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Panathinaiko Kafenio

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^^How long do you think before Fortounis gets the shaft, in the pier? My guess is if he struggles once at the beginning, they will not go with him in the CL....And then the bench awaits him for the regular season matches. Since Grkfreezer is struggling with his predicting, I'm sure to win the Kalstas bet, WATCH!!!


Kaltsas would have to push karelis out of the team, in order for you to win your bet.


I imagine fortounis will play whenever chori needs a rest.

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As for the bets... there is ABSOLUTELY no way that Kaltsa gets the nod over Kareli or Lod or Mavria when he eventually comes back


Kaltsa will be a desparation sub.... he basically took the place of Dinas


Additionally, we will leak goals like the second coming of Noah's flood....


We have not kept a clean sheet in ANY game aside from a really crappy Cypriot side.. and even then they had some opportunities to score

Edited by Grkfreezer624
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On another note...


Really disheartening to see Barales (of Astera) go to some mid table turkish side for only 1.5 million....


Really sad to see thats how much the top scorer of the SL is worth nowadays.....


That guy is a SOLID CF and would definately have a spot on our team... no doubt about it...  no one has the power he possess


Astera were IDIOTS to let this guy go for peanuts as well...   who have they replaced him with?  Giannou??  Terrible decisions... they also sold Giannotas to the gavro...  


If they dont get some really good upgrades... they are in for a tough season especially with Europe at their doorstep

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They were a very well managed team until they sold off half their roster this year......





They came up from NOTHING  and built themselves a really good team over 4 years...  they have built a new stadium.. have been gaining some of the better attendances in the league.... 


They are quite the up and coming team.. but if they sell the entire squad that got them there and don't resign other players (the black guy who is a TANK and is a CB) then they are doomed for failure


instead....they go on the cheap and try to sign players like Giannou who blow donkey penis

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They were a very well managed team until they sold off half their roster this year......





They came up from NOTHING  and built themselves a really good team over 4 years...  they have built a new stadium.. have been gaining some of the better attendances in the league.... 


They are quite the up and coming team.. but if they sell the entire squad that got them there and don't resign other players (the black guy who is a TANK and is a CB) then they are doomed for failure


instead....they go on the cheap and try to sign players like Giannou who blow donkey penis


Asteras know what they doing unlike some other teams..

This is the faith of the small clubs.

They  bought Barelas for 0 euro and sold him for 1.5mil.

They did it with multiple players.

So why no faith they will do it again?

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Bc when you have a player like barales (giant, strong and a clinical finisher) and coming off the year he cane off of..

You don't sell him for peanuts and you invest whatever money u made back into the team

They sold s GREAT player and replaced him with trash

Thats why


I bet you said Barales was trash before you'd ever see him play aswell ;)

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Asteras know what they doing unlike some other teams..

This is the faith of the small clubs.

They bought Barelas for 0 euro and sold him for 1.5mil.

They did it with multiple players.

So why no faith they will do it again?

Actually barales had a very good name in Argentina before coming

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This topic needs to be shut down! Olympiakos have been the best team for years! Better players! They actually have there own stadium........WOW! If you guys can't even be competitive how's that our fault! So you need to make up excuses everytime you fail.....get a grip and start playing football

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17 championships in the last 19 years!!! There is nothing else more to say! I really want you guys to improve because that would be great for Greek football, and for a team with such history and the players that have played for you guys in the past, it's quite embarrassing to see how low you guys have gone! I think you should all just be quiet and concentrate on improving.

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Guess the refs never saw the 2 hand balls on Foftounis goal :D


Don't discourage the kid, evale golara :P  


This topic needs to be shut down! Olympiakos have been the best team for years! Better players! They actually have there own stadium........WOW! If you guys can't even be competitive how's that our fault! So you need to make up excuses everytime you fail.....get a grip and start playing football


For the most part yes, but last season was an exception. We beat you guys fair and square, gave you guys a scare and as a result you guys did what you had to do.

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Greeko come to the Olympiakos section!! The Greens ban you if you tell the truth here!! They can't take it. Ela filarako.

You're still posting megale... Enough with the myths... In fact, didn't you say "goodbye" to these forums only to post later that same day? Oly's titled have about the same substance as you do... ;)

Edited by Giourkas
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OMG you guys are stupid! And people wonder why aliens won't talk to us! What are you going to blame us for now! The killing of JFK! Stop with this nonsense! I really hope panathinakos has a good year and is more competitive! I respect them! Even if you don't have the same respect for olympiakos JVC and have to Bring up the GREAT SUCCESS that pao has brought Greece over the last 50 years.

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I really want you guys to improve because that would be great for Greek football


Can't have your cake and eat it too. It's either greek football or your club. Your beloved club couldn't care less about the league, because that would seriously hurt their intentions.

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