifa ratings - and picking players based on 1 min highlights and league positions...bottom of the barrel stuff...

The whole reason why this games has been made is to make it as real as possible that's why some stats are upgraded and downgraded on weekly basis. That might aswell put Pelkas 95 so he can beat Ronaldo and Messi. It doesn't work like that because Pelkas is no where near the level of Ronaldo and Messi. Although it's video game it should be considered a platform to move on from when deciding which players deserve to be in the team.

Siopis and Risvanis are the reason why Panionios are 2nd and doing so well. They were the reason why Panionios did really well last season, along with Bakasetas.

What is also so smart of selecting Tziolis all the time when Tsoukalas of Asteras has a lot of games under his belt. Along with Kourbelis.

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