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Panathinaiko Kafenio

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The jury is still out on fortouni, obviously very promising and i would love to have him on our roster but until he performs on a consistent basis, there is nothing to get excited about. Too many of these kids that make some noise, almost go missing immediately.


I have an opposite view of those foreigners that come over. They have grown up in a different environment, come from a better league and make a difference in ours. De vincenti, de blasis, ibagaza, marcelinho etc currently we don't have a player like this on our roster. It's disappointing, because we commit a significant amount of funds for essien, when we could be bringing in one or two these 'x factor' guys. Equi, sanmartean, these are the type of players i want to see.

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Fortounis was seriously pursued by a number of big clubs when he was at Asteras. Juventus put in abid to take him on loan with an option to buy but he ended up in the Bundesliga with Kaiserslautern. Probably because they offered more money and the better oportunities for first team play.

Not really his fault that the team were relegated but true he hasn't been consistent. This might just be his season to step up.

I hope that Kaltsas gets the playing time he deserves too. I like this player.

Edited by Akritis_1944
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Fourtouni was never a goal scorer.... he's a midfielder who opens up lanes.. finds players and takes on the DM and pulls players onto him...  He makes life easy for everyoen else around him...


The kid can definately play ball and just b/c a young kid "fails" in Germany (played 70 games which are 3 full seasons)... doesn't mean he's not a good player


In a more stable enviroment (the gavro).. he's true abilities are starting to show...  he basically single handedly led the gavro last year onto wins when Tsori was not on


On our team, he would have a starting spot... no question about it


As for De Vincenti and De Blasis... both are good players... I like De Vincenti more as he literally creates something out of nothing...  he has a knack for scoring goals both domestically and in Europe...   If he had come to PAO 3 years ago, he woudl definately still be on the roster getting playing time


De Blasis is also another good player but  he's more cold than hot... but when he's HOT... he' s unstopable...i remember he gave Seitaridi FITS all day and all night 

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He's not a goal scorer... just like Ninis isn't a goal scorer


Fortouni is good at drawing in players...  spotting his open players and finding perfect space to feed them through...


He's a "poor man's" version of Tsori... only difference is Tsori (during this last part of his career) decided to develop a taste for goals... so he takes a lot more shots than the average attacking midfielder


They dont' need to buy another "Tsori"...they already have one in Fortouni

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The comment was made stating that Kalstas wouldn't be able to tie the b leaguer bench player Fortouni shoes.

Kalstas scores, sets up goals, and his defensive play is many times better....It's a fact Kalstas is a big time player, and the others....Fortounis, De vincenti and De blasis ...Wanna bees!!!

I'll be sure to bring it up this year....Showing you all how many times he's better....We signed the real deal boys!!!


Kaltsa has had ONE good season in all of his years at Veria....


Fourtounis has been on big teams radar for 5 years now.....


Fourtouni is 22... Kaltsa is turning 26....


End of story......

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I appreciate the game as a whole...  


To say that the gavro doesn't have good players just b/c I'm PAO is rather silly


The fact of the matter is.. they have some players which I would LOVE to have on our side... to say that they don't have some better players than us is rather blind and foolhardy


Bottom line is... Roberto... Fourtounis...Tsori... Ellabdaoui and to some extent Goutas... are players that would walk into our squad and command starting positions no questions asked


The real question is whether or not.. AS A WHOLE... do they have a better squad than us.... 


With a new coach, untested fwd, a whole lot of players leaving (Milivojevic, Mousuakou, Ellabdaoui, Kasami, Roberto)... there is almost guarenteed to be a lot of unrest and a long time until they find their groove as a team


And although we have a lot of new faces on our squad... they have finished most of preseason together and the core has been together for about 3 years now...  so we have a decent part of the chemistry down


I'd give a slight edge to PAO right now (as a whole)... but it's going to be a tight race this year

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And Berg, Karelis, Zeca, the spaniard( don't let one game full you, could walk on theirs

I am not even including Essien and Lod

And so what ? Always greener on the other side. But to be so persistent about an unproven player in beyond me.

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Val....De vincenti and De blasis would never make PAO, they're good mid table players....Both players mentioned might be able to fill a sub roll....I'll give you that.

De vincenti is very slow and weak...De blasis might be a bit better, but I rate them very low quality.

Firstly you have to understand that pao is not the pao it use to be. The quality has dropped significantly just like the whole league. Once upon a time, we wouldn't be discussing any of these guys but when you have the likes of ajagazun starting, then I'm fairly confident De blassis and de vicenti will be upgrades. Poor man versions of the world beaters they may be, but we could certainly use them. We don't have many guys with natural ability on the ball. This why I was high on Dinas, but the kid never got it together.

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As far as I'm concerned....


Defense goes to Olympiakos....  Roberto.. is MuCH better than anything we have at GK... Ellabdaoui is a FANTASTIC RB and its only a matter of time till he goes to the EPL (great scouting to pick him up)...  Mousouaku is probably better than Nano but its a tight matchup...  Siovas-Goutas are better than anything we have at CB


Offense... Berg + Karelis is better than anything they have up there at the moment


Midfield... kind of a tossup....   DM its almost a tie... Lagos is probably as decent as Milivojevic.. (not including Essien b/c I don't expect much out of him)... any combo of Zeca/Ninis/Ajagun/Koutroubi/Pranjic is probably slightly inferior to Fourtouni/Tsori/Kasami/ Dourmaz/Fouster


I give them the edge b/c they have players that can unlock defense.. beat their men one on one.. and feed their fwds... whereas we have a midfield which runs all day and focuses on posession



So in my mind... Defense + Midfield probably goes to them.... but Offense goes to us....  at the end of the day... Offense is probably the most important part of the puzzle when competing for the title... so we have a slight edge overall for the GSL title this year

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One hundred percent accurate Accor....Not only is our CBs much better, left and right backs are clearly miles ahead of the gavros....I really don't understand what Grkfreezer sees in this team this year. I give the edge to PAO in every position.



To say in every position is an overstatement


But Siovas, Fortounis such paixtarades is an overstatement also

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